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    SLC6A9 solute carrier family 6 member 9 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 6536, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Transport mechanism and pharmacology of the human GlyT1.

    Transport mechanism and pharmacology of the human GlyT1.
    Wei Y, Li R, Meng Y, Hu T, Zhao J, Gao Y, Bai Q, Li N, Zhao Y.

    Functional crosstalk of the glycine transporter GlyT1 and NMDA receptors.

    Functional crosstalk of the glycine transporter GlyT1 and NMDA receptors.
    Piniella D, Zafra F.

    Structural insights into the inhibition of glycine reuptake.

    Structural insights into the inhibition of glycine reuptake.
    Shahsavar A, Stohler P, Bourenkov G, Zimmermann I, Siegrist M, Guba W, Pinard E, Sinning S, Seeger MA, Schneider TR, Dawson RJP, Nissen P.

    Chloride-dependent conformational changes in the GlyT1 glycine transporter.

    Chloride-dependent conformational changes in the GlyT1 glycine transporter.
    Zhang YW, Uchendu S, Leone V, Bradshaw RT, Sangwa N, Forrest LR, Rudnick G., Free PMC Article

    GlyT1 encephalopathy: Characterization of presumably disease causing GlyT1 mutations.

    GlyT1 encephalopathy: Characterization of presumably disease causing GlyT1 mutations.
    Hauf K, Barsch L, Bauer D, Buchert R, Armbruster A, Frauenfeld L, Grasshoff U, Eulenburg V.

    GLYT1 encephalopathy: Further delineation of disease phenotype and discussion of pathophysiological mechanisms.

    GLYT1 encephalopathy: Further delineation of disease phenotype and discussion of pathophysiological mechanisms.
    Mademont-Soler I, Casellas-Vidal D, Trujillo A, Espuña-Capote N, Maroto A, García-González MDM, Ruiz MD, Diego-Álvarez D, Queralt X, Perapoch J, Obón M.

    Do damaging variants of SLC6A9, the gene for the glycine transporter 1 (GlyT-1), protect against schizophrenia?

    Do damaging variants of SLC6A9, the gene for the glycine transporter 1 (GlyT-1), protect against schizophrenia?
    Curtis D., Free PMC Article

    Whole-exome sequencing revealed a novel homozygous missense variant in exon 9 of SLC6A9 NM_201649.3: c.1219 A>G (p.Ser407Gly) that segregates with the disease within the family. In murine model, knockout of Slc6a9 is associated with equivalent phenotype of non-ketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH), namely respiratory distress and hypotonia.

    Mutation in SLC6A9 encoding a glycine transporter causes a novel form of non-ketotic hyperglycinemia in humans.
    Alfadhel M, Nashabat M, Qahtani HA, Alfares A, Mutairi FA, Shaalan HA, Douglas GV, Wierenga K, Juusola J, Alrifai MT, Arold ST, Alkuraya F, Ali QA., Free PMC Article

    This study demonstrates that lack of GLYT1 leads to a distinct human neurological syndrome hallmarked by mildly elevated cerebrospinal fluid glycine and normal serum glycine.

    Loss of Glycine Transporter 1 Causes a Subtype of Glycine Encephalopathy with Arthrogryposis and Mildly Elevated Cerebrospinal Fluid Glycine.
    Kurolap A, Armbruster A, Hershkovitz T, Hauf K, Mory A, Paperna T, Hannappel E, Tal G, Nijem Y, Sella E, Mahajnah M, Ilivitzki A, Hershkovitz D, Ekhilevitch N, Mandel H, Eulenburg V, Baris HN., Free PMC Article

    Study found that temporal lobe epilepsy is associated with increased levels of GlyT1

    Glycine transporter 1 is a target for the treatment of epilepsy.
    Shen HY, van Vliet EA, Bright KA, Hanthorn M, Lytle NK, Gorter J, Aronica E, Boison D., Free PMC Article

    Following biopterin administration, glycine transporter type I occupancy correlates with biopterin plasma concentration.

