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    ARL8B ARF like GTPase 8B [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 55207, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    ARL8B promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression and inhibits antitumor activity of lenvatinib via MAPK/ERK signaling by interacting with RAB2A.

    ARL8B promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression and inhibits antitumor activity of lenvatinib via MAPK/ERK signaling by interacting with RAB2A.
    Cao MM, Li YM, Ding X, Fang F, Yang LY.

    RUFY1 binds Arl8b and mediates endosome-to-TGN CI-M6PR retrieval for cargo sorting to lysosomes.

    RUFY1 binds Arl8b and mediates endosome-to-TGN CI-M6PR retrieval for cargo sorting to lysosomes.
    Rawat S, Chatterjee D, Marwaha R, Charak G, Kumar G, Shaw S, Khatter D, Sharma S, de Heus C, Liv N, Klumperman J, Tuli A, Sharma M., Free PMC Article

    Arl8b contributes to the recruitment of LAMP1 to Salmonella-induced tubules. Salmonella SifA protein interacts with Arl8b.

    Contribution of bacterial effectors and host proteins to the composition and function of Salmonella-induced tubules.
    Moest T, Zhao W, Zhao Y, Schüssler JM, Yan W, Gorvel JP, Méresse S.

    These findings suggest that membrane repair mediated by Arl8b may be an important mechanism distinguishing avirulent from virulent M. tuberculosis-induced necrotic cell death

    Lysosome-Mediated Plasma Membrane Repair Is Dependent on the Small GTPase Arl8b and Determines Cell Death Type in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection.
    Michelet X, Tuli A, Gan H, Geadas C, Sharma M, Remold HG, Brenner MB., Free PMC Article

    Authors present evidence that Arl8b facilitates lipid hydrolysis to maintain efficient metabolism for a proliferative capacity in low nutrient environments, suggesting a likely explanation for the complete inability of Arl8b-depleted tumor cells to grow in vivo.

    The Arf-like GTPase Arl8b is essential for three-dimensional invasive growth of prostate cancer in vitro and xenograft formation and growth in vivo.
    Dykes SS, Gray AL, Coleman DT, Saxena M, Stephens CA, Carroll JL, Pruitt K, Cardelli JA., Free PMC Article

    LAMTOR1 is a negative regulator of Arl8b- and BORC-dependent late endosomal positioning.

    LAMTOR/Ragulator is a negative regulator of Arl8b- and BORC-dependent late endosomal positioning.
    Filipek PA, de Araujo MEG, Vogel GF, De Smet CH, Eberharter D, Rebsamen M, Rudashevskaya EL, Kremser L, Yordanov T, Tschaikner P, Fürnrohr BG, Lechner S, Dunzendorfer-Matt T, Scheffzek K, Bennett KL, Superti-Furga G, Lindner HH, Stasyk T, Huber LA., Free PMC Article

    Data indicate that E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF167 ubiquitinates Arl8B at the lysine residue K141 and reduces the level of the ADP-ribosylation factor-like 8B Arl8B protein.

    RNF167 targets Arl8B for degradation to regulate lysosome positioning and endocytic trafficking.
    Deshar R, Moon S, Yoo W, Cho EB, Yoon SK, Yoon JB.

    Arl8b regulates the association of the human HOPS complex with lysosomal membranes.

    The small GTPase Arl8b regulates assembly of the mammalian HOPS complex on lysosomes.
    Khatter D, Raina VB, Dwivedi D, Sindhwani A, Bahl S, Sharma M., Free PMC Article

    a small GTP-binding protein, ADP-ribosylation factor-like 8b (Arl8b), is identified as a critical factor required for NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity.

    Arf-like GTPase Arl8b regulates lytic granule polarization and natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity.
    Tuli A, Thiery J, James AM, Michelet X, Sharma M, Garg S, Sanborn KB, Orange JS, Lieberman J, Brenner MB., Free PMC Article

    The authors find that Arl8B is required for kinesin-1 recruitment to Salmonella-containing vacuoles, migration of the vacuoles to the cell periphery 24 h after infection and for cell-to-cell transfer of bacteria to neighbouring cells.

    Salmonella exploits Arl8B-directed kinesin activity to promote endosome tubulation and cell-to-cell transfer.
    Kaniuk NA, Canadien V, Bagshaw RD, Bakowski M, Braun V, Landekic M, Mitra S, Huang J, Heo WD, Meyer T, Pelletier L, Andrews-Polymenis H, McClelland M, Pawson T, Grinstein S, Brumell JH.

    a critical regulator of cargo delivery to lysosomes

    Lysosomal trafficking, antigen presentation, and microbial killing are controlled by the Arf-like GTPase Arl8b.
    Garg S, Sharma M, Ung C, Tuli A, Barral DC, Hava DL, Veerapen N, Besra GS, Hacohen N, Brenner MB., Free PMC Article

    Data show that with MAK3 knockdown, p53 is stabilized and phosphorylated and there is a significant transcriptional activation of proapoptotic genes downstream of p53, and that localization of Arl8b is altered, suggesting that Arl8b is a Mak3 substrate.

    Knockdown of human N alpha-terminal acetyltransferase complex C leads to p53-dependent apoptosis and aberrant human Arl8b localization.
    Starheim KK, Gromyko D, Evjenth R, Ryningen A, Varhaug JE, Lillehaug JR, Arnesen T., Free PMC Article

    Arl8b is involved in trafficking processes for lysosomes.

    The Arf-family protein, Arl8b, is involved in the spatial distribution of lysosomes.
    Bagshaw RD, Callahan JW, Mahuran DJ.

    Results suggest that the novel GTPases Gie1 and Gie2 associate with microtubules, and might be involved in chromosome segregation.

    Novel small GTPase subfamily capable of associating with tubulin is required for chromosome segregation.
    Okai T, Araki Y, Tada M, Tateno T, Kontani K, Katada T.

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