MCM8 promotes lung cancer progression through upregulating DNAJC10. | MCM8 promotes lung cancer progression through upregulating DNAJC10. Cao L, Liu H, Han Z, Huang C, Guo C, Zhao L, Gao C, Xu Y, Wang G, Feng Z, Li S., Free PMC Article | 10/2/2024 |
Understanding the novel MCM8 gene mutation: primary ovarian insufficiency and uterine hypoplasia in siblings. | Understanding the novel MCM8 gene mutation: primary ovarian insufficiency and uterine hypoplasia in siblings. Mishra R, Kumar N, Bargali A, Maich G. | 09/5/2024 |
MCM8 promotes gastric cancer progression through RPS15A and predicts poor prognosis. | MCM8 promotes gastric cancer progression through RPS15A and predicts poor prognosis. Ding L, Sun M, Sun Y, Li J, Zhang Z, Dang S, Zhang J, Yang B, Dai Y, Zhou Q, Zhou D, Li E, Peng S, Li G., Free PMC Article | 08/2/2024 |
MCM8 is regulated by EGFR signaling and promotes the growth of glioma stem cells through its interaction with DNA-replication-initiating factors. | MCM8 is regulated by EGFR signaling and promotes the growth of glioma stem cells through its interaction with DNA-replication-initiating factors. Wang X, Zhang L, Song Y, Jiang Y, Zhang D, Wang R, Hu T, Han S. | 07/25/2024 |
A novel cancer-germline gene DAZL promotes progression and cisplatin resistance of non-small cell lung cancer by upregulating JAK2 and MCM8. | A novel cancer-germline gene DAZL promotes progression and cisplatin resistance of non-small cell lung cancer by upregulating JAK2 and MCM8. Zhou L, Le MNU, Du Y, Chen X, Jin M, Xiang H, Xia LE, Zhou J, He J, Ning Y. | 05/31/2024 |
Mechanism of DNA unwinding by MCM8-9 in complex with HROB. | Mechanism of DNA unwinding by MCM8-9 in complex with HROB. Acharya A, Bret H, Huang JW, Mütze M, Göse M, Kissling VM, Seidel R, Ciccia A, Guérois R, Cejka P., Free PMC Article | 05/23/2024 |
Activity, substrate preference and structure of the HsMCM8/9 helicase. | Activity, substrate preference and structure of the HsMCM8/9 helicase. McKinzey DR, Li C, Gao Y, Trakselis MA., Free PMC Article | 08/14/2023 |
Enhancer-driven transcription of MCM8 by E2F4 promotes ATR pathway activation and glioma stem cell characteristics. | Enhancer-driven transcription of MCM8 by E2F4 promotes ATR pathway activation and glioma stem cell characteristics. Sun YM, Zhang YM, Shi HL, Yang S, Zhao YL, Liu HJ, Li C, Liu HL, Yang JP, Song J, Sun GZ, Yang JK., Free PMC Article | 06/28/2023 |
Structural study of the N-terminal domain of human MCM8/9 complex. | Structural study of the N-terminal domain of human MCM8/9 complex. Li J, Yu D, Liu L, Liang H, Ouyang Q, Liu Y. | 03/19/2022 |
Associations of MCM8 rs3761873 and rs16991617 variants with abnormal uterine bleeding induced by copper intrauterine device. | Associations of MCM8 rs3761873 and rs16991617 variants with abnormal uterine bleeding induced by copper intrauterine device. Shen Y, Xu L, Zhu W, Zhang Z, Liu J, Jiang L, Liu X, Mao Y, Xu J, Yan X, Sun J, Liu F, Xiong X, Chen X, Che Y, Du J. | 02/5/2022 |
Knockdown of MCM8 functions as a strategy to inhibit the development and progression of osteosarcoma through regulating CTGF. | Knockdown of MCM8 functions as a strategy to inhibit the development and progression of osteosarcoma through regulating CTGF. Ren Z, Li J, Zhao S, Qiao Q, Li R., Free PMC Article | 10/16/2021 |
Germline biallelic Mcm8 variants are associated with early-onset Lynch-like syndrome. | Germline biallelic Mcm8 variants are associated with early-onset Lynch-like syndrome. Golubicki M, Bonjoch L, Acuña-Ochoa JG, Díaz-Gay M, Muñoz J, Cuatrecasas M, Ocaña T, Iseas S, Mendez G, Cisterna D, Schubert SA, Nielsen M, van Wezel T, Goldberg Y, Pikarsky E, Robbio J, Roca E, Castells A, Balaguer F, Antelo M, Castellví-Bel S., Free PMC Article | 06/5/2021 |
Two novel mutations in the MCM8 gene shared by two Chinese siblings with primary ovarian insufficiency and short stature. | Two novel mutations in the MCM8 gene shared by two Chinese siblings with primary ovarian insufficiency and short stature. Wang F, Guo S, Li P., Free PMC Article | 05/29/2021 |
