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    RAD21 RAD21 cohesin complex component [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 5885, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    RAD21 promotes oncogenesis and lethal progression of prostate cancer.

    RAD21 promotes oncogenesis and lethal progression of prostate cancer.
    Su XA, Stopsack KH, Schmidt DR, Ma D, Li Z, Scheet PA, Penney KL, Lotan TL, Abida W, DeArment EG, Lu K, Janas T, Hu S, Vander Heiden MG, Loda M, Boselli M, Amon A, Mucci LA., Free PMC Article

    NIPBL-mediated RAD21 facilitates tumorigenicity by the PI3K pathway in non-small-cell lung cancer.

    NIPBL-mediated RAD21 facilitates tumorigenicity by the PI3K pathway in non-small-cell lung cancer.
    Xu X, Wang D, Xu W, Li H, Chen N, Li N, Yao Q, Chen W, Zhong J, Mao W., Free PMC Article

    Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Caused by an Intragenic Heterozygous Deletion in RAD21 Detected through Very-High-Resolution Chromosomal Microarray Analysis.

    Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Caused by an Intragenic Heterozygous Deletion in RAD21 Detected through Very-High-Resolution Chromosomal Microarray Analysis.
    Abarca-Barriga HH, Punil Luciano R, Vásquez Sotomayor F., Free PMC Article

    CBP and RAD21 Proteins Bind at the Termini of Forum Domains in Human Chromosomes.

    CBP and RAD21 Proteins Bind at the Termini of Forum Domains in Human Chromosomes.
    Tchurikov NA, Alembekov IR, Klushevskaya ES, Meilakh PB, Kretova AN, Managarova OD, Kravatskaya GI, Kravatsky YV.

    RAD21 is the core subunit of the cohesin complex involved in directing genome organization.

    RAD21 is the core subunit of the cohesin complex involved in directing genome organization.
    Sun Y, Xu X, Zhao W, Zhang Y, Chen K, Li Y, Wang X, Zhang M, Xue B, Yu W, Hou Y, Wang C, Xie W, Li C, Kong D, Wang S, Sun Y., Free PMC Article

    Interference with XPO1 Suppresses the Stemness and Radioresistance of CD44 Positive Cervical Cancer Cells via Binding with Rad21.

    Interference with XPO1 Suppresses the Stemness and Radioresistance of CD44 Positive Cervical Cancer Cells via Binding with Rad21.
    Song G, Ren J, Li Y, Cui J.

    Cohesin RAD21 Gene Promoter Methylation Correlated with Better Prognosis in Breast Cancer Patients.

    Cohesin RAD21 Gene Promoter Methylation Correlated with Better Prognosis in Breast Cancer Patients.
    Cui R, Chen P, Wang Y, Lu R, Ji M, Hou P, Qu Y.

    Genetic variation as a long-distance modulator of RAD21 expression in humans.

    Genetic variation as a long-distance modulator of RAD21 expression in humans.
    Schierding W, Horsfield JA, O'Sullivan J., Free PMC Article

    Recurrent Germline Variant in RAD21 Predisposes Children to Lymphoblastic Leukemia or Lymphoma.

    Recurrent Germline Variant in RAD21 Predisposes Children to Lymphoblastic Leukemia or Lymphoma.
    Schedel A, Friedrich UA, Morcos MNF, Wagener R, Mehtonen J, Watrin T, Saitta C, Brozou T, Michler P, Walter C, Försti A, Baksi A, Menzel M, Horak P, Paramasivam N, Fazio G, Autry RJ, Fröhling S, Suttorp M, Gertzen C, Gohlke H, Bhatia S, Wadt K, Schmiegelow K, Dugas M, Richter D, Glimm H, Heinäniemi M, Jessberger R, Cazzaniga G, Borkhardt A, Hauer J, Auer F., Free PMC Article

    A pan-cancer landscape of telomeric content shows that RAD21 and HGF alterations are associated with longer telomeres.

    A pan-cancer landscape of telomeric content shows that RAD21 and HGF alterations are associated with longer telomeres.
    Sharaf R, Montesion M, Hopkins JF, Song J, Frampton GM, Albacker LA., Free PMC Article

    RAD21 is a driver of chromosome 8 gain in Ewing sarcoma to mitigate replication stress.

    RAD21 is a driver of chromosome 8 gain in Ewing sarcoma to mitigate replication stress.
    Su XA, Ma D, Parsons JV, Replogle JM, Amatruda JF, Whittaker CA, Stegmaier K, Amon A., Free PMC Article

    Cohesin promotes HSV-1 lytic transcription by facilitating the binding of RNA Pol II on viral genes.

    Cohesin promotes HSV-1 lytic transcription by facilitating the binding of RNA Pol II on viral genes.
    Li X, Yu Y, Lang F, Chen G, Wang E, Li L, Li Z, Yang L, Cao X, Fraser NW, Zhou J., Free PMC Article

    rad21 Is Involved in Corneal Stroma Development by Regulating Neural Crest Migration.

    rad21 Is Involved in Corneal Stroma Development by Regulating Neural Crest Migration.
    Zhang BN, Liu Y, Yang Q, Leung PY, Wang C, Wong TCB, Tham CC, Chan SO, Pang CP, Chen LJ, Dekker J, Zhao H, Chu WK., Free PMC Article

    MiR-320b/RAD21 axis affects hepatocellular carcinoma radiosensitivity to ionizing radiation treatment through DNA damage repair signaling.

