Elucidating the clinical spectrum and molecular basis of HYAL2 deficiency. | Elucidating the clinical spectrum and molecular basis of HYAL2 deficiency. Fasham J, Lin S, Ghosh P, Radio FC, Farrow EG, Thiffault I, Kussman J, Zhou D, Hemming R, Zahka K, Chioza BA, Rawlins LE, Wenger OK, Gunning AC, Pizzi S, Onesimo R, Zampino G, Barker E, Osawa N, Rodriguez MC, Neuhann TM, Zackai EH, Keena B, Capasso J, Levin AV, Bhoj E, Li D, Hakonarson H, Wentzensen IM, Jackson A, Chandler KE, Coban-Akdemir ZH, Posey JE, Banka S, Lupski JR, Sheppard SE, Tartaglia M, Triggs-Raine B, Crosby AH, Baple EL., Free PMC Article | 03/26/2022 |
[Detection of DNA methylation of HYAL2 gene for differentiating malignant from benign thyroid tumors]. | [Detection of DNA methylation of HYAL2 gene for differentiating malignant from benign thyroid tumors]. Yin Y, Li H, Yang C, Zhang M, Huang X, Li M, Yang R, Zhang Z., Free PMC Article | 03/12/2022 |
Hyal2 Expression in Tumor-Associated Myeloid Cells Mediates Cancer-Related Inflammation in Bladder Cancer. | Hyal2 Expression in Tumor-Associated Myeloid Cells Mediates Cancer-Related Inflammation in Bladder Cancer. Dominguez-Gutierrez PR, Kwenda EP, Donelan W, O'Malley P, Crispen PL, Kusmartsev S. | 07/3/2021 |
Expression and activity of hyaluronidases HYAL-1, HYAL-2 and HYAL-3 in the human intervertebral disc. | Expression and activity of hyaluronidases HYAL-1, HYAL-2 and HYAL-3 in the human intervertebral disc. Krupkova O, Greutert H, Boos N, Lemcke J, Liebscher T, Wuertz-Kozak K. | 05/29/2021 |
HYAL1/2 suppress colorectal cancer cell metastasis by regulating MMPs/TIMPs balance and rearranging F-actin distribution, inhibiting invasion and migration of cancer cells. | The suppressive role of HYAL1 and HYAL2 in the metastasis of colorectal cancer. Jin Z, Zhang G, Liu Y, He Y, Yang C, Du Y, Gao F. | 05/9/2020 |
we discovered the existence of p47(phox) /Hyal2 complex. LSS induced the dissociation of p47(phox) /Hyal2 complex, which was inhibited by LKB1 overexpression and AICAR. Furthermore, knockdown of Hyal2 performed a positive feedback on LKB1 activity | Hyaluronidase2 (Hyal2) modulates low shear stress-induced glycocalyx impairment via the LKB1/AMPK/NADPH oxidase-dependent pathway. Yang H, Zhu L, Chao Y, Gu Y, Kong X, Chen M, Ye P, Luo J, Chen S. | 10/5/2019 |
an important role for HYAL2 in CD44 alternative splicing. | Nuclear hyaluronidase 2 drives alternative splicing of CD44 pre-mRNA to determine profibrotic or antifibrotic cell phenotype. Midgley AC, Oltean S, Hascall V, Woods EL, Steadman R, Phillips AO, Meran S. | 06/30/2018 |
genetic variation in HYAL2 influences platelet aggregation | Whole exome sequencing in the Framingham Heart Study identifies rare variation in HYAL2 that influences platelet aggregation. Eicher JD, Chen MH, Pitsillides AN, Lin H, Veeraraghavan N, Brody JA, Metcalf GA, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Becker DM, Becker LC, Faraday N, Mathias RA, Yanek LR, Boerwinkle E, Cupples LA, Johnson AD., Free PMC Article | 05/19/2018 |
Knocking down HYAL2 in HUVECs protected against HA degradation in the glycocalyx by inhibiting the expression and activity of HYAL2 and further blocked the dephosphorylation of eNOS-Ser-633 and the decrease in NO production in response to LSS. | The role of HYAL2 in LSS-induced glycocalyx impairment and the PKA-mediated decrease in eNOS-Ser-633 phosphorylation and nitric oxide production. Kong X, Chen L, Ye P, Wang Z, Zhang J, Ye F, Chen S., Free PMC Article | 09/23/2017 |
HYAL2 mutations identified as a cause of syndromic orofacial clefting and cor triatriatum sinister in amish families. | Mutations in HYAL2, Encoding Hyaluronidase 2, Cause a Syndrome of Orofacial Clefting and Cor Triatriatum Sinister in Humans and Mice. Muggenthaler MM, Chowdhury B, Hasan SN, Cross HE, Mark B, Harlalka GV, Patton MA, Ishida M, Behr ER, Sharma S, Zahka K, Faqeih E, Blakley B, Jackson M, Lees M, Dolinsky V, Cross L, Stanier P, Salter C, Baple EL, Alkuraya FS, Crosby AH, Triggs-Raine B, Chioza BA., Free PMC Article | 05/27/2017 |
our data uncover a previously unsuspected mechanism of how hyaluronan and Hyal-2 control platelet generation. | Hyaluronan Depolymerization by Megakaryocyte Hyaluronidase-2 Is Required for Thrombopoiesis. Petrey AC, Obery DR, Kessler SP, Flamion B, de la Motte CA., Free PMC Article | 05/20/2017 |
Data show that DNA methylation at CpG island of hyaluronoglucosaminidase 2 (HYLA2) could be used to identify stage II and III colon cancer patients who are most likely to benefit from 5-flourouracil chemotherapy with respect to progression-free survival. | Methylation status at HYAL2 predicts overall and progression-free survival of colon cancer patients under 5-FU chemotherapy. Pfütze K, Benner A, Hoffmeister M, Jansen L, Yang R, Bläker H, Herpel E, Ulrich A, Ulrich CM, Chang-Claude J, Brenner H, Burwinkel B. | 09/17/2016 |
