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    LDB1 LIM domain binding 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 8861, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    An intricate regulatory circuit between FLI1 and GATA1/GATA2/LDB1/ERG dictates erythroid vs. megakaryocytic differentiation.

    An intricate regulatory circuit between FLI1 and GATA1/GATA2/LDB1/ERG dictates erythroid vs. megakaryocytic differentiation.
    Wang C, Hu M, Yu K, Liu W, Hu A, Kuang Y, Huang L, Gajendran B, Zacksenhaus E, Xiao X, Ben-David Y., Free PMC Article

    LMO2 promotes the development of AML through interaction with transcription co-regulator LDB1.

    LMO2 promotes the development of AML through interaction with transcription co-regulator LDB1.
    Lu L, Wang J, Fang F, Guo A, Jiang S, Tao Y, Zhang Y, Li Y, Zhang K, Zhang Z, Zhuo R, Chu X, Li X, Tian Y, Ma L, Sang X, Chen Y, Yu J, Yang Y, Cao H, Gao J, Lu J, Hu S, Pan J, He H., Free PMC Article

    The Ldb1 transcriptional co-regulator is required for establishment and maintenance of the pancreatic endocrine lineage.

    The Ldb1 transcriptional co-regulator is required for establishment and maintenance of the pancreatic endocrine lineage.
    Toren E, Liu Y, Bethea M, Wade A, Hunter CS., Free PMC Article

    LDB1 Enforces Stability on Direct and Indirect Oncoprotein Partners in Leukemia.

    LDB1 Enforces Stability on Direct and Indirect Oncoprotein Partners in Leukemia.
    Layer JH, Christy M, Placek L, Unutmaz D, Guo Y, Davé UP., Free PMC Article

    LDB1 dimerization supports long-range connections between enhancers and genes involved in erythropoiesis, including the beta-globin genes. Single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBPs) interact specifically with the LDB/Chip conserved domain (LCCD) of LDB proteins and stabilize LDBs by preventing their proteasomal degradation, thus promoting their functions in gene regulation.

    Crystal structure of human LDB1 in complex with SSBP2.
    Wang H, Kim J, Wang Z, Yan XX, Dean A, Xu W., Free PMC Article

    Data indicate that LIM-domain-binding protein 1 (LDB1) has a strong role in colorectal cancer (CRC) progression.

    LDB1 overexpression is a negative prognostic factor in colorectal cancer.
    García SA, Swiersy A, Radhakrishnan P, Branchi V, Kanth Nanduri L, Győrffy B, Betzler AM, Bork U, Kahlert C, Reißfelder C, Rahbari NN, Weitz J, Schölch S., Free PMC Article

    LDB1 maintains the terminally differentiated state of beta cells and is a component of active enhancers in both murine and human islets.

    LIM domain-binding 1 maintains the terminally differentiated state of pancreatic β cells.
    Ediger BN, Lim HW, Juliana C, Groff DN, Williams LT, Dominguez G, Liu JH, Taylor BL, Walp ER, Kameswaran V, Yang J, Liu C, Hunter CS, Kaestner KH, Naji A, Li C, Sander M, Stein R, Sussel L, Won KJ, May CL, Stoffers DA., Free PMC Article

    SSBP3 Interacts With Islet-1 and Ldb1 to Impact Pancreatic beta-Cell Target Genes

    SSBP3 Interacts With Islet-1 and Ldb1 to Impact Pancreatic β-Cell Target Genes.
    Galloway JR, Bethea M, Liu Y, Underwood R, Mobley JA, Hunter CS., Free PMC Article

    Alanine scanning mutagenesis of the LIM interaction domain of LDB1 revealed a discrete motif, R(320)LITR, required for LMO2 binding.

    LMO2 Oncoprotein Stability in T-Cell Leukemia Requires Direct LDB1 Binding.
    Layer JH, Alford CE, McDonald WH, Davé UP., Free PMC Article

    Clim2, in a complex with LMO4, supports mammary stem cells by directly targeting the Fgfr2 promoter in basal cells to increase its expression

    The co-factor of LIM domains (CLIM/LDB/NLI) maintains basal mammary epithelial stem cells and promotes breast tumorigenesis.
    Salmans ML, Yu Z, Watanabe K, Cam E, Sun P, Smyth P, Dai X, Andersen B., Free PMC Article

    In t(8;21) leukemia cells, LDB1 functions as a component of the stable AML1-ETO-containing transcription factor complex (AETFC). The AETFC components cooperatively regulate gene expression and contribute to leukemogenesis.

