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    ACSS2 acyl-CoA synthetase short chain family member 2 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 55902, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Proteomic profiling reveals ACSS2 facilitating metabolic support in acute myeloid leukemia.

    Proteomic profiling reveals ACSS2 facilitating metabolic support in acute myeloid leukemia.
    Mochmann LH, Treue D, Bockmayr M, Silva P, Zasada C, Mastrobuoni G, Bayram S, Forbes M, Jurmeister P, Liebig S, Blau O, Schleich K, Splettstoesser B, Nordmann TM, von der Heide EK, Isaakidis K, Schulze V, Busch C, Siddiq H, Schlee C, Hester S, Fransecky L, Neumann M, Kempa S, Klauschen F, Baldus CD., Free PMC Article

    ACSS2 gene variants determine kidney disease risk by controlling de novo lipogenesis in kidney tubules.

    ACSS2 gene variants determine kidney disease risk by controlling de novo lipogenesis in kidney tubules.
    Mukhi D, Li L, Liu H, Doke T, Kolligundla LP, Ha E, Kloetzer K, Abedini A, Mukherjee S, Wu J, Dhillon P, Hu H, Guan D, Funai K, Uehara K, Titchenell PM, Baur JA, Wellen KE, Susztak K., Free PMC Article

    ACSS2-mediated NF-kappaB activation promotes alkaliptosis in human pancreatic cancer cells.

    ACSS2-mediated NF-κB activation promotes alkaliptosis in human pancreatic cancer cells.
    Que D, Kuang F, Kang R, Tang D, Liu J., Free PMC Article

    Acetyl-Coenzyme A Synthetase 2 Potentiates Macropinocytosis and Muscle Wasting Through Metabolic Reprogramming in Pancreatic Cancer.

    Acetyl-Coenzyme A Synthetase 2 Potentiates Macropinocytosis and Muscle Wasting Through Metabolic Reprogramming in Pancreatic Cancer.
    Zhou Z, Ren Y, Yang J, Liu M, Shi X, Luo W, Fung KM, Xu C, Bronze MS, Zhang Y, Houchen CW, Li M., Free PMC Article

    O-GlcNAc transferase regulates glioblastoma acetate metabolism via regulation of CDK5-dependent ACSS2 phosphorylation.

    O-GlcNAc transferase regulates glioblastoma acetate metabolism via regulation of CDK5-dependent ACSS2 phosphorylation.
    Ciraku L, Bacigalupa ZA, Ju J, Moeller RA, Le Minh G, Lee RH, Smith MD, Ferrer CM, Trefely S, Izzo LT, Doan MT, Gocal WA, D'Agostino L, Shi W, Jackson JG, Katsetos CD, Wellen KE, Snyder NW, Reginato MJ., Free PMC Article

    Mammalian acetate-dependent acetyl CoA synthetase 2 contains multiple protein destabilization and masking elements.

    Mammalian acetate-dependent acetyl CoA synthetase 2 contains multiple protein destabilization and masking elements.
    Nagati JS, Kobeissy PH, Nguyen MQ, Xu M, Garcia T, Comerford SA, Hammer RE, Garcia JA., Free PMC Article

    the alternative transcription start site selection of ACSS2 was significantly different between hepatocellular carcinoma and corresponding adjacent tissues.

    Alternative transcription start site selection in ACSS2 controls its nuclear localization and promotes ribosome biosynthesis in hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Wang YH, Huang S, Zhu L, Yang Q, Yang XM, Gu JR, Zhang ZG, Nie HZ, Li J.

    Low ACSS2 expression is associated with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.

    miR-30a-GNG2 and miR-15b-ACSS2 Interaction Pairs May Be Potentially Crucial for Development of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm by Influencing Inflammation.
    Gan S, Pan Y, Mao J.

    Silencing ACSS2 expression inhibits migration and invasion of cervical cancer cells induced by nutrient stress, which is related to down-regulated Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway activity.

