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    RAD51B RAD51 paralog B [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 5890, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    RAD51B-AS1 promotes the malignant biological behavior of ovarian cancer through upregulation of RAD51B.

    RAD51B-AS1 promotes the malignant biological behavior of ovarian cancer through upregulation of RAD51B.
    Wei X, Wang C, Tang S, Yang Q, Shen Z, Zhu J, Cheng X, Wang X, Xie X, Xu J, Lu W., Free PMC Article

    Uterine leiomyoma with RAD51B::NUDT3 fusion: a report of 2 cases.

    Uterine leiomyoma with RAD51B::NUDT3 fusion: a report of 2 cases.
    Dundr P, Machado-Lopez A, Mas A, Věcková Z, Mára M, Richtárová A, Matěj R, Stružinská I, Kendall Bártů M, Němejcová K, Dvořák J, Hojný J., Free PMC Article

    Sarcomas With RAD51B Fusions Are Associated With a Heterogeneous Phenotype.

    Sarcomas With RAD51B Fusions Are Associated With a Heterogeneous Phenotype.
    Chang HY, Dermawan J, Sharma A, Dickson B, Turashvili G, Torrence D, Nucci M, Chiang S, Oliva E, Kirchner M, Stenzinger A, Mechtersheimer G, Antonescu C.,

    Structural insights into BCDX2 complex function in homologous recombination.

    Structural insights into BCDX2 complex function in homologous recombination.
    Rawal Y, Jia L, Meir A, Zhou S, Kaur H, Ruben EA, Kwon Y, Bernstein KA, Jasin M, Taylor AB, Burma S, Hromas R, Mazin AV, Zhao W, Zhou D, Wasmuth EV, Greene EC, Sung P, Olsen SK., Free PMC Article

    Structure and function of the RAD51B-RAD51C-RAD51D-XRCC2 tumour suppressor.

    Structure and function of the RAD51B-RAD51C-RAD51D-XRCC2 tumour suppressor.
    Greenhough LA, Liang CC, Belan O, Kunzelmann S, Maslen S, Rodrigo-Brenni MC, Anand R, Skehel M, Boulton SJ, West SC., Free PMC Article

    RAD51B Harbors Germline Mutations Associated With Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma.

    RAD51B Harbors Germline Mutations Associated With Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma.
    Xie F, Ding D, Lin C, Cunningham D, Wright M, Javed AA, Azad N, Lee V, Donehower R, De Jesus-Acosta A, Le DT, Pishvaian M, Shin EJ, Lennon AM, Khashab M, Singh V, Klein AP, Roberts NJ, Hacker-Prietz A, McPhaul T, Burkhart RA, Burns WR, Narang A, Zaheer A, Fishman EK, Thompson ED, Anders R, Yu J, He J, Wolfgang CL, Zheng L, Liu D, Wu K, Laheru DA., Free PMC Article

    Serum Levels of ARMS2, COL8A1, RAD51B, and VEGF and their Correlations in Age-related Macular Degeneration.

    Serum Levels of ARMS2, COL8A1, RAD51B, and VEGF and their Correlations in Age-related Macular Degeneration.
    Battu P, Sharma K, Rain M, Singh R, Anand A.

    TBX15 rs98422, DNM3 rs1011731, RAD51B rs8017304, and rs2588809 Gene Polymorphisms and Associations With Pituitary Adenoma.

    TBX15 rs98422, DNM3 rs1011731, RAD51B rs8017304, and rs2588809 Gene Polymorphisms and Associations With Pituitary Adenoma.
    JuknytĖ G, LaurinaitytĖ I, VilkeviČiŪtĖ A, GedvilaitĖ G, GlebauskienĖ B, KriauČiŪnienĖ L, LiutkeviČienĖ R., Free PMC Article

    Sequential role of RAD51 paralog complexes in replication fork remodeling and restart.

    Sequential role of RAD51 paralog complexes in replication fork remodeling and restart.
    Berti M, Teloni F, Mijic S, Ursich S, Fuchs J, Palumbieri MD, Krietsch J, Schmid JA, Garcin EB, Gon S, Modesti M, Altmeyer M, Lopes M., Free PMC Article

    Here we provide three coherent sets of isogenic mutants, both in transformed and non-transformed human cells. Importantly, using these mutant lines, we report the unanticipated result that RAD51B has a less crucial role in homologous recombination than the other four paralogs, and find that all RAD51 paralogs are critically important for early functions during homologous recombination

    Differential Requirements for the RAD51 Paralogs in Genome Repair and Maintenance in Human Cells.
    Garcin EB, Gon S, Sullivan MR, Brunette GJ, Cian A, Concordet JP, Giovannangeli C, Dirks WG, Eberth S, Bernstein KA, Prakash R, Jasin M, Modesti M., Free PMC Article

