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    DAP3 death associated protein 3 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 7818, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    DAP3 promotes mitochondrial activity and tumour progression in hepatocellular carcinoma by regulating MT-ND5 expression.

    DAP3 promotes mitochondrial activity and tumour progression in hepatocellular carcinoma by regulating MT-ND5 expression.
    Tan S, Zhang X, Guo X, Pan G, Yan L, Ding Z, Li R, Wang D, Yan Y, Dong Z, Li T., Free PMC Article

    Death associated protein3 (DAP3) and DAP3 binding cell death enhancer1 (DELE1) in human colorectal cancer, and their impacts on clinical outcome and chemoresistance.

    Death associated protein‑3 (DAP3) and DAP3 binding cell death enhancer‑1 (DELE1) in human colorectal cancer, and their impacts on clinical outcome and chemoresistance.
    Sui L, Zeng J, Zhao H, Ye L, Martin TA, Sanders AJ, Ruge F, Jiang A, Dou QP, Hargest R, Song X, Jiang WG., Free PMC Article

    Suppression of adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editome by death associated protein 3 (DAP3) promotes cancer progression.

    Suppression of adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) RNA editome by death associated protein 3 (DAP3) promotes cancer progression.
    Han J, An O, Hong H, Chan THM, Song Y, Shen H, Tang SJ, Lin JS, Ng VHE, Tay DJT, Molias FB, Pitcheshwar P, Tan HQ, Yang H, Chen L., Free PMC Article

    Expression of Death Associated Proteins DAP1 and DAP3 in Human Pancreatic Cancer.

    Expression of Death Associated Proteins DAP1 and DAP3 in Human Pancreatic Cancer.
    Sui L, Ye L, Sanders AJ, Yang Y, Hao C, Hargest R, Jiang WG.

    The present findings indicate that DAP3 deficiency-induced chemoresistance in gastric cancer is at least partially mediated through the beta-catenin/LGR5/Bcl-2 axis.

    Depletion of death-associated protein-3 induces chemoresistance in gastric cancer cells through the β-catenin/LGR5/Bcl-2 axis.
    Jia Y, Li Z, Cheng X, Wu X, Pang F, Shi J, Li S, Li X, Hu Y, Zhang L, Ji J.

    DAP3 plays important roles in mitochondrial function and dynamics

    Death-associated Protein 3 Regulates Mitochondrial-encoded Protein Synthesis and Mitochondrial Dynamics.
    Xiao L, Xian H, Lee KY, Xiao B, Wang H, Yu F, Shen HM, Liou YC., Free PMC Article

    DAP3 silencing contributes to breast carcinogenesis.

    Effects of the knockdown of death-associated protein 3 expression on cell adhesion, growth and migration in breast cancer cells.
    Wazir U, Sanders AJ, Wazir AM, Ye L, Jiang WG, Ster IC, Sharma AK, Mokbel K.

    Knockdown of DAP3 expression promoted cell migration.

    Death-associated protein-3, DAP-3, correlates with preoperative chemotherapy effectiveness and prognosis of gastric cancer patients following perioperative chemotherapy and radical gastrectomy.
    Jia Y, Ye L, Ji K, Zhang L, Hargest R, Ji J, Jiang WG., Free PMC Article

    Study demonstrates an inverse association between DAP3 mRNA levels and tumour stage and clinical outcome in breast cancer.

    The mRNA expression of DAP3 in human breast cancer: correlation with clinicopathological parameters.
    Wazir U, Jiang WG, Sharma AK, Mokbel K.

    identified a novel DAP3-binding protein termed death ligand signal enhancer (DELE); results demonstrated the biological significance of DELE for apoptosis signal mediated by death receptors

    Identification of DELE, a novel DAP3-binding protein which is crucial for death receptor-mediated apoptosis induction.
    Harada T, Iwai A, Miyazaki T.

    show that interferon-beta promoter stimulator 1 (IPS-1) binds DAP3 and induces anoikis by caspase activation.

    IPS-1 is crucial for DAP3-mediated anoikis induction by caspase-8 activation.
    Li HM, Fujikura D, Harada T, Uehara J, Kawai T, Akira S, Reed JC, Iwai A, Miyazaki T.

    DAP3 may participate in mitochondrial maintenance and play a role in the balance between mitochondrial homoeostasis and tumourigenesis in thyroid oncocytic tumors.

