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    PPP2R5C protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B'gamma [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 5527, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Combined detection of SDC2/ADHFE1/PPP2R5C methylation in stool DNA for colorectal cancer screening.

    Combined detection of SDC2/ADHFE1/PPP2R5C methylation in stool DNA for colorectal cancer screening.
    Li B, Liu S, Gao Y, Zheng L, Lu Y.

    A functional interaction between liprin-alpha1 and B56gamma regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A supports tumor cell motility.

    A functional interaction between liprin-α1 and B56γ regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A supports tumor cell motility.
    Ripamonti M, Lamarca A, Davey NE, Tonoli D, Surini S, de Curtis I., Free PMC Article

    [The Relationship between PPP2R5C and Molt-4 Cell Viability, HSP90-GR Signal in Childhood Acute T Lymphocytic Leukemia].

    [The Relationship between PPP2R5C and Molt-4 Cell Viability, HSP90-GR Signal in Childhood Acute T Lymphocytic Leukemia].
    Liu L, Li HT, Zheng HY, Dang HB.

    A dynamic charge-charge interaction modulates PP2A:B56 substrate recruitment.

    A dynamic charge-charge interaction modulates PP2A:B56 substrate recruitment.
    Wang X, Garvanska DH, Nasa I, Ueki Y, Zhang G, Kettenbach AN, Peti W, Nilsson J, Page R., Free PMC Article

    Kelch-like protein 42 is a profibrotic ubiquitin E3 ligase involved in systemic sclerosis.

    Kelch-like protein 42 is a profibrotic ubiquitin E3 ligase involved in systemic sclerosis.
    Lear TB, Lockwood KC, Larsen M, Tuncer F, Kennerdell JR, Morse C, Valenzi E, Tabib T, Jurczak MJ, Kass DJ, Evankovich JW, Finkel T, Lafyatis R, Liu Y, Chen BB., Free PMC Article

    Cryo-EM structure of the deltaretroviral intasome in complex with the PP2A regulatory subunit B56gamma.

    Cryo-EM structure of the deltaretroviral intasome in complex with the PP2A regulatory subunit B56γ.
    Barski MS, Minnell JJ, Hodakova Z, Pye VE, Nans A, Cherepanov P, Maertens GN., Free PMC Article

    Structural basis of host protein hijacking in human T-cell leukemia virus integration.

    Structural basis of host protein hijacking in human T-cell leukemia virus integration.
    Bhatt V, Shi K, Salamango DJ, Moeller NH, Pandey KK, Bera S, Bohl HO, Kurniawan F, Orellana K, Zhang W, Grandgenett DP, Harris RS, Sundborger-Lunna AC, Aihara H., Free PMC Article

    PPP2R5C deletion or EGFR mutation that could be responsible for IER3/pERK overexpression was found in at least 8 cases (67% or more) of lung adenocarcinoma.

    Activation of ERK/IER3/PP2A-B56γ-positive feedback loop in lung adenocarcinoma by allelic deletion of B56γ gene.
    Ito T, Ozaki S, Chanasong R, Mizutani Y, Oyama T, Sakurai H, Matsumoto I, Takemura H, Kawahara E.

    Mutations in the PP2A regulatory subunit B family genes PPP2R5B, PPP2R5C and PPP2R5D cause human overgrowth

    Mutations in the PP2A regulatory subunit B family genes PPP2R5B, PPP2R5C and PPP2R5D cause human overgrowth.
    Loveday C, Tatton-Brown K, Clarke M, Westwood I, Renwick A, Ramsay E, Nemeth A, Campbell J, Joss S, Gardner M, Zachariou A, Elliott A, Ruark E, van Montfort R, Childhood Overgrowth Collaboration, Rahman N., Free PMC Article

    our data suggest that hepatic PPP2R5C represents an important factor in the functional wiring of energy metabolism and the maintenance of a metabolically healthy state.

    PPP2R5C Couples Hepatic Glucose and Lipid Homeostasis.
    Cheng YS, Seibert O, Klöting N, Dietrich A, Straßburger K, Fernández-Veledo S, Vendrell JJ, Zorzano A, Blüher M, Herzig S, Berriel Diaz M, Teleman AA., Free PMC Article

    propose that the mechanism for proliferation inhibition and increased apoptosis of K562 cells following PPP2R5C suppression may be related to the alteration of expression profiles of BRAF, AKT2, AKT3, NFKB2 and STAT3 genes

    Alteration of gene expression profile following PPP2R5C knockdown may be associated with proliferation suppression and increased apoptosis of K562 cells.
    Liu S, Shen Q, Chen Y, Zeng C, Cao C, Yang L, Chen S, Wu X, Li B, Li Y., Free PMC Article

    Differential expression of the transcripts PPP2R5C connects ubiquitin-proteasome system with infection-inflammation in preterm births and preterm premature rupture of membranes.

