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    UBA6 ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 6 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 55236, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    UBA6 Inhibition Accelerates Lysosomal TRPML1 Depletion and Exosomal Secretion in Lung Cancer Cells.

    UBA6 Inhibition Accelerates Lysosomal TRPML1 Depletion and Exosomal Secretion in Lung Cancer Cells.
    Lee D, Lee PC, Hong JH., Free PMC Article

    UBA6 and NDFIP1 regulate the degradation of ferroportin.

    UBA6 and NDFIP1 regulate the degradation of ferroportin.
    Traeger L, Wiegand SB, Sauer AJ, Corman BHP, Peneyra KM, Wunderer F, Fischbach A, Bagchi A, Malhotra R, Zapol WM, Bloch DB., Free PMC Article

    Down-regulation of UBA6 exacerbates brain injury by inhibiting the activation of Notch signaling pathway to promote cerebral cell apoptosis in rat acute cerebral infarction model.

    Down-regulation of UBA6 exacerbates brain injury by inhibiting the activation of Notch signaling pathway to promote cerebral cell apoptosis in rat acute cerebral infarction model.
    Chen Z, Liu J, Chen Q, Su M, Lu H, Yang Y, Zhou G, Zhang X, Liu Y, Dong W, Fang Q.

    Ubiquitination-activating enzymes UBE1 and UBA6 regulate ubiquitination and expression of cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5.

    Ubiquitination-activating enzymes UBE1 and UBA6 regulate ubiquitination and expression of cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5.
    Hu Y, Bai X, Zhang C, Chakrabarti S, Tang B, Xiong H, Wang Z, Yu G, Xu C, Chen Q, Wang QK.

    These findings demonstrate that UBA6 and BIRC6 negatively regulate autophagy by limiting the availability of LC3B.

    Negative regulation of autophagy by UBA6-BIRC6-mediated ubiquitination of LC3.
    Jia R, Bonifacino JS., Free PMC Article

    Polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of ezrin and CUGBP1 require Uba6, but not Uba1, and that Uba6 is involved in the control of ezrin localization and epithelial morphogenesis. These data suggest that distinctive substrate pools exist for Uba1 and Uba6 that reflect non-redundant biological roles for Uba6.

    Orthogonal ubiquitin transfer identifies ubiquitination substrates under differential control by the two ubiquitin activating enzymes.
    Liu X, Zhao B, Sun L, Bhuripanyo K, Wang Y, Bi Y, Davuluri RV, Duong DM, Nanavati D, Yin J, Kiyokawa H., Free PMC Article

    this study revealed a novel function of LMO2 involving in the regulatory hierarchy of UBA6-USE1-FAT10ylation pathway by targeting the E1 enzyme UBA6.

    LMO2 blocks the UBA6-USE1 interaction and downstream FAT10ylation by targeting the ubiquitin fold domain of UBA6.
    Wu C, Liu Y, Gu X, Zhu T, Yang S, Sun W.

    Interstitial microdeletions including the chromosome band 4q13.2 and the UBA6 gene as possible causes of intellectual disability and behavior disorder.

    Interstitial microdeletions including the chromosome band 4q13.2 and the UBA6 gene as possible causes of intellectual disability and behavior disorder.
    Quintela I, Barros F, Fernandez-Prieto M, Martinez-Regueiro R, Castro-Gago M, Carracedo A, Gomez-Lado C, Eiris J.

    Diminished ubiquitylation phenotype observed in enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infected cells corresponds to a strong reduction in the abundance of both Ube1 and Uba6.

    The Escherichia coli adherence factor plasmid of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli causes a global decrease in ubiquitylated host cell proteins by decreasing ubiquitin E1 enzyme expression through host aspartyl proteases.
    Lin AE, Guttman JA.

    Data indicate the potential role of cytokine-induced FAT10 expression in regulating Uba6 pathways.

    Mechanistic studies on activation of ubiquitin and di-ubiquitin-like protein, FAT10, by ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 6, Uba6.
    Gavin JM, Chen JJ, Liao H, Rollins N, Yang X, Xu Q, Ma J, Loke HK, Lingaraj T, Brownell JE, Mallender WD, Gould AE, Amidon BS, Dick LR., Free PMC Article

    Ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 6 activates not only ubiquitin, but also the ubiquitin-like modifier FAT10[review]

    Activating the ubiquitin family: UBA6 challenges the field.
    Groettrup M, Pelzer C, Schmidtke G, Hofmann K.

    The identification of an E1-like protein, termed E1-L2, that activates both ubiquitin and another ubiquitin-like protein, FAT10, is reported.

    E1-L2 activates both ubiquitin and FAT10.
    Chiu YH, Sun Q, Chen ZJ.

    UBE1L2 is a novel E1 enzyme specific for ubiquitin

    UBE1L2, a novel E1 enzyme specific for ubiquitin.
    Pelzer C, Kassner I, Matentzoglu K, Singh RK, Wollscheid HP, Scheffner M, Schmidtke G, Groettrup M.

    Human Uba6 and Ube1 have distinct preferences for E2 charging in vitro, and their specificity depends in part on their C-terminal ubiquitin-fold domains, which recruit E2s

    Dual E1 activation systems for ubiquitin differentially regulate E2 enzyme charging.
    Jin J, Li X, Gygi SP, Harper JW.

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