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    BTC betacellulin [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 685, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Betacellulin regulates gap junction intercellular communication by inducing the phosphorylation of connexin 43 in human granulosa-lutein cells.

    Betacellulin regulates gap junction intercellular communication by inducing the phosphorylation of connexin 43 in human granulosa-lutein cells.
    Li Y, Chang HM, Sung YW, Zhu H, Leung PCK, Sun YP., Free PMC Article

    Betacellulin enhances ovarian cancer cell migration by up-regulating Connexin43 via MEK-ERK signaling.

    Betacellulin enhances ovarian cancer cell migration by up-regulating Connexin43 via MEK-ERK signaling.
    Zhao J, Klausen C, Yi Y, Cheng JC, Chang HM, Leung PCK.

    Despite both ligands binding to the EGFR, BTC biases the EGFR to dimerize with ErbB3 to regulate the biologic response.

    Betacellulin (BTC) Biases the EGFR To Dimerize with ErbB3.
    Rush JS, Peterson JL, Ceresa BP., Free PMC Article

    Our results suggest that betacellulin induces ovarian cancer migration and Slug-dependent E-cadherin down-regulation

    Betacellulin induces Slug-mediated down-regulation of E-cadherin and cell migration in ovarian cancer cells.
    Zhao J, Klausen C, Qiu X, Cheng JC, Chang HM, Leung PC., Free PMC Article

    CXCL8 production from lung cancer cells could be initiated by an autocrine mechanism or external sources of BTC.

    Regulatory mechanisms of betacellulin in CXCL8 production from lung cancer cells.
    Shi L, Wang L, Wang B, Cretoiu SM, Wang Q, Wang X, Chen C., Free PMC Article

    Data suggest that BTC (betacellulin), AREG (amphiregulin), and EREG (epiregulin) induced prostaglandin E2 production by induction of COX-2 (prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2) through MAP kinase signaling in granulosa cells.

    EGF-like growth factors induce COX-2-derived PGE2 production through ERK1/2 in human granulosa cells.
    Fang L, Cheng JC, Chang HM, Sun YP, Leung PC.

    BTC has properties of increasing retinal vascular leakage that could contribute to the development of diabetic retinopathy.

    Regulation of retinal vascular permeability by betacellulin.
    Sugimoto M, Cutler A, Grossman G, Anand-Apte B.

    Data suggest a novel receptor-independent role for betacellulin intracellular-domain fragment signaling due to its ability to inhibit cell growth in vitro.

    Sequential and gamma-secretase-dependent processing of the betacellulin precursor generates a palmitoylated intracellular-domain fragment that inhibits cell growth.
    Stoeck A, Shang L, Dempsey PJ., Free PMC Article

    These are the first data that demonstrate an influence of betacellulin upon mesenchymal stem cells and the first to implicate HIF-alpha in betacellulin-mediated proliferation.

    Betacellulin inhibits osteogenic differentiation and stimulates proliferation through HIF-1alpha.
    Genetos DC, Rao RR, Vidal MA., Free PMC Article

    These results indicate the possibility of designing BTC mutants, which have an activity of inducing differentiation only, without facilitating growth promotion.

    A betacellulin mutant promotes differentiation of pancreatic acinar AR42J cells into insulin-producing cells with low affinity of binding to ErbB1.
    Nagaoka T, Fukuda T, Hashizume T, Nishiyama T, Tada H, Yamada H, Salomon DS, Yamada S, Kojima I, Seno M.

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)See all PubMed (5) articles

    Analysis of coding variants in the betacellulin gene in type 2 diabetes and insulin secretion in African American subjects.
    Elbein SC, Wang X, Karim MA, Chu WS, Silver KD.

    Association of a polymorphism in the betacellulin gene with type 1 diabetes mellitus in two populations.
    Silver KD, Magnuson VL, Tolea M, Wang J, Hagopian WA, Mitchell BD, Silver KD, Magnuson VL, Tolea M, Wang J, Hagopian WA, Mitchell BD.

    A functional variant in the human betacellulin gene promoter is associated with type 2 diabetes.
    Nakano Y, Furuta H, Doi A, Matsuno S, Nakagawa T, Shimomura H, Sakagashira S, Horikawa Y, Nishi M, Sasaki H, Sanke T, Nanjo K, Nakano Y, Furuta H, Doi A, Matsuno S, Nakagawa T, Shimomura H, Sakagashira S, Horikawa Y, Nishi M, Sasaki H, Sanke T, Nanjo K.

    Molecular scanning of the betacellulin gene for mutations in type 2 diabetic patients.
    Nakagawa T, Furuta H, Sanke T, Sakagashira S, Shimomura H, Shimajiri Y, Hanabusa T, Nishi M, Sasaki H, Nanjo K, Nakagawa T, Furuta H, Sanke T, Sakagashira S, Shimomura H, Shimajiri Y, Hanabusa T, Nishi M, Sasaki H, Nanjo K.

    The exon 1 Cys7Gly polymorphism within the betacellulin gene is associated with type 2 diabetes in African Americans.
    Silver K, Tolea M, Wang J, Pollin TI, Yao F, Mitchell BD, Silver K, Tolea M, Wang J, Pollin TI, Yao F, Mitchell BD.

    1st report of BTC expression in breast cancer. Its expression was lower in lobular breast cancers than in ductal carcinomas.