    Epigenetic regulation of lncRNA connects ubiquitin-proteasome system with infection-inflammation in preterm births and preterm premature rupture of membranes.
    Luo X, Pan J, Wang L, Wang P, Zhang M, Liu M, Dong Z, Meng Q, Tao X, Zhao X, Zhong J, Ju W, Gu Y, Jenkins EC, Brown WT, Shi Q, Zhong N., Free PMC Article

    KIF4A and PP2A-B56G and -B56E create a spatially restricted negative feedback loop counteracting Aurora B in anaphase.

    KIF4A and PP2A-B56 form a spatially restricted feedback loop opposing Aurora B at the anaphase central spindle.
    Bastos RN, Cundell MJ, Barr FA., Free PMC Article

    Data indicate that the regulatory PP2A subunit B56gamma mediates suppression of NF-kappaB resulting in increased NF-kappaB target gene expression in T cells.

    The protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit B56γ mediates suppression of T cell receptor (TCR)-induced nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activity.
    Breuer R, Becker MS, Brechmann M, Mock T, Arnold R, Krammer PH., Free PMC Article

    Results show that mutations lost B56gamma tumor-suppressive activity by two distinct mechanisms: one is by disrupting interactions with the PP2A AC core and the other with B56gamma-PP2A substrates (p53 and unknown proteins).

    B56γ tumor-associated mutations provide new mechanisms for B56γ-PP2A tumor suppressor activity.
    Nobumori Y, Shouse GP, Wu Y, Lee KJ, Shen B, Liu X., Free PMC Article

    PPP2R5C-siRNA treatment altered gene expression profiles in malignant T cells

    Differential gene expression profiles of PPP2R5C-siRNA-treated malignant T cells.
    Chen Y, Liu S, Shen Q, Zha X, Zheng H, Yang L, Chen S, Wu X, Li B, Li Y., Free PMC Article

    structural insight into the PP2A holoenzyme assembly and emphasizes the importance of HEAT repeat 1 in B56gamma-PP2A tumor-suppressive function

    HEAT repeat 1 motif is required for B56γ-containing protein phosphatase 2A (B56γ-PP2A) holoenzyme assembly and tumor-suppressive function.
    Nobumori Y, Shouse GP, Fan L, Liu X., Free PMC Article

    Overexpression of PPP2R5C in T-cell malignancy as well as in myeloid leukemia cells might relate to its proliferation and differentiation.

    Expression and distribution of PPP2R5C gene in leukemia.
    Zheng H, Chen Y, Chen S, Niu Y, Yang L, Li B, Lu Y, Geng S, Du X, Li Y., Free PMC Article

    ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) directly phosphorylates and specifically regulates B56gamma3, B56gamma2 and B56delta, after DNA damage.

    ATM-mediated phosphorylation activates the tumor-suppressive function of B56γ-PP2A.
    Shouse GP, Nobumori Y, Panowicz MJ, Liu X.

    the dynamic nuclear distribution of the B56gamma3 regulatory subunit controls nuclear PP2A activity, which regulates cell cycle controllers, such as p27, to restrain cell cycle progression, and may be responsible for the tumor suppressor function of PP2A

    The B56gamma3 regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulates S phase-specific nuclear accumulation of PP2A and the G1 to S transition.
    Lee TY, Lai TY, Lin SC, Wu CW, Ni IF, Yang YS, Hung LY, Law BK, Chiang CW., Free PMC Article

    a mechanistic basis for the p53-dependent and -independent functions of B56gamma-PP2A

    A B56gamma mutation in lung cancer disrupts the p53-dependent tumor-suppressor function of protein phosphatase 2A.
    Shouse GP, Nobumori Y, Liu X., Free PMC Article

    Clinical trial of gene-disease association and gene-environment interaction. (HuGE Navigator)

    Personalized smoking cessation: interactions between nicotine dose, dependence and quit-success genotype score.
    Rose JE, Behm FM, Drgon T, Johnson C, Uhl GR., Free PMC Article

    show an important link between ATM activity and the tumor-suppressive function of B56gamma-protein phosphatase 2A

    Serine 15 phosphorylation of p53 directs its interaction with B56gamma and the tumor suppressor activity of B56gamma-specific protein phosphatase 2A.
    Shouse GP, Cai X, Liu X., Free PMC Article

    PP2A-B56gamma1 phosphatase complexes have a role in cardiac local signaling

    Proteomic studies of PP2A-B56gamma1 phosphatase complexes reveal phosphorylation-regulated partners in cardiac local signaling.
    Zhou XW, Mudannayake M, Green M, Gigena MS, Wang G, Shen RF, Rogers TB.

    Dihydroxyphenylethanol induces apoptosis by activating serine/threonine protein phosphatase PP2A

    Dihydroxyphenylethanol induces apoptosis by activating serine/threonine protein phosphatase PP2A and promotes the endoplasmic reticulum stress response in human colon carcinoma cells.
    Guichard C, Pedruzzi E, Fay M, Marie JC, Braut-Boucher F, Daniel F, Grodet A, Gougerot-Pocidalo MA, Chastre E, Kotelevets L, Lizard G, Vandewalle A, Driss F, Ogier-Denis E.

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