Identification of mini-chromosome maintenance 8 as a potential prognostic marker and its effects on proliferation and apoptosis in gastric cancer. | Identification of mini-chromosome maintenance 8 as a potential prognostic marker and its effects on proliferation and apoptosis in gastric cancer. Huang B, Lin M, Lu L, Chen W, Tan J, Zhao J, Cao Z, Zhu X, Lin J., Free PMC Article | 05/15/2021 |
Novel loss-of-function mutation in MCM8 causes premature ovarian insufficiency. | Novel loss-of-function mutation in MCM8 causes premature ovarian insufficiency. Zhang YX, He WB, Xiao WJ, Meng LL, Tan C, Du J, Lu GX, Lin G, Tan YQ., Free PMC Article | 04/3/2021 |
A Novel Phenotype Combining Primary Ovarian Insufficiency Growth Retardation and Pilomatricomas With MCM8 Mutation. | A Novel Phenotype Combining Primary Ovarian Insufficiency Growth Retardation and Pilomatricomas With MCM8 Mutation. Heddar A, Beckers D, Fouquet B, Roland D, Misrahi M. | 02/6/2021 |
Crystal structure of the winged-helix domain of MCM8. | Crystal structure of the winged-helix domain of MCM8. Zeng H, Li J, Xu H, Li H, Liu Y. | 11/28/2020 |
MCM8IP activates the MCM8-9 helicase to promote DNA synthesis and homologous recombination upon DNA damage. | MCM8IP activates the MCM8-9 helicase to promote DNA synthesis and homologous recombination upon DNA damage. Huang JW, Acharya A, Taglialatela A, Nambiar TS, Cuella-Martin R, Leuzzi G, Hayward SB, Joseph SA, Brunette GJ, Anand R, Soni RK, Clark NL, Bernstein KA, Cejka P, Ciccia A., Free PMC Article | 08/29/2020 |
MCM4, MCM5, and MCM8 may have roles in lung adenocarcinoma prognosis with roles in regulating the cell cycle, DNA replication and other multiple biological processes and pathways | Genome-wide investigation of the clinical significance and prospective molecular mechanism of minichromosome maintenance protein family genes in patients with Lung Adenocarcinoma. Liu K, Kang M, Liao X, Wang R., Free PMC Article | 03/14/2020 |
Conceptual MCM8-9 inhibitors will be powerful cancer-specific chemosensitizers for platinum compounds. | Inhibiting the MCM8-9 complex selectively sensitizes cancer cells to cisplatin and olaparib. Morii I, Iwabuchi Y, Mori S, Suekuni M, Natsume T, Yoshida K, Sugimoto N, Kanemaki MT, Fujita M., Free PMC Article | 03/9/2019 |
Additional support to the view that MCM8 mutations are involved in the primary ovarian insufficiency phenotype. | New MCM8 mutation associated with premature ovarian insufficiency and chromosomal instability in a highly consanguineous Tunisian family. Bouali N, Francou B, Bouligand J, Imanci D, Dimassi S, Tosca L, Zaouali M, Mougou S, Young J, Saad A, Guiochon-Mantel A. | 10/14/2017 |
stalled replication forks can be restarted in S phase via homologous recombination using MCM8-9 as an alternative replicative helicase. | Acute inactivation of the replicative helicase in human cells triggers MCM8-9-dependent DNA synthesis. Natsume T, Nishimura K, Minocherhomji S, Bhowmick R, Hickson ID, Kanemaki MT., Free PMC Article | 10/7/2017 |
study showed that copy number increase and overexpression of MCM8 may play critical roles in human cancer development. | Oncogenic activity of amplified miniature chromosome maintenance 8 in human malignancies. He DM, Ren BG, Liu S, Tan LZ, Cieply K, Tseng G, Yu YP, Luo JH., Free PMC Article | 09/16/2017 |
Significant number of potentially damaging and novel variants in MCM8 in primary ovarian insufficiency; multiallelic association with variants in DDR and MCM8-MCM9 interactome genes. | MCM8 and MCM9 Nucleotide Variants in Women With Primary Ovarian Insufficiency. Desai S, Wood-Trageser M, Matic J, Chipkin J, Jiang H, Bachelot A, Dulon J, Sala C, Barbieri C, Cocca M, Toniolo D, Touraine P, Witchel S, Rajkovic A., Free PMC Article | 07/22/2017 |
Novel mutations p. H317L and p. H601R in the MCM8 gene are potentially causative for primary ovarian insufficiency by dysfunctional DNA repair. | Minichromosome maintenance complex component 8 mutations cause primary ovarian insufficiency. Dou X, Guo T, Li G, Zhou L, Qin Y, Chen ZJ. | 06/10/2017 |