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    TGM4 transglutaminase 4 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 7047, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Transglutaminase-4 (Prostate Transglutaminase), a Potential Biological Factor and Clinical Indicator for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Prostate Cancer.

    Transglutaminase-4 (Prostate Transglutaminase), a Potential Biological Factor and Clinical Indicator for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Prostate Cancer.
    Ye L, Sanders AJ, Jiang WG.

    Biochemical Characterisation of Human Transglutaminase 4.

    Biochemical Characterisation of Human Transglutaminase 4.
    Csobán-Szabó Z, Bécsi B, El Alaoui S, Fésüs L, Korponay-Szabó IR, Király R., Free PMC Article

    TGM4 is elevated in the seminal plasma of prostate cancer patients.

    Multi-omics Biomarker Pipeline Reveals Elevated Levels of Protein-glutamine Gamma-glutamyltransferase 4 in Seminal Plasma of Prostate Cancer Patients.
    Drabovich AP, Saraon P, Drabovich M, Karakosta TD, Dimitromanolakis A, Hyndman ME, Jarvi K, Diamandis EP., Free PMC Article

    TGM4 is a prostatic secretory molecule with critical role in male reproduction.

    Transglutaminase 4 as a prostate autoantigen in male subfertility.
    Landegren N, Sharon D, Shum AK, Khan IS, Fasano KJ, Hallgren Å, Kampf C, Freyhult E, Ardesjö-Lundgren B, Alimohammadi M, Rathsman S, Ludvigsson JF, Lundh D, Motrich R, Rivero V, Fong L, Giwercman A, Gustafsson J, Perheentupa J, Husebye ES, Anderson MS, Snyder M, Kämpe O.

    indicated that transglutaminase 4 may serve as a potential predictor of biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer

    Overexpression of transglutaminase 4 and prostate cancer progression: a potential predictor of less favourable outcomes.
    Cao Z, Wang Y, Liu ZY, Zhang ZS, Ren SC, Yu YW, Qiao M, Zhai BB, Sun YH., Free PMC Article

    Evidence that the retinoic acid receptor gamma plays a major role in the regulation of the hTGP gene and that presence of the androgen receptor, but not its transcriptional transactivation activity, is critical for hTGP transcription.

    Retinoic acid and androgen receptors combine to achieve tissue specific control of human prostatic transglutaminase expression: a novel regulatory network with broader significance.
    Rivera-Gonzalez GC, Droop AP, Rippon HJ, Tiemann K, Pellacani D, Georgopoulos LJ, Maitland NJ., Free PMC Article

    CDKN2A, GATA3, CREBBP, ITGA2, NBL1 and TGM4 were down-regulated in the prostate carcinoma glands compared to the corresponding normal glands

    Analysis of laser-microdissected prostate cancer tissues reveals potential tumor markers.
    Adler D, Lindstrot A, Buettner R, Wernert N.

    The presence of TGase-4 has a biological impact on a prostate cancer cell's response to MDA-7.

    Prostate transglutaminase (TGase-4) antagonizes the anti-tumour action of MDA-7/IL-24 in prostate cancer.
    Ablin RJ, Kynaston HG, Mason MD, Jiang WG., Free PMC Article

    TGase-4 expression is intrinsically linked to the activation of RON in prostate cancer cells and that this autoactivation of RON contributes to the increased cell motility in TGase-4 expressing cells.

    The prostate transglutaminase, TGase-4, coordinates with the HGFL/MSP-RON system in stimulating the migration of prostate cancer cells.
    Jiang WG, Ye L, Ablin RJ, Kynaston HG, Mason MD.

    The expression status of human transglutaminase 4 in benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer was analyzed.

    Differential alternative splicing of human transglutaminase 4 in benign prostate hyperplasia and prostate cancer.
    Cho SY, Choi K, Jeon JH, Kim CW, Shin DM, Lee JB, Lee SE, Kim CS, Park JS, Jeong EM, Jang GY, Song KY, Kim IG., Free PMC Article

    TGase-4 plays a pivotal role in the interaction between endothelial cells and prostate cancer cells, an action which is independent of the ROCK pathway.

    The prostate transglutaminase (TGase-4, TGaseP) regulates the interaction of prostate cancer and vascular endothelial cells, a potential role for the ROCK pathway.
    Jiang WG, Ablin RJ, Kynaston HG, Mason MD.

    transglutaminase 4 has a relatively wide profile of expression in human cancer cell lines

    Expression of the prostate transglutaminase (TGase-4) in prostate cancer cells and its impact on the invasiveness of prostate cancer.
    Davies G, Ablin RJ, Mason MD, Jiang WG.

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