CD44 knock-down in bovine and human chondrocytes results in release of bound HYAL2. | CD44 knock-down in bovine and human chondrocytes results in release of bound HYAL2. Hida D, Danielson BT, Knudson CB, Knudson W., Free PMC Article | 09/10/2016 |
High expression of S100P and HYAL2 is significantly associated with advanced disease and shorter survival of triple-negative breast cancer and S100P and HYAL2 could be potential prognostic markers of TNBC. | S100P and HYAL2 as prognostic markers for patients with triple-negative breast cancer. Maierthaler M, Kriegsmann M, Peng C, Jauch S, Szabo A, Wallwiener M, Rom J, Sohn C, Schneeweiss A, Sinn HP, Yang R, Burwinkel B. | 10/16/2015 |
HYAL2 plays a redundant role in the catalysis of megadalton HA to its 20 kDa intermediate during fertilization. | Hyaluronidase 2: a novel germ cell hyaluronidase with epididymal expression and functional roles in mammalian sperm. Modelski MJ, Menlah G, Wang Y, Dash S, Wu K, Galileo DS, Martin-DeLeon PA., Free PMC Article | 08/8/2015 |
Lower platelet HYAL2 levels and activity are associated with inflammatory bowel disease. | Platelet hyaluronidase-2: an enzyme that translocates to the surface upon activation to function in extracellular matrix degradation. Albeiroti S, Ayasoufi K, Hill DR, Shen B, de la Motte CA., Free PMC Article | 05/30/2015 |
A strong association between decreased HYAL2 methylation in peripheral blood and BC. | DNA methylation array analyses identified breast cancer-associated HYAL2 methylation in peripheral blood. Yang R, Pfütze K, Zucknick M, Sutter C, Wappenschmidt B, Marme F, Qu B, Cuk K, Engel C, Schott S, Schneeweiss A, Brenner H, Claus R, Plass C, Bugert P, Hoth M, Sohn C, Schmutzler R, Bartram CR, Burwinkel B. | 04/18/2015 |
Inverse expression of hyaluronidase 2 and hyaluronan synthases 1-3 is associated with reduced hyaluronan content in malignant cutaneous melanoma. | Inverse expression of hyaluronidase 2 and hyaluronan synthases 1-3 is associated with reduced hyaluronan content in malignant cutaneous melanoma. Siiskonen H, Poukka M, Tyynelä-Korhonen K, Sironen R, Pasonen-Seppänen S., Free PMC Article | 09/21/2013 |
HAS2-HYAL2/CD44 system may support spontaneous chemokinesis of human cancer cells through self-degradation of HMW-HA to produce LMW-HA by an autocrine mechanism. | Fragmented hyaluronan is an autocrine chemokinetic motility factor supported by the HAS2-HYAL2/CD44 system on the plasma membrane. Saito T, Kawana H, Azuma K, Toyoda A, Fujita H, Kitagawa M, Harigaya K. | 01/14/2012 |
Hyaluronan synthases (HAS1-3) and hyaluronidases (HYAL1-2) in the accumulation of hyaluronan in endometrioid endometrial carcinoma | Hyaluronan synthases (HAS1-3) and hyaluronidases (HYAL1-2) in the accumulation of hyaluronan in endometrioid endometrial carcinoma. Nykopp TK, Rilla K, Tammi MI, Tammi RH, Sironen R, Hämäläinen K, Kosma VM, Heinonen S, Anttila M., Free PMC Article | 03/26/2011 |
Overexpression of HYAL2 is associated with colorectal cancer. | Involvement of hyaluronidases in colorectal cancer. Bouga H, Tsouros I, Bounias D, Kyriakopoulou D, Stavropoulos MS, Papageorgakopoulou N, Theocharis DA, Vynios DH., Free PMC Article | 02/5/2011 |
Observational study of gene-disease association, gene-gene interaction, and genetic testing. (HuGE Navigator) | A panel of sputum-based genomic marker for early detection of lung cancer. Jiang F, Todd NW, Li R, Zhang H, Fang H, Stass SA. | 12/5/2010 |
ROS induce Hyal2, suggesting that Hyal2 is likely responsible for the sustained HA fragmentation in the airway lumen observed in inflammatory conditions associated with oxidative stress. | Reactive oxygen species and hyaluronidase 2 regulate airway epithelial hyaluronan fragmentation. Monzon ME, Fregien N, Schmid N, Falcon NS, Campos M, Casalino-Matsuda SM, Forteza RM., Free PMC Article | 10/4/2010 |
Data show that a significant in expression levels of HA synthases (HASs) and hyaluronidases (Hyals) was observed in vitro on stimulation of epithelial ovarian carcinoma cells by gonadotropins. | Peritoneal adhesion and angiogenesis in ovarian carcinoma are inversely regulated by hyaluronan: the role of gonadotropins. Tzuman YC, Sapoznik S, Granot D, Nevo N, Neeman M., Free PMC Article | 05/31/2010 |
HYAL1, but not HYAL2, expression is reduced and correlates with the accumulation of hyaluronan in ovarian carcinomas. | Expression of hyaluronan synthases (HAS1-3) and hyaluronidases (HYAL1-2) in serous ovarian carcinomas: inverse correlation between HYAL1 and hyaluronan content. Nykopp TK, Rilla K, Sironen R, Tammi MI, Tammi RH, Hämäläinen K, Heikkinen AM, Komulainen M, Kosma VM, Anttila M., Free PMC Article | 01/21/2010 |