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    DOK3 docking protein 3 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 79930, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    DOK3 promotes atopic dermatitis by enabling the phosphatase PP4C to inhibit the T cell signaling mediator CARD11.

    DOK3 promotes atopic dermatitis by enabling the phosphatase PP4C to inhibit the T cell signaling mediator CARD11.
    Loh JT, Teo JKH, Kannan S, Verma CS, Andiappan AK, Lim HH, Lam KP.

    Expression and clinical significance of DOK3 in renal clear cell carcinoma.

    Expression and clinical significance of DOK3 in renal clear cell carcinoma.
    Wang YF, Hu YQ, Hu YN, Bai YC, Wang H, Zhang Q., Free PMC Article

    Porphyromonas gingivalis Activation of Tumor-Associated Macrophages via DOK3 Promotes Recurrence of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

    Porphyromonas gingivalis Activation of Tumor-Associated Macrophages via DOK3 Promotes Recurrence of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
    Li CX, Su Y, Gong ZC, Liu H., Free PMC Article

    Dok3 restrains neutrophil production of calprotectin during TLR4 sensing of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

    Dok3 restrains neutrophil production of calprotectin during TLR4 sensing of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
    Loh JT, Teo JKH, Lam KP., Free PMC Article

    Elevated expression of DOK3 indicates high suppressive immune cell infiltration and unfavorable prognosis of gliomas.

    Elevated expression of DOK3 indicates high suppressive immune cell infiltration and unfavorable prognosis of gliomas.
    Liu X, Chen F, Li W.

    Mutations in DOK3 gene is associated with prostate cancer

    Searching for candidate genes in familial BRCAX mutation carriers with prostate cancer.
    Hunter SM, Rowley SM, Clouston D, KCon Fab Investigators, Li J, Lupat R, Krishnananthan N, Risbridger G, Taylor R, Bolton D, Campbell IG, Thorne H.

    DOK2 and DOK3 expression was significantly reduced in HTLV-1-infected T cells.

    Expression of DOK1, 2, and 3 genes in HTLV-1-infected T cells.
    Ohsugi T, Wakamiya M, Morikawa S, Fujita M.

    The Dok-3/Grb2 protein signal module attenuates Lyn kinase-dependent activation of Syk kinase in B cell antigen receptor microclusters

    The Dok-3/Grb2 protein signal module attenuates Lyn kinase-dependent activation of Syk kinase in B cell antigen receptor microclusters.
    Lösing M, Goldbeck I, Manno B, Oellerich T, Schnyder T, Bohnenberger H, Stork B, Urlaub H, Batista FD, Wienands J, Engelke M., Free PMC Article

    absence of DOK3 increases LPS signaling, contributing to LPS-induced tolerance. Thus, DOK3 plays a role in TLR signaling during both naive and endotoxin-induced tolerant conditions

    DOK3 negatively regulates LPS responses and endotoxin tolerance.
    Peng Q, O'Loughlin JL, Humphrey MB., Free PMC Article

    Identification of DOK genes as lung tumor suppressors.

    Identification of DOK genes as lung tumor suppressors.
    Berger AH, Niki M, Morotti A, Taylor BS, Socci ND, Viale A, Brennan C, Szoke J, Motoi N, Rothman PB, Teruya-Feldstein J, Gerald WL, Ladanyi M, Pandolfi PP., Free PMC Article

    The novel platelet adapter Dok-3 is tyrosine phosphorylated in an Src kinase-independent manner downstream of alphaIIbbeta3 in human platelets, leading to an interaction with Grb2 and SHIP-1.

    Proteomic analysis of integrin alphaIIbbeta3 outside-in signaling reveals Src-kinase-independent phosphorylation of Dok-1 and Dok-3 leading to SHIP-1 interactions.
    Senis YA, Antrobus R, Severin S, Parguiña AF, Rosa I, Zitzmann N, Watson SP, García A.

    findings indicate that Dok-3 sequesters Grb2 from Shc and inhibits the Ras-Erk pathway downstream of PTKs

    Dok-3 sequesters Grb2 and inhibits the Ras-Erk pathway downstream of protein-tyrosine kinases.
    Honma M, Higuchi O, Shirakata M, Yasuda T, Shibuya H, Iemura S, Natsume T, Yamanashi Y.

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