    Glycine transporter type 1 occupancy by bitopertin: a positron emission tomography study in healthy volunteers.
    Martin-Facklam M, Pizzagalli F, Zhou Y, Ostrowitzki S, Raymont V, Brašić JR, Parkar N, Umbricht D, Dannals RF, Goldwater R, Wong DF., Free PMC Article

    The increased sensitivity of human GlyT1c to sanguinarine is abolished by the mutation of only cysteine 475.

    Molecular basis for differential glycine transporters sensitivity to sanguinarine.
    Jursky F, Baliova M, Mihalikova A.

    Human positron-emission tomography studies determine the test-retest reproducibility of [11C]GSK931145, a ligand which readily enters the brain, displaying a heterogeneous uptake which corresponds well with the known distribution of GlyT-1.

    Translational characterization of [11C]GSK931145, a PET ligand for the glycine transporter type 1.
    Gunn RN, Murthy V, Catafau AM, Searle G, Bullich S, Slifstein M, Ouellet D, Zamuner S, Herance R, Salinas C, Pardo-Lozano R, Rabiner EA, Farre M, Laruelle M.

    Synaptic and extrasynaptic concentrations of glycine are regulated by its type-1 glycine transporter, which is primarily expressed in astroglial and glutamatergic cell membranes.

    Interactions between glycine transporter type 1 (GlyT-1) and some inhibitor molecules - glycine transporter type 1 and its inhibitors (review).
    Harsing LG, Zsilla G, Matyus P, Nagy KM, Marko B, Gyarmati Z, Timar J.

    metabolic functions of GLYT1 in intestine: metabolism/regulation of glycine/glutathione; role in response to physiological stress (e.g., oxidative stress); possible role in pathophysiology/therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases [REVIEW]

    The glycine transporter GLYT1 in human intestine: expression and function.
    Howard A, Hirst BH.

    association between SLC6A9 SNPs and essential hypertension in a Japanese population, suggesting that SLC6A9 is a susceptibility locus for essential hypertension.

    Association of SLC6A9 gene variants with human essential hypertension.
    Ueno T, Tabara Y, Fukuda N, Tahira K, Matsumoto T, Kosuge K, Haketa A, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Nakayama T, Katsuya T, Ogihara T, Makita Y, Hata A, Yamada M, Takahashi N, Hirawa N, Umemura S, Miki T, Soma M, Ueno T, Tabara Y, Fukuda N, Tahira K, Matsumoto T, Kosuge K, Haketa A, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Nakayama T, Katsuya T, Ogihara T, Makita Y, Hata A, Yamada M, Takahashi N, Hirawa N, Umemura S, Miki T, Soma M.

    the results suggest that GLYT1 and membrane rafts are co-localized in the membrane, and that this influences the rate of glycine transport.

    Glycine transporter 1 associates with cholesterol-rich membrane raft microdomains.
    Liu X, Mitrovic AD, Vandenberg RJ.

    SLC6A9 gene is associated with schizophrenia.

    Association study of polymorphisms in the neutral amino acid transporter genes SLC1A4, SLC1A5 and the glycine transporter genes SLC6A5, SLC6A9 with schizophrenia.
    Deng X, Sagata N, Takeuchi N, Tanaka M, Ninomiya H, Iwata N, Ozaki N, Shibata H, Fukumaki Y, Deng X, Sagata N, Takeuchi N, Tanaka M, Ninomiya H, Iwata N, Ozaki N, Shibata H, Fukumaki Y., Free PMC Articles: PMC2491607, PMC2491607

    Single nucleotide polymorphism or haplotype of the gene produce risks for susceptibility to drug dependence.

    [Potential genetic predictors for individual vulnerability to substance dependence].
    Ujike H.

    Genetic variation of the glycine transporter 1 gene may contribute to individual vulnerability to methamphetamine dependence and psychosis.