    We successfully identified a common variant, rs911263, as being significantly associated with the disease status . In addition, this SNP was shown to be related to erosion, a clinical assessment of disease severity in RA (P = 2.89 x 10(-5), OR = 0.52). These findings shed light on the role of RAD51B in the onset and severity of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

    Polymorphisms of RAD51B are associated with rheumatoid arthritis and erosion in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
    Zhi L, Yao S, Ma W, Zhang W, Chen H, Li M, Ma J., Free PMC Article

    hypermethylation of homologous recombination DNA repair genes including RAD51B and XRCC3 is associated with an inflamed phenotype in squamous cell cancers of the head and neck, lung and cervix.

    Methylation of RAD51B, XRCC3 and other homologous recombination genes is associated with expression of immune checkpoints and an inflammatory signature in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, lung and cervix.
    Rieke DT, Ochsenreither S, Klinghammer K, Seiwert TY, Klauschen F, Tinhofer I, Keilholz U., Free PMC Article

    our study suggested that miRNA-binding site genetic variants of RAD51B may modify the susceptibility to cervical cancer, which is important to identify individuals with differential risk for this malignancy and to improve the effectiveness of preventive intervention.

    Genetic variants within microRNA-binding site of RAD51B are associated with risk of cervical cancer in Chinese women.
    Hang D, Zhou W, Jia M, Wang L, Zhou J, Yin Y, Ma H, Hu Z, Li N, Shen H., Free PMC Article

    common variation is significantly associated with familial breast cancer risk

    RAD51B in Familial Breast Cancer.
    Pelttari LM, Khan S, Vuorela M, Kiiski JI, Vilske S, Nevanlinna V, Ranta S, Schleutker J, Winqvist R, Kallioniemi A, Dörk T, Bogdanova NV, Figueroa J, Pharoah PD, Schmidt MK, Dunning AM, García-Closas M, Bolla MK, Dennis J, Michailidou K, Wang Q, Hopper JL, Southey MC, Rosenberg EH, Fasching PA, Beckmann MW, Peto J, Dos-Santos-Silva I, Sawyer EJ, Tomlinson I, Burwinkel B, Surowy H, Guénel P, Truong T, Bojesen SE, Nordestgaard BG, Benitez J, González-Neira A, Neuhausen SL, Anton-Culver H, Brenner H, Arndt V, Meindl A, Schmutzler RK, Brauch H, Brüning T, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Mannermaa A, Hartikainen JM, Chenevix-Trench G, kConFab/AOCS Investigators, Van Dyck L, Janssen H, Chang-Claude J, Rudolph A, Radice P, Peterlongo P, Hallberg E, Olson JE, Giles GG, Milne RL, Haiman CA, Schumacher F, Simard J, Dumont M, Kristensen V, Borresen-Dale AL, Zheng W, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Grip M, Andrulis IL, Glendon G, Devilee P, Seynaeve C, Hooning MJ, Collée M, Cox A, Cross SS, Shah M, Luben RN, Hamann U, Torres D, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Couch FJ, Yannoukakos D, Orr N, Swerdlow A, Darabi H, Li J, Czene K, Hall P, Easton DF, Mattson J, Blomqvist C, Aittomäki K, Nevanlinna H., Free PMC Article

    over-expression of RAD51B promoted cell proliferation, aneuploidy, and drug resistance, while RAD51B knockdown led to G1 arrest and sensitized cells to 5-fluorouracil

    RAD51B as a potential biomarker for early detection and poor prognostic evaluation contributes to tumorigenesis of gastric cancer.
    Cheng Y, Yang B, Xi Y, Chen X.

    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between prostate cancer risk and the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the genes involved in Homologous recombination repair, RAD51, RAD51B, XRCC2 and XRCC3.

    Polymorphisms of homologous recombination RAD51, RAD51B, XRCC2, and XRCC3 genes and the risk of prostate cancer.
    Nowacka-Zawisza M, Wiśnik E, Wasilewski A, Skowrońska M, Forma E, Bryś M, Różański W, Krajewska WM., Free PMC Article

    a novel germ line RAD51B nonsense mutation, and reduced expression of RAD51B in melanoma cells indicating inactivation of RAD51B

    Germline RAD51B truncating mutation in a family with cutaneous melanoma.
    Wadt KA, Aoude LG, Golmard L, Hansen TV, Sastre-Garau X, Hayward NK, Gerdes AM.

    Mutations in epithelial ovarian cancer cases were more frequent in RAD51C (14 occurrences, 0.41%) and RAD51D (12 occurrences, 0.35%) than in RAD51B (two occurrences, 0.06%).

