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    RFC4 replication factor C subunit 4 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 5984, updated on 11-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Knockdown of RFC4 inhibits the cell proliferation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in vitro and in vivo.

    Knockdown of RFC4 inhibits the cell proliferation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in vitro and in vivo.
    Guan S, Feng L, Wei J, Wang G, Wu L.

    Sequential gene expression analysis of cervical malignant transformation identifies RFC4 as a novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarker.

    Sequential gene expression analysis of cervical malignant transformation identifies RFC4 as a novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarker.
    Zhang J, Meng S, Wang X, Wang J, Fan X, Sun H, Ning R, Xiao B, Li X, Jia Y, Kong D, Chen R, Wang C, Ma D, Li S., Free PMC Article

    The upregulated expression of RFC4 and GMPS mediated by DNA copy number alteration is associated with the early diagnosis and immune escape of ESCC based on a bioinformatic analysis.

    The upregulated expression of RFC4 and GMPS mediated by DNA copy number alteration is associated with the early diagnosis and immune escape of ESCC based on a bioinformatic analysis.
    Wang J, Luo FF, Huang TJ, Mei Y, Peng LX, Qian CN, Huang BJ., Free PMC Article

    RFC4 promotes the progression and growth of Oral Tongue squamous cell carcinoma in vivo and vitro.

    RFC4 promotes the progression and growth of Oral Tongue squamous cell carcinoma in vivo and vitro.
    Zhang J, Wang L, Xie X., Free PMC Article

    An RFC4/Notch1 signaling feedback loop promotes NSCLC metastasis and stemness.

    An RFC4/Notch1 signaling feedback loop promotes NSCLC metastasis and stemness.
    Liu L, Tao T, Liu S, Yang X, Chen X, Liang J, Hong R, Wang W, Yang Y, Li X, Zhang Y, Li Q, Liang S, Yu H, Wu Y, Guo X, Lai Y, Ding X, Guan H, Wu J, Zhu X, Yuan J, Li J, Su S, Li M, Cai X, Cai J, Tian H., Free PMC Article

    High RFC4 levels are associated with radioresistance.

    Genome-wide RNAi Screening Identifies RFC4 as a Factor That Mediates Radioresistance in Colorectal Cancer by Facilitating Nonhomologous End Joining Repair.
    Wang XC, Yue X, Zhang RX, Liu TY, Pan ZZ, Yang MJ, Lu ZH, Wang ZY, Peng JH, Le LY, Wang GY, Peng QH, Meng Y, Huang W, Liu RY.

    Expression level of RFC4 was up regulated in cervical squamous cell carcinoma.

    Systematic identification of key genes and pathways in the development of invasive cervical cancer.
    Niu G, Wang D, Pei Y, Sun L.

    RFC4 is frequently overexpressed in CRC, and is associated with tumor progression and worse survival outcome. This might be attributed to the regulation of CRC cell proliferation and cell cycle arrest by RFC4

    Levels of human replication factor C4, a clamp loader, correlate with tumor progression and predict the prognosis for colorectal cancer.
    Xiang J, Fang L, Luo Y, Yang Z, Liao Y, Cui J, Huang M, Yang Z, Huang Y, Fan X, Wang H, Wang L, Peng J, Wang J., Free PMC Article

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)See all PubMed (3) articles

    Polymorphisms in the base excision repair pathway and graft-versus-host disease.
    Arora M, Lindgren B, Basu S, Nagaraj S, Gross M, Weisdorf D, Thyagarajan B.

    Variation within DNA repair pathway genes and risk of multiple sclerosis.
    Briggs FB, Goldstein BA, McCauley JL, Zuvich RL, De Jager PL, Rioux JD, Ivinson AJ, Compston A, Hafler DA, Hauser SL, Oksenberg JR, Sawcer SJ, Pericak-Vance MA, Haines JL, Barcellos LF, International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium.

    Association between genetic variants in the base excision repair pathway and outcomes after hematopoietic cell transplantations.
    Thyagarajan B, Lindgren B, Basu S, Nagaraj S, Gross MD, Weisdorf DJ, Arora M.

    Observational study of gene-disease association, gene-gene interaction, and gene-environment interaction. (HuGE Navigator)

    Genetic polymorphisms in 85 DNA repair genes and bladder cancer risk.
    Michiels S, Laplanche A, Boulet T, Dessen P, Guillonneau B, Méjean A, Desgrandchamps F, Lathrop M, Sarasin A, Benhamou S.

    The knockdown of endogenous replication factor C4 decreases the growth and enhances the chemosensitivity of hepatocellular carcinoma cells.

    The knockdown of endogenous replication factor C4 decreases the growth and enhances the chemosensitivity of hepatocellular carcinoma cells.
    Arai M, Kondoh N, Imazeki N, Hada A, Hatsuse K, Matsubara O, Yamamoto M.

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