    The glycine transporter 1 gene (GLYT1) is associated with methamphetamine-use disorder.
    Morita Y, Ujike H, Tanaka Y, Kishimoto M, Okahisa Y, Kotaka T, Harano M, Inada T, Komiyama T, Hori T, Yamada M, Sekine Y, Iwata N, Iyo M, Sora I, Ozaki N, Kuroda S, Morita Y, Ujike H, Tanaka Y, Kishimoto M, Okahisa Y, Kotaka T, Harano M, Inada T, Komiyama T, Hori T, Yamada M, Sekine Y, Iwata N, Iyo M, Sora I, Ozaki N, Kuroda S.

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)See all PubMed (7) articles

    No association of alcohol dependence with SLC6A5 and SLC6A9 glycine transporter polymorphisms.
    Koller G, Zill P, Fehr C, Pogarell O, Bondy B, Soyka M, Preuss UW.

    Association of SLC6A9 gene variants with human essential hypertension.
    Ueno T, Tabara Y, Fukuda N, Tahira K, Matsumoto T, Kosuge K, Haketa A, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Nakayama T, Katsuya T, Ogihara T, Makita Y, Hata A, Yamada M, Takahashi N, Hirawa N, Umemura S, Miki T, Soma M, Ueno T, Tabara Y, Fukuda N, Tahira K, Matsumoto T, Kosuge K, Haketa A, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Nakayama T, Katsuya T, Ogihara T, Makita Y, Hata A, Yamada M, Takahashi N, Hirawa N, Umemura S, Miki T, Soma M.

    Identification of new putative susceptibility genes for several psychiatric disorders by association analysis of regulatory and non-synonymous SNPs of 306 genes involved in neurotransmission and neurodevelopment.
    Gratacòs M, Costas J, de Cid R, Bayés M, González JR, Baca-García E, de Diego Y, Fernández-Aranda F, Fernández-Piqueras J, Guitart M, Martín-Santos R, Martorell L, Menchón JM, Roca M, Sáiz-Ruiz J, Sanjuán J, Torrens M, Urretavizcaya M, Valero J, Vilella E, Estivill X, Carracedo A, Psychiatric Genetics Network Group.

    Association study of polymorphisms in the neutral amino acid transporter genes SLC1A4, SLC1A5 and the glycine transporter genes SLC6A5, SLC6A9 with schizophrenia.
    Deng X, Sagata N, Takeuchi N, Tanaka M, Ninomiya H, Iwata N, Ozaki N, Shibata H, Fukumaki Y, Deng X, Sagata N, Takeuchi N, Tanaka M, Ninomiya H, Iwata N, Ozaki N, Shibata H, Fukumaki Y.

    The glycine transporter 1 gene (GLYT1) is associated with methamphetamine-use disorder.
    Morita Y, Ujike H, Tanaka Y, Kishimoto M, Okahisa Y, Kotaka T, Harano M, Inada T, Komiyama T, Hori T, Yamada M, Sekine Y, Iwata N, Iyo M, Sora I, Ozaki N, Kuroda S, Morita Y, Ujike H, Tanaka Y, Kishimoto M, Okahisa Y, Kotaka T, Harano M, Inada T, Komiyama T, Hori T, Yamada M, Sekine Y, Iwata N, Iyo M, Sora I, Ozaki N, Kuroda S.

    Polymorphisms in glycine transporter with schizophrenia.
    Tsai SJ, Cheng CY, Hong CJ, Liao DL, Liou YJ.

    Association study of polymorphisms in glycine transporter with schizophrenia.
    Tsai SJ, Cheng CY, Hong CJ, Liao DL, Hou SJ, Yen FC, Liou YJ.

    The mechanism of allosteric interaction of cytoplasmic and extracellular Cl- in the glial glycine transporter (hGlyTlb).

    The mechanism of allosteric interaction of cytoplasmic and extracellular Cl- in the glial glycine transporter (hGlyTlb).
    Antonov SM, Brovtsyna NB, Mironova EV.

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