    Contribution of Germline Mutations in the RAD51B, RAD51C, and RAD51D Genes to Ovarian Cancer in the Population.
    Song H, Dicks E, Ramus SJ, Tyrer JP, Intermaggio MP, Hayward J, Edlund CK, Conti D, Harrington P, Fraser L, Philpott S, Anderson C, Rosenthal A, Gentry-Maharaj A, Bowtell DD, Alsop K, Cicek MS, Cunningham JM, Fridley BL, Alsop J, Jimenez-Linan M, Høgdall E, Høgdall CK, Jensen A, Kjaer SK, Lubiński J, Huzarski T, Jakubowska A, Gronwald J, Poblete S, Lele S, Sucheston-Campbell L, Moysich KB, Odunsi K, Goode EL, Menon U, Jacobs IJ, Gayther SA, Pharoah PD., Free PMC Article

    the risk of developing AMD exhibits dose dependency as well as an epistatic combined effect in rs17105278 T>C and rs4902566 C>T carriers and that the elevated risk for rs17105278 T>C carriers may be due to decreased transcription of RAD51B.

    In-depth analyses unveil the association and possible functional involvement of novel RAD51B polymorphisms in age-related macular degeneration.
    Chu XK, Meyerle CB, Liang X, Chew EY, Chan CC, Tuo J., Free PMC Article

    Relative excess risk of breast cancer due to interaction between RAD51L1 single-nucleotide polymorphism and BMI.

    Additive interactions between susceptibility single-nucleotide polymorphisms identified in genome-wide association studies and breast cancer risk factors in the Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium.
    Joshi AD, Lindström S, Hüsing A, Barrdahl M, VanderWeele TJ, Campa D, Canzian F, Gaudet MM, Figueroa JD, Baglietto L, Berg CD, Buring JE, Chanock SJ, Chirlaque MD, Diver WR, Dossus L, Giles GG, Haiman CA, Hankinson SE, Henderson BE, Hoover RN, Hunter DJ, Isaacs C, Kaaks R, Kolonel LN, Krogh V, Le Marchand L, Lee IM, Lund E, McCarty CA, Overvad K, Peeters PH, Riboli E, Schumacher F, Severi G, Stram DO, Sund M, Thun MJ, Travis RC, Trichopoulos D, Willett WC, Zhang S, Ziegler RG, Kraft P, Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium (BPC3)., Free PMC Article

    Data indicate that complement factor H (CFH) R1210C and common variants in COL8A1 and RAD51B plus six genes contribute predictive information for advanced macular degeneration (AMD) beyond macular and behavioral phenotypes.

    Three new genetic loci (R1210C in CFH, variants in COL8A1 and RAD51B) are independently related to progression to advanced macular degeneration.
    Seddon JM, Reynolds R, Yu Y, Rosner B., Free PMC Article

    It confirms that RAD51 paralog mutations confer breast and ovarian cancer predisposition and are rare events.

    Germline mutation in the RAD51B gene confers predisposition to breast cancer.
    Golmard L, Caux-Moncoutier V, Davy G, Al Ageeli E, Poirot B, Tirapo C, Michaux D, Barbaroux C, d'Enghien CD, Nicolas A, Castéra L, Sastre-Garau X, Stern MH, Houdayer C, Stoppa-Lyonnet D., Free PMC Article

    This study provides robust evidence for an association of rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility with genes involved in B cell differentiation (BACH2) and DNA repair (RAD51B).

    Identification of BACH2 and RAD51B as rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility loci in a meta-analysis of genome-wide data.
    McAllister K, Yarwood A, Bowes J, Orozco G, Viatte S, Diogo D, Hocking LJ, Steer S, Wordsworth P, Wilson AG, Morgan AW, UK Rheumatoid Arthritis Genetics Consortium, Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium International, Kremer JM, Pappas D, Gregersen P, Klareskog L, Plenge R, Barton A, Greenberg J, Worthington J, Eyre S., Free PMC Article

    The HsRAD51B-HsRAD51C complex plays a role in stabilizing the HsRAD51 nucleoprotein filament during the presynaptic phase of homologous recombination.

    The HsRAD51B-HsRAD51C stabilizes the HsRAD51 nucleoprotein filament.
    Amunugama R, Groden J, Fishel R., Free PMC Article

    Study observed centrosome defects in the absence of XRCC3. While RAD51B and RAD51C act early in homologous recombination, XRCC3 functions jointly with GEN1 later in the pathway at the stage of Holliday junction resolution.

    The RAD51 paralogs ensure cellular protection against mitotic defects and aneuploidy.
    Rodrigue A, Coulombe Y, Jacquet K, Gagné JP, Roques C, Gobeil S, Poirier G, Masson JY.

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