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    MIB1 MIB E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 57534, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Structural requirements for activity of Mind bomb1 in Notch signaling.

    Structural requirements for activity of Mind bomb1 in Notch signaling.
    Cao R, Gozlan O, Airich A, Tveriakhina L, Zhou H, Jiang H, Cole PA, Aster JC, Klein T, Sprinzak D, Blacklow SC.

    N[6]-methyladenosine-modified MIB1 promotes stemness properties and peritoneal metastasis of gastric cancer cells by ubiquitinating DDX3X.

    N(6)-methyladenosine-modified MIB1 promotes stemness properties and peritoneal metastasis of gastric cancer cells by ubiquitinating DDX3X.
    Xu P, Liu K, Huang S, Lv J, Yan Z, Ge H, Cheng Q, Chen Z, Ji P, Qian Y, Li B, Xu H, Yang L, Xu Z, Zhang D.

    Novel Association of the NOTCH Pathway Regulator MIB1 Gene With the Development of Bicuspid Aortic Valve.

    Novel Association of the NOTCH Pathway Regulator MIB1 Gene With the Development of Bicuspid Aortic Valve.
    Tessler I, Albuisson J, Piñeiro-Sabarís R, Verstraeten A, Kamber Kaya HE, Siguero-Álvarez M, Goudot G, MacGrogan D, Luyckx I, Shpitzen S, Levin G, Kelman G, Reshef N, Mananet H, Holdcraft J, Muehlschlegel JD, Peloso GM, Oppenheim O, Cheng C, Mazzella JM, Andelfinger G, Mital S, Eriksson P, Billon C, Heydarpour M, Dietz HC, Jeunemaitre X, Leitersdorf E, Sprinzak D, Blacklow SC, Body SC, Carmi S, Loeys B, de la Pompa JL, Gilon D, Messas E, Durst R., Free PMC Article

    The E3 ubiquitin ligase MIB1 suppresses breast cancer cell migration through regulating CTNND1 protein level.

    The E3 ubiquitin ligase MIB1 suppresses breast cancer cell migration through regulating CTNND1 protein level.
    Kanoh T, Lu J, Mizoguchi T, Itoh M.

    EHD1 promotes CP110 ubiquitination by centriolar satellite delivery of HERC2 to the mother centriole.

    EHD1 promotes CP110 ubiquitination by centriolar satellite delivery of HERC2 to the mother centriole.
    Xie S, Naslavsky N, Caplan S., Free PMC Article

    CEMIP, acting as a scaffold protein for bridging GRAF1 and MIB1, promotes colorectal cancer metastasis via activating CDC42/MAPK pathway.

    CEMIP, acting as a scaffold protein for bridging GRAF1 and MIB1, promotes colorectal cancer metastasis via activating CDC42/MAPK pathway.
    Xu G, Zhao L, Hua Q, Wang L, Liu H, Lin Z, Jin M, Wang J, Zhou P, Yang K, Wu G, Yu D, Zhang D, Zhang T., Free PMC Article

    Associations of the Methylation Levels of NFAT5, PVT1, RPS6KA1, and MIB1 with Steroid-Resistant Asthma.

    Associations of the Methylation Levels of NFAT5, PVT1, RPS6KA1, and MIB1 with Steroid-Resistant Asthma.
    Chen L, Wang W, Leng Q, Cong L, Wu C, Yang X.

    A Novel Long-Noncoding RNA LncZFAS1 Prevents MPP(+)-Induced Neuroinflammation Through MIB1 Activation.

    A Novel Long-Noncoding RNA LncZFAS1 Prevents MPP(+)-Induced Neuroinflammation Through MIB1 Activation.
    Zhu Z, Huang P, Sun R, Li X, Li W, Gong W., Free PMC Article

    Increased MIB-1 expression in salivary gland pleomorphic adenoma that recurs and undergoes malignant transformation.

    Increased MIB-1 expression in salivary gland pleomorphic adenoma that recurs and undergoes malignant transformation.
    Markkanen A, Aro K, Laury AR, Mäkitie AA, Haglund C, Atula T, Hagström J., Free PMC Article

    MicroRNA1955p is associated with cell proliferation, migration and invasion in prostate cancer and targets MIB1.

    MicroRNA‑195‑5p is associated with cell proliferation, migration and invasion in prostate cancer and targets MIB1.
    Chen B, Bai G, Ma X, Tan L, Xu H., Free PMC Article

    Mind Bomb 1 Promotes Pancreatic Cancer Proliferation by Activating beta-Catenin Signaling.

    Mind Bomb 1 Promotes Pancreatic Cancer Proliferation by Activating β-Catenin Signaling.
    Fu X, Tang N, Xie W, Mao L, Qiu Y.

    E3 ubiquitin ligase Mindbomb 1 facilitates nuclear delivery of adenovirus genomes.