    [Knockdown of ACSS2 inhibits invasion and migration of cervical cancer cells induced by nutrient stress and its mechanism].
    Su Y, Ling R, Zhou Y, Chen D.

    Results suggest that ACSS2 gene is associated with human alcoholism and ethanol intake in a free-choice animal model, and even the compulsive-like behavior associated with ethanol use. Finally, slight alterations in metabolism could be responsible for the difference between ethanol non-preferring, ethanol-preferring and compulsive-like ethanol consumption.

    Possible involvement of ACSS2 gene in alcoholism.
    Ribeiro AF, de Lacerda RB, Correia D, Brunialti-Godard AL, de Miranda DM, Campos VR, de Souza VF, Ribeiro AM.

    ACSS2-driven histone crotonylation reverses HIV latency

    HIV latency is reversed by ACSS2-driven histone crotonylation.
    Jiang G, Nguyen D, Archin NM, Yukl SA, Méndez-Lagares G, Tang Y, Elsheikh MM, Thompson GR 3rd, Hartigan-O'Connor DJ, Margolis DM, Wong JK, Dandekar S., Free PMC Article

    High ACSS2 expression is associated with renal cell carcinoma.

    Acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 enhances tumorigenesis and is indicative of a poor prognosis for patients with renal cell carcinoma.
    Zhang S, He J, Jia Z, Yan Z, Yang J.

    A novel biologic role for ACSS2 in recycling of nuclear acetate for histone acetylation to promote lysosomal and autophagy-related gene expression and counteract nutritional stress, highlighting the importance of ACSS2 in maintaining autophagy and lysosome-mediated cellular energy homeostasis during tumor development.

    Local histone acetylation by ACSS2 promotes gene transcription for lysosomal biogenesis and autophagy.
    Li X, Qian X, Lu Z., Free PMC Article

    ACLY and ACSS2 are both activated to produce cytosolic Ac-CoA from glucose carbon for lipogenesis during human cytomegalovirus infection.

    ACSS2-mediated acetyl-CoA synthesis from acetate is necessary for human cytomegalovirus infection.
    Vysochan A, Sengupta A, Weljie AM, Alwine JC, Yu Y., Free PMC Article

    ACSS2 is an important factor for promoting RCC development and is essential for cell migration and invasion, which it promotes by increasing the expression of LAMP1.

    Acetyl-CoA Synthetase 2 Promotes Cell Migration and Invasion of Renal Cell Carcinoma by Upregulating Lysosomal-Associated Membrane Protein 1 Expression.
    Yao L, Guo X, Gui Y.

    these findings suggest that downregulation of acetyl-CoA synthetase-2 expression is a metabolic hallmark of tumor progression and aggressive behavior in colorectal carcinoma.

    Downregulation of acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 is a metabolic hallmark of tumor progression and aggressiveness in colorectal carcinoma.
    Bae JM, Kim JH, Oh HJ, Park HE, Lee TH, Cho NY, Kang GH.

    Exogenous acetate augments Acss2/HIF-2 dependent cancer growth and metastasis in cell culture and mouse models

    Coordinate regulation of stress signaling and epigenetic events by Acss2 and HIF-2 in cancer cells.
    Chen R, Xu M, Nagati J, Garcia JA., Free PMC Article

    The nuclear-cytosolic acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 recaptures acetate released from histone deacetylation for recycling by histone acetyltransferases.

    Acetate Recapturing by Nuclear Acetyl-CoA Synthetase 2 Prevents Loss of Histone Acetylation during Oxygen and Serum Limitation.
    Bulusu V, Tumanov S, Michalopoulou E, van den Broek NJ, MacKay G, Nixon C, Dhayade S, Schug ZT, Vande Voorde J, Blyth K, Gottlieb E, Vazquez A, Kamphorst JJ., Free PMC Article

    In a Honduran population, the odds of having nonsyndromic cleft lip/palate (NSCLP) among carriers of the ACSS2 variant was 4.0 with a carrier frequency of 7.1% in unrelated affected and 1.9% in unrelated unaffected individuals. In a Colombian population, the odds of having NSCLP among carriers of the ACSS2 variant was 2.6 with a carrier frequency of 10.0% in unrelated affected and 4.1% in unrelated unaffected individuals.

