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    RNF31 ring finger protein 31 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 55072, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    RNF31 promotes proliferation and invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma via nuclear factor kappaB activation.

    RNF31 promotes proliferation and invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma via nuclear factor kappaB activation.
    Hoshino K, Nakazawa S, Yokobori T, Hagiwara K, Ishii N, Tsukagoshi M, Igarashi T, Araki K, Harimoto N, Tokunaga F, Shirabe K., Free PMC Article

    Resonance assignments of the PUB domain of the RNF31 protein.

    Resonance assignments of the PUB domain of the RNF31 protein.
    Song L, Zhong F, Tu X, Zhang J.

    RNF31 promotes tumorigenesis via inhibiting RIPK1 kinase-dependent apoptosis.

    RNF31 promotes tumorigenesis via inhibiting RIPK1 kinase-dependent apoptosis.
    Zhang J, Tu H, Zheng Z, Zhao X, Lin X.

    RNF31 represses cell progression and immune evasion via YAP/PD-L1 suppression in triple negative breast Cancer.

    RNF31 represses cell progression and immune evasion via YAP/PD-L1 suppression in triple negative breast Cancer.
    Yang H, Xue M, Su P, Zhou Y, Li X, Li Z, Xia Y, Zhang C, Fu M, Zheng X, Luo G, Wei T, Wang X, Ding Y, Zhu J, Zhuang T., Free PMC Article

    Effects of removing a highly conserved disulfide bond in ubiquitin-associated domain of human HOIP on biochemical characteristics.

    Effects of removing a highly conserved disulfide bond in ubiquitin-associated domain of human HOIP on biochemical characteristics.
    Ma W, Lu Y, Zuo Y, Wang C, Liu J.

    RNF31 mediated ubiquitination of A20 aggravates inflammation and hepatocyte apoptosis through the TLR4/MyD88/NF-kappaB signaling pathway.

    RNF31 mediated ubiquitination of A20 aggravates inflammation and hepatocyte apoptosis through the TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB signaling pathway.
    Li S, Zheng X, Hu Y, You K, Wang J.

    Site-specific ubiquitination of the E3 ligase HOIP regulates apoptosis and immune signaling.

    Site-specific ubiquitination of the E3 ligase HOIP regulates apoptosis and immune signaling.
    Fennell LM, Gomez Diaz C, Deszcz L, Kavirayani A, Hoffmann D, Yanagitani K, Schleiffer A, Mechtler K, Hagelkruys A, Penninger J, Ikeda F., Free PMC Article

    Linear Ubiquitin Code: Its Writer, Erasers, Decoders, Inhibitors, and Implications in Disorders.

    Linear Ubiquitin Code: Its Writer, Erasers, Decoders, Inhibitors, and Implications in Disorders.
    Oikawa D, Sato Y, Ito H, Tokunaga F., Free PMC Article

    Cross-regulation between LUBAC and caspase-1 modulates cell death and inflammation.

    Cross-regulation between LUBAC and caspase-1 modulates cell death and inflammation.
    Douglas T, Saleh M., Free PMC Article

    Second Case of HOIP Deficiency Expands Clinical Features and Defines Inflammatory Transcriptome Regulated by LUBAC.

    Second Case of HOIP Deficiency Expands Clinical Features and Defines Inflammatory Transcriptome Regulated by LUBAC.
    Oda H, Beck DB, Kuehn HS, Sampaio Moura N, Hoffmann P, Ibarra M, Stoddard J, Tsai WL, Gutierrez-Cruz G, Gadina M, Rosenzweig SD, Kastner DL, Notarangelo LD, Aksentijevich I., Free PMC Article

    Human Treg cells that ectopically expressed RNF31 displayed stronger immune-suppressive capacity, suggesting that RNF31 positively regulates both FOXP3 stability and Treg cell function.

    Ring finger protein 31-mediated atypical ubiquitination stabilizes forkhead box P3 and thereby stimulates regulatory T-cell function.
    Zhu F, Yi G, Liu X, Zhu F, Zhao A, Wang A, Zhu R, Chen Z, Zhao B, Fang S, Yu X, Lin R, Liang R, Li D, Zhao W, Zhang Z, Guo W, Zhang S, Ge S, Fan X, Zhao G, Li B., Free PMC Article

    The binding of SHARPIN or HOIL-1L facilitates the E2 loading of HOIP.

    Structural Insights into SHARPIN-Mediated Activation of HOIP for the Linear Ubiquitin Chain Assembly.
    Liu J, Wang Y, Gong Y, Fu T, Hu S, Zhou Z, Pan L.

    SPATA2 has been described as a previously unrecognized factor in the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex-dependent signaling pathways that serves as an adaptor between HOIP and CYLD, thereby enabling recruitment of CYLD to signaling complexes.

    SPATA2-Mediated Binding of CYLD to HOIP Enables CYLD Recruitment to Signaling Complexes.
    Kupka S, De Miguel D, Draber P, Martino L, Surinova S, Rittinger K, Walczak H., Free PMC Article

    This review highlights recent discoveries on RNF31 functions in nuclear factor modifications, breast cancer progression and possible therapeutic inhibitors targeting RNF31. [review]

    Atypical ubiquitin ligase RNF31: the nuclear factor modulator in breast cancer progression.
    Zhu J, Zhuang T, Yang H, Li X, Liu H, Wang H., Free PMC Article

    The data reveal SPATA2 as a high-affinity binding partner of CYLD and HOIP, and a regulatory component of linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex-mediated NF-kappaB signaling.