    MiR-320b/RAD21 axis affects hepatocellular carcinoma radiosensitivity to ionizing radiation treatment through DNA damage repair signaling.
    Wang J, Zhao H, Yu J, Xu X, Jing H, Li N, Tang Y, Wang S, Li Y, Cai J, Jin J., Free PMC Article

    RAD21 inhibited transcription of tumor suppressor MIR4697HG and led to glioma tumorigenesis.

    RAD21 inhibited transcription of tumor suppressor MIR4697HG and led to glioma tumorigenesis.
    Mao Y, Shen G, Su Z, Du J, Xu F, Yu Y.

    Cohesin subunit RAD21: From biology to disease.

    Cohesin subunit RAD21: From biology to disease.
    Cheng H, Zhang N, Pati D., Free PMC Article

    RAD21 variation is associated with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome.

    Delineation of phenotypes and genotypes related to cohesin structural protein RAD21.
    Krab LC, Marcos-Alcalde I, Assaf M, Balasubramanian M, Andersen JB, Bisgaard AM, Fitzpatrick DR, Gudmundsson S, Huisman SA, Kalayci T, Maas SM, Martinez F, McKee S, Menke LA, Mulder PA, Murch OD, Parker M, Pie J, Ramos FJ, Rieubland C, Rosenfeld Mokry JA, Scarano E, Shinawi M, Gómez-Puertas P, Tümer Z, Hennekam RC., Free PMC Article

    Rad21 variant is associated with Peripheral Sclerocornea.

    A Cohesin Subunit Variant Identified from a Peripheral Sclerocornea Pedigree.
    Zhang BN, Chan TCY, Tam POS, Liu Y, Pang CP, Jhanji V, Chen LJ, Chu WK., Free PMC Article

    LPE motif on the Scc1 substrate is required for rapid and specific cleavage by separase.

    Cohesin cleavage by separase is enhanced by a substrate motif distinct from the cleavage site.
    Rosen LE, Klebba JE, Asfaha JB, Ghent CM, Campbell MG, Cheng Y, Morgan DO., Free PMC Article

    A subset of PGP9.5- and HuC/D-IR neuronal cell bodies and nerve fibers in the myenteric plexus of human and mouse small intestine also displayed cytoplasmic RAD21

    Expression of RAD21 immunoreactivity in myenteric neurons of the human and mouse small intestine.
    Bianco F, Eisenman ST, Colmenares Aguilar MG, Bonora E, Clavenzani P, Linden DR, De Giorgio R, Farrugia G, Gibbons SJ., Free PMC Article

    We demonstrate that infection of hepatoma cells with HCV leads to up regulation of the expression of the RAD21 cohesin subunit and changes cohesin residency on the chromatin.

    Dysregulation of the cohesin subunit RAD21 by Hepatitis C virus mediates host-virus interactions.
    Perez S, Gevor M, Davidovich A, Kaspi A, Yamin K, Domovich T, Meirson T, Matityahu A, Brody Y, Stemmer SM, El-Osta A, Haviv I, Onn I, Gal-Tanamy M., Free PMC Article

    depletion of Rad21 in a Pds5-deficient background rescues the phenotype observed upon Pds5 depletion alone. These findings support a model where loss of either component of the cohesin releasin complex perturbs cohesin dynamics on replication forks, hindering fork progression and promoting MRE11-dependent fork slowing

    Perturbing cohesin dynamics drives MRE11 nuclease-dependent replication fork slowing.
    Carvajal-Maldonado D, Byrum AK, Jackson J, Wessel S, Lemaçon D, Guitton-Sert L, Quinet A, Tirman S, Graziano S, Masson JY, Cortez D, Gonzalo S, Mosammaparast N, Vindigni A., Free PMC Article

    evidence for a possible pathogenetic role of RAD21 promoter methylation in the development of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

    Cohesin RAD21 Gene Promoter Methylation in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
    Ioannidou A, Zachaki S, Karakosta M, Daraki A, Roussou P, Manola KN.

    With tissue microarrays of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients, we determined the prognostic values of the core genes in the network and found that RAD21, CDK1, and HDAC2 expression levels were negatively associated with overall survival for HCC patients.

    Prognostic Biomarker Identification Through Integrating the Gene Signatures of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Properties.
    Cai J, Li B, Zhu Y, Fang X, Zhu M, Wang M, Liu S, Jiang X, Zheng J, Zhang X, Chen P., Free PMC Article

    This study together with previous reports suggests incomplete penetrance associated with RAD21 variants and these individuals may therefore be underdiagnosed.

    A novel RAD21 variant associated with intrafamilial phenotypic variation in Cornelia de Lange syndrome - review of the literature.
    Boyle MI, Jespersgaard C, Nazaryan L, Bisgaard AM, Tümer Z.

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