    Death-associated protein 3 is overexpressed in human thyroid oncocytic tumours.
    Jacques C, Fontaine JF, Franc B, Mirebeau-Prunier D, Triau S, Savagner F, Malthiery Y., Free PMC Article

    Complex I and DAP3, hNOA1 may play a role in mitochondrial respiration and apoptosis.

    hNOA1 interacts with complex I and DAP3 and regulates mitochondrial respiration and apoptosis.
    Tang T, Zheng B, Chen SH, Murphy AN, Kudlicka K, Zhou H, Farquhar MG., Free PMC Article

    study investigated the phosphorylation status of ribosomal DAP3 and mapped the phosphorylation sites by tandem mass spectrometry

    Identification of phosphorylation sites in mammalian mitochondrial ribosomal protein DAP3.
    Miller JL, Koc H, Koc EC., Free PMC Article

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)See all PubMed (3) articles

    Genetic variants in nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes influence AIDS progression.
    Hendrickson SL, Lautenberger JA, Chinn LW, Malasky M, Sezgin E, Kingsley LA, Goedert JJ, Kirk GD, Gomperts ED, Buchbinder SP, Troyer JL, O'Brien SJ.

    Polymorphisms in mitochondrial genes and prostate cancer risk.
    Wang L, McDonnell SK, Hebbring SJ, Cunningham JM, St Sauver J, Cerhan JR, Isaya G, Schaid DJ, Thibodeau SN.

    Association between genetic variation in the gene for death-associated protein-3 (DAP3) and adult asthma.
    Hirota T, Obara K, Matsuda A, Akahoshi M, Nakashima K, Hasegawa K, Takahashi N, Shimizu M, Sekiguchi H, Kokubo M, Doi S, Fujiwara H, Miyatake A, Fujita K, Enomoto T, Kishi F, Suzuki Y, Saito H, Nakamura Y, Shirakawa T, Tamari M, Hirota T, Obara K, Matsuda A, Akahoshi M, Nakashima K, Hasegawa K, Takahashi N, Shimizu M, Sekiguchi H, Kokubo M, Doi S, Fujiwara H, Miyatake A, Fujita K, Enomoto T, Kishi F, Suzuki Y, Saito H, Nakamura Y, Shirakawa T, Tamari M.

    B4GALT3, DAP3, RGS16, TMEM183A and UCK2--were significantly overexpressed in dup(1q)-positive ALLs compared with high hyperdiploid ALLs without dup(1q).

    Tiling resolution array comparative genomic hybridization, expression and methylation analyses of dup(1q) in Burkitt lymphomas and pediatric high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemias reveal clustered near-centromeric breakpoints and overexpression of genes in 1q22-32.3.
    Davidsson J, Andersson A, Paulsson K, Heidenblad M, Isaksson M, Borg A, Heldrup J, Behrendtz M, Panagopoulos I, Fioretos T, Johansson B.

    DAP3 gene might be associated with the mechanisms responsible for adult bronchial asthma and contribute to airway inflammation and remodeling

    Association between genetic variation in the gene for death-associated protein-3 (DAP3) and adult asthma.
    Hirota T, Obara K, Matsuda A, Akahoshi M, Nakashima K, Hasegawa K, Takahashi N, Shimizu M, Sekiguchi H, Kokubo M, Doi S, Fujiwara H, Miyatake A, Fujita K, Enomoto T, Kishi F, Suzuki Y, Saito H, Nakamura Y, Shirakawa T, Tamari M, Hirota T, Obara K, Matsuda A, Akahoshi M, Nakashima K, Hasegawa K, Takahashi N, Shimizu M, Sekiguchi H, Kokubo M, Doi S, Fujiwara H, Miyatake A, Fujita K, Enomoto T, Kishi F, Suzuki Y, Saito H, Nakamura Y, Shirakawa T, Tamari M.

    DAP3 has a role in anoikis signaling and in apoptosis induction caused by cell detachment

    Functional role of death-associated protein 3 (DAP3) in anoikis.
    Miyazaki T, Shen M, Fujikura D, Tosa N, Kim HR, Kon S, Uede T, Reed JC.

    DAP3 has a role in the molecular pathway that culminates in fragmented mitochondria

    Death-associated protein 3 localizes to the mitochondria and is involved in the process of mitochondrial fragmentation during cell death.
    Mukamel Z, Kimchi A.

    Functional interaction between the pro-apoptotic DAP3 and the glucocorticoid receptor

    Functional interaction between the pro-apoptotic DAP3 and the glucocorticoid receptor.
    Hulkko SM, Zilliacus J.

    High DAP3 expression is correlated with thymoma stage

    Arg and DAP3 expression was correlated with human thymoma stage.
    Sasaki H, Ide N, Yukiue H, Kobayashi Y, Fukai I, Yamakawa Y, Fujii Y.

    not involved in TRAIL-induced apoptosis

    TRAIL-induced apoptosis is independent of the mitochondrial apoptosis mediator DAP3.
    Berger T, Kretzler M.

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