    ErbB/HER ligands in human breast cancer, and relationships with their receptors, the bio-pathological features and prognosis.
    Révillion F, Lhotellier V, Hornez L, Bonneterre J, Peyrat JP.

    the ADAM10 prodomain inhibits betacellulin shedding, demonstrating that it could be of potential use as a therapeutic agent to treat cancer.

    The ADAM10 prodomain is a specific inhibitor of ADAM10 proteolytic activity and inhibits cellular shedding events.
    Moss ML, Bomar M, Liu Q, Sage H, Dempsey P, Lenhart PM, Gillispie PA, Stoeck A, Wildeboer D, Bartsch JW, Palmisano R, Zhou P.

    In vivo, EGFR signaling is hyperactive in tumor cells of skin SCC but not of BCC, and in nearby asymptomatic epidermis of both tumor types. Hyperactivation is due to upregulation of EGFR ligands AREG, HBEGF and TGFA, and downregulation of BTC

    Differential ErbB1 signaling in squamous cell versus basal cell carcinoma of the skin.
    Rittié L, Kansra S, Stoll SW, Li Y, Gudjonsson JE, Shao Y, Michael LE, Fisher GJ, Johnson TM, Elder JT., Free PMC Article

    Variants in the betacellulin gene do not play a major role in the development of type 2 diabetes in an Amish Caucasian populations

    Betacellulin variants and type 2 diabetes in the Old Order Amish.
    Silver KD, Shi X, Mitchell BD.

    The solution structure of the EGF-like domain of betacellulin has been determined using two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

    Solution structure of betacellulin, a new member of EGF-family ligands.
    Miura K, Doura H, Aizawa T, Tada H, Seno M, Yamada H, Kawano K.

    BTC may play a pivotal role as a local growth factor in promoting the differentiated villous trophoblastic function via ErbB-1 in early placentas and in contributing to placental growth through EVT cell function via ErbB-4 in term placentas.

    Changes in the expression and cytological localization of betacellulin and its receptors (ErbB-1 and ErbB-4) in the trophoblasts in human placenta over the course of pregnancy.
    Tanimura K, Nakago S, Murakoshi H, Takekida S, Moriyama T, Matsuo H, Hashimoto K, Maruo T.

    Betacellulin and heregulin/NDF-alpha are involved in epidermal morphogenesis and/or in maintenance of the differentiated phenotype.

    Proliferation-differentiation relationships in the expression of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-related factors and erbB receptors by normal and psoriatic human keratinocytes.
    Piepkorn M, Predd H, Underwood R, Cook P.

    The main structural properties of the model and the templates are compared and the hBTC conformation is closely similar to that of hTGFalpha.

    Human betacellulin structure modeled from other members of EGF family.
    López-Torrejón I, Querol E, Avilés FX, Seno M, de Llorens R, Oliva B.

    Betacellulin is expressed in malignant fibrous histiocytoma and is a regulator of tumor growth.

    Expression of betacellulin, heparin-binding epidermal growth factor and epiregulin in human malignant fibrous histiocytoma.
    Yamamoto T, Akisue T, Marui T, Nakatani T, Kawamoto T, Hitora T, Nagira K, Fujita I, Matsumoto K, Kurosaka M.

    Genetic variations in the protein-coding region of the human BTC gene are unlikely to be a major contributor to development of type 2 diabetes.

    Molecular scanning of the betacellulin gene for mutations in type 2 diabetic patients.
    Nakagawa T, Furuta H, Sanke T, Sakagashira S, Shimomura H, Shimajiri Y, Hanabusa T, Nishi M, Sasaki H, Nanjo K, Nakagawa T, Furuta H, Sanke T, Sakagashira S, Shimomura H, Shimajiri Y, Hanabusa T, Nishi M, Sasaki H, Nanjo K.

    although BTC and EGF share overlapping signaling properties, the ability of BTC to enhance Erk activation occurs independent of Ras.

    Differential activation of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor downstream signaling pathways by betacellulin and EGF.
    Saito T, Okada S, Ohshima K, Yamada E, Sato M, Uehara Y, Shimizu H, Pessin JE, Mori M.

    intron 4 T-4 allele in the betacellulin gene is associated with lower risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus and may interact with human leukocyte antigen

    Association of a polymorphism in the betacellulin gene with type 1 diabetes mellitus in two populations.
    Silver KD, Magnuson VL, Tolea M, Wang J, Hagopian WA, Mitchell BD, Silver KD, Magnuson VL, Tolea M, Wang J, Hagopian WA, Mitchell BD.

    To determine if mutations in the betacellulin gene play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes, we screened subjects with type 2 diabetes for the presence of mutations.

    The exon 1 Cys7Gly polymorphism within the betacellulin gene is associated with type 2 diabetes in African Americans.
    Silver K, Tolea M, Wang J, Pollin TI, Yao F, Mitchell BD, Silver K, Tolea M, Wang J, Pollin TI, Yao F, Mitchell BD.

    -226A/G polymorphism of the BTC gene may contribute to the development of diabetes.

    A functional variant in the human betacellulin gene promoter is associated with type 2 diabetes.
    Nakano Y, Furuta H, Doi A, Matsuno S, Nakagawa T, Shimomura H, Sakagashira S, Horikawa Y, Nishi M, Sasaki H, Sanke T, Nanjo K, Nakano Y, Furuta H, Doi A, Matsuno S, Nakagawa T, Shimomura H, Sakagashira S, Horikawa Y, Nishi M, Sasaki H, Sanke T, Nanjo K.

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