    ACSS2 gene variant associated with cleft lip and palate in two independent Hispanic populations.
    Dodhia S, Celis K, Aylward A, Cai Y, Fontana ME, Trespalacios A, Hoffman DC, Alfonso HO, Eisig SB, Su GH, Chung WK, Haddad J Jr., Free PMC Article

    In the nucleus, ACSS2 binds to transcription factor EB and translocates to lysosomal and autophagy gene promoter regions, where ACSS2 incorporates acetate generated from histone acetylation turnover to locally produce acetyl-CoA for histone H3 acetylation in these regions and promote lysosomal biogenesis, autophagy, cell survival, and brain tumorigenesis.

    Nucleus-Translocated ACSS2 Promotes Gene Transcription for Lysosomal Biogenesis and Autophagy.
    Li X, Yu W, Qian X, Xia Y, Zheng Y, Lee JH, Li W, Lyu J, Rao G, Zhang X, Qian CN, Rozen SG, Jiang T, Lu Z., Free PMC Article

    ACSS2 is essential for glucose-independent acetate-mediated cell survival and tumor growth.

    Glucose-independent Acetate Metabolism Promotes Melanoma Cell Survival and Tumor Growth.
    Lakhter AJ, Hamilton J, Konger RL, Brustovetsky N, Broxmeyer HE, Naidu SR., Free PMC Article

    Loss of ACSS2 expression is associated with with gastric cancer.

    Loss of ACSS2 expression predicts poor prognosis in patients with gastric cancer.
    Hur H, Kim YB, Ham IH, Lee D.

    Study revealed that the activity of acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 (ACSS2) contributes to cancer cell growth under low-oxygen and lipid-depleted conditions.

    Acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 promotes acetate utilization and maintains cancer cell growth under metabolic stress.
    Schug ZT, Peck B, Jones DT, Zhang Q, Grosskurth S, Alam IS, Goodwin LM, Smethurst E, Mason S, Blyth K, McGarry L, James D, Shanks E, Kalna G, Saunders RE, Jiang M, Howell M, Lassailly F, Thin MZ, Spencer-Dene B, Stamp G, van den Broek NJ, Mackay G, Bulusu V, Kamphorst JJ, Tardito S, Strachan D, Harris AL, Aboagye EO, Critchlow SE, Wakelam MJ, Schulze A, Gottlieb E., Free PMC Article

    Study shows that ACSS2 is upregulated in the human orthotopic tumor and primary human tumors, as well as a murine glioma model; the tumors do not oxidize [U-(13)C]glutamine. In vivo oxidation of [1,2-(13)C]acetate was validated in brain tumor patients and was correlated with expression of acetyl-CoA synthetase enzyme 2, ACSS2.

    Acetate is a bioenergetic substrate for human glioblastoma and brain metastases.
    Mashimo T, Pichumani K, Vemireddy V, Hatanpaa KJ, Singh DK, Sirasanagandla S, Nannepaga S, Piccirillo SG, Kovacs Z, Foong C, Huang Z, Barnett S, Mickey BE, DeBerardinis RJ, Tu BP, Maher EA, Bachoo RM., Free PMC Article

    Observations suggest that ACSS2 is expressed to a significant extent in particular tumor types, including triple-negative breast cancers.

    Acetate dependence of tumors.
    Comerford SA, Huang Z, Du X, Wang Y, Cai L, Witkiewicz AK, Walters H, Tantawy MN, Fu A, Manning HC, Horton JD, Hammer RE, McKnight SL, Tu BP., Free PMC Article

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