    A stable transcription factor complex nucleated by oligomeric AML1-ETO controls leukaemogenesis.
    Sun XJ, Wang Z, Wang L, Jiang Y, Kost N, Soong TD, Chen WY, Tang Z, Nakadai T, Elemento O, Fischle W, Melnick A, Patel DJ, Nimer SD, Roeder RG., Free PMC Article

    We investigated NLI (Ldb1 homolog) complex occupancy and chromatin conformation of the beta-globin locus in human erythroid cells.

    Distinct Ldb1/NLI complexes orchestrate γ-globin repression and reactivation through ETO2 in human adult erythroid cells.
    Kiefer CM, Lee J, Hou C, Dale RK, Lee YT, Meier ER, Miller JL, Dean A., Free PMC Article

    These studies are consistent with a model in which TIF1gamma acts to ubiquitinate LDB1 leading to degradation of LDB1 and changes in transcription of LDB1-dependent promoters.

    Transcription intermediary factor 1gamma decreases protein expression of the transcriptional cofactor, LIM-domain-binding 1.
    Howard PW, Ransom DG, Maurer RA., Free PMC Article

    Expression of LDB1 (LIM-domain-binding 1) protein in which Lys134 is replaced with arginine leads to enhanced expression of the mutant protein compared with the wild-type protein.

    Regulation of LIM-domain-binding 1 protein expression by ubiquitination of Lys134.
    Howard PW, Jue SF, Ransom DG, Maurer RA., Free PMC Article

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)

    A scan of chromosome 10 identifies a novel locus showing strong association with late-onset Alzheimer disease.
    Grupe A, Li Y, Rowland C, Nowotny P, Hinrichs AL, Smemo S, Kauwe JS, Maxwell TJ, Cherny S, Doil L, Tacey K, van Luchene R, Myers A, Wavrant-De Vrièze F, Kaleem M, Hollingworth P, Jehu L, Foy C, Archer N, Hamilton G, Holmans P, Morris CM, Catanese J, Sninsky J, White TJ, Powell J, Hardy J, O'Donovan M, Lovestone S, Jones L, Morris JC, Thal L, Owen M, Williams J, Goate A., Free PMC Article

    Although the LIM interaction domain of Ldb1 (Ldb1(LID)) and Isl1(LBD) share low levels of sequence homology, X-ray and NMR structures reveal that they bind Lhx3 in an identical manner, that is, Isl1(LBD) mimics Ldb1(LID).

    Implementing the LIM code: the structural basis for cell type-specific assembly of LIM-homeodomain complexes.
    Bhati M, Lee C, Nancarrow AL, Lee M, Craig VJ, Bach I, Guss JM, Mackay JP, Matthews JM., Free PMC Article

    characterize the assembly of a five-component complex containing TAL1, LMO2, Ldb1, E12, and DNA. The bHLH domains of TAL1 and E12 alone primarily formed helical homodimers, but together formed heterodimers, to which LMO2 bound with high affinity

    Assembly of the oncogenic DNA-binding complex LMO2-Ldb1-TAL1-E12.
    Ryan DP, Duncan JL, Lee C, Kuchel PW, Matthews JM.

    Ssdp proteins interact with the LIM-domain-binding protein Ldb1 to regulate development

    Ssdp proteins interact with the LIM-domain-binding protein Ldb1 to regulate development.
    Chen L, Segal D, Hukriede NA, Podtelejnikov AV, Bayarsaihan D, Kennison JA, Ogryzko VV, Dawid IB, Westphal H., Free PMC Article

    1H, 15N and 13C assignments of FLIN4, an intramolecular LMO4:ldb1 complex

    1H, 15N and 13C assignments of FLIN4, an intramolecular LMO4:ldb1 complex.
    Deane JE, Visvader JE, Mackay JP, Matthew JM.

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