    E3 ubiquitin ligase Mindbomb 1 facilitates nuclear delivery of adenovirus genomes.
    Sarbanes SL, Blomen VA, Lam E, Heissel S, Luna JM, Brummelkamp TR, Falck-Pedersen E, Hoffmann HH, Rice CM., Free PMC Article

    MIB1-mediated degradation of WRN promotes cellular senescence in response to camptothecin treatment.

    MIB1-mediated degradation of WRN promotes cellular senescence in response to camptothecin treatment.
    Li M, Liu B, Yi J, Yang Y, Wang J, Zhu WG, Luo J.

    Maintenance of type 2 glycolytic myofibers with age by Mib1-Actn3 axis.

    Maintenance of type 2 glycolytic myofibers with age by Mib1-Actn3 axis.
    Seo JY, Kang JS, Kim YL, Jo YW, Kim JH, Hann SH, Park J, Park I, Park H, Yoo K, Rhee J, Park JW, Ha YC, Kong YY., Free PMC Article

    Proximity interactions of the ubiquitin ligase Mind bomb 1 reveal a role in regulation of epithelial polarity complex proteins.

    Proximity interactions of the ubiquitin ligase Mind bomb 1 reveal a role in regulation of epithelial polarity complex proteins.
    Dho SE, Silva-Gagliardi N, Morgese F, Coyaud E, Lamoureux E, Berry DM, Raught B, McGlade CJ., Free PMC Article

    CYLD marshals the centriolar satellites by deubiquitinating and preventing the E3 ligase Mindbomb 1 (MIB1) from marking PCM1 for proteasomal degradation.

    CYLD Regulates Centriolar Satellites Proteostasis by Counteracting the E3 Ligase MIB1.
    Douanne T, André-Grégoire G, Thys A, Trillet K, Gavard J, Bidère N.

    High MIB1 expression is associated with prostate cancer progression.

    MicroRNA‑198 suppresses prostate tumorigenesis by targeting MIB1.
    Ray J, Hoey C, Huang X, Jeon J, Taeb S, Downes MR, Boutros PC, Liu SK., Free PMC Article

    MIB1 mutations reduce Notch signaling activation and contribute to the development of congenital heart disease.

    MIB1 mutations reduce Notch signaling activation and contribute to congenital heart disease.
    Li B, Yu L, Liu D, Yang X, Zheng Y, Gui Y, Wang H., Free PMC Article

    M1B-1 antigen was shown to increase the risk. High birth weight, pesticide exposure (childhood exposure, and parental occupational exposure) and maternal consumption of cured meat during pregnancy may also increase the risk of onset of childhood brain tumours

    A systematic review of the risk factors associated with the onset and progression of primary brain tumours.
    Quach P, El Sherif R, Gomes J, Krewksi D.

    In the absence of PCM1, Mib1 destabilizes Talpid3 through poly-ubiquitylation and suppresses cilium assembly.

    Tethering of an E3 ligase by PCM1 regulates the abundance of centrosomal KIAA0586/Talpid3 and promotes ciliogenesis.
    Wang L, Lee K, Malonis R, Sanchez I, Dynlacht BD., Free PMC Article

    The aim of the study was to evaluate the caspase-3 and survivin expression in correlation with MIB-1 expression in gliomas of various grade.

    Survivin, caspase-3 and MIB-1 expression in astrocytic tumors of various grades.
    Lebelt A, Rutkowski R, Och W, Jaczun K, Dziemiańczyk-Pakieła D, Milewski R, Mariak Z, Reszeć J.

    provided evidences that miR-10 regulates human endothelial cells behaviour through targeting Mib1 as well

    MicroRNA-10a/10b represses a novel target gene mib1 to regulate angiogenesis.
    Wang X, Ling CC, Li L, Qin Y, Qi J, Liu X, You B, Shi Y, Zhang J, Jiang Q, Xu H, Sun C, You Y, Chai R, Liu D.

    these results identify the interaction between Mib1 and Plk4 as a new and important element in the control of centriole homeostasis.

    The E3 ubiquitin ligase Mib1 regulates Plk4 and centriole biogenesis.
    Čajánek L, Glatter T, Nigg EA.

    Expression of MIB1 ligase protein, human was correlated with tumor grade and Figo stages.

    Kalogeraki A, Tamiolakis D, Matalliotaki C, Karvela-Kalogeraki I, Karvelas-Kalogerakis M, Segredakis J, Sinatkas V, Matalliotakis I.

    Data show how E3 ubiquitin protein ligase Mind bomb protein recognizes notch receptor ligands.

    A tail of two sites: a bipartite mechanism for recognition of notch ligands by mind bomb E3 ligases.
    McMillan BJ, Schnute B, Ohlenhard N, Zimmerman B, Miles L, Beglova N, Klein T, Blacklow SC., Free PMC Article

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