    SPATA2 Links CYLD to LUBAC, Activates CYLD, and Controls LUBAC Signaling.
    Elliott PR, Leske D, Hrdinka M, Bagola K, Fiil BK, McLaughlin SH, Wagstaff J, Volkmar N, Christianson JC, Kessler BM, Freund SM, Komander D, Gyrd-Hansen M., Free PMC Article

    LUBAC components control TLR3-mediated innate immunity, thereby preventing development of immunodeficiency and autoinflammation.

    --LUBAC deficiency perturbs TLR3 signaling to cause immunodeficiency and autoinflammation.
    Zinngrebe J, Rieser E, Taraborrelli L, Peltzer N, Hartwig T, Ren H, Kovács I, Endres C, Draber P, Darding M, von Karstedt S, Lemke J, Dome B, Bergmann M, Ferguson BJ, Walczak H., Free PMC Article

    Study found that RNF31 is cleaved under apoptosis conditions through various stimulations; findings elucidate a novel regulatory loop between cell death and the survival signal

    Regulation of Linear Ubiquitin Chain Assembly Complex by Caspase-Mediated Cleavage of RNF31.
    Joo D, Tang Y, Blonska M, Jin J, Zhao X, Lin X., Free PMC Article

    These results indicate that caspase-mediated cleavage of HOIP divides critical functional regions of HOIP, and that this regulates linear (de)ubiquitination of substrates upon apoptosis.

    Decreased linear ubiquitination of NEMO and FADD on apoptosis with caspase-mediated cleavage of HOIP.
    Goto E, Tokunaga F.

    RNF31 decreased p53 stability. RNF31 depletion caused cell cycle arrest and cisplatin-induced apoptosis in a p53-dependent manner. RNF31 associated with the p53/MDM2 complex, facilitating p53 polyubiquitination and degradation by stabilizing MDM2.

    RING finger protein 31 promotes p53 degradation in breast cancer cells.
    Zhu J, Zhao C, Zhuang T, Jonsson P, Sinha I, Williams C, Strömblad S, Dahlman-Wright K., Free PMC Article

    This study describes a novel posttranslational regulation of the HOIP-containing linear-ubiquitin-chain assembly complex (LUBAC)-mediated linear ubiquitination that is critical for specifically directing TLR4-mediated NF-kappaB activation.

    Posttranslational Modification of HOIP Blocks Toll-Like Receptor 4-Mediated Linear-Ubiquitin-Chain Formation.
    Bowman J, Rodgers MA, Shi M, Amatya R, Hostager B, Iwai K, Gao SJ, Jung JU., Free PMC Article

    These findings collectively indicated an oncogene role of RNF31 in PCa progression which can be regulated by miR-503, suggesting that RNF31 could serve as a potential prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target for PCa.

    miR-503 suppresses tumor cell proliferation and metastasis by directly targeting RNF31 in prostate cancer.
    Guo J, Liu X, Wang M.

    we identified BCL10 as a bona fide target of BCR-induced linear ubiquitylation and demonstrated an important role of the linear ubiquitin ligase HOIP in BCR-induced phosphorylation

    Systems-wide analysis of BCR signalosomes and downstream phosphorylation and ubiquitylation.
    Satpathy S, Wagner SA, Beli P, Gupta R, Kristiansen TA, Malinova D, Francavilla C, Tolar P, Bishop GA, Hostager BS, Choudhary C., Free PMC Article

    crystal structure of a HOIP/E2~ubiquitin complex reveals RBR E3 ligase mechanism and regulation

    Structure of a HOIP/E2~ubiquitin complex reveals RBR E3 ligase mechanism and regulation.
    Lechtenberg BC, Rajput A, Sanishvili R, Dobaczewska MK, Ware CF, Mace PD, Riedl SJ., Free PMC Article

    human HOIP is essential for the assembly and function of LUBAC, which includes HOIL-1, and for various processes governing inflammation and immunity in both hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cells

    Human HOIP and LUBAC deficiency underlies autoinflammation, immunodeficiency, amylopectinosis, and lymphangiectasia.
    Boisson B, Laplantine E, Dobbs K, Cobat A, Tarantino N, Hazen M, Lidov HG, Hopkins G, Du L, Belkadi A, Chrabieh M, Itan Y, Picard C, Fournet JC, Eibel H, Tsitsikov E, Pai SY, Abel L, Al-Herz W, Casanova JL, Israel A, Notarangelo LD., Free PMC Article

    Two rare germline polymorphisms affecting the LUBAC subunit RNF31 were identified and enriched among patients with activated B cell-like subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

    Essential role of the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex in lymphoma revealed by rare germline polymorphisms.
    Yang Y, Schmitz R, Mitala J, Whiting A, Xiao W, Ceribelli M, Wright GW, Zhao H, Yang Y, Xu W, Rosenwald A, Ott G, Gascoyne RD, Connors JM, Rimsza LM, Campo E, Jaffe ES, Delabie J, Smeland EB, Braziel RM, Tubbs RR, Cook JR, Weisenburger DD, Chan WC, Wiestner A, Kruhlak MJ, Iwai K, Bernal F, Staudt LM., Free PMC Article

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