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    ARL15 ARF like GTPase 15 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 54622, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    ARL15 and its Multiple Disease Association: Emerging Functions and Potential Therapeutic Application.

    ARL15 and its Multiple Disease Association: Emerging Functions and Potential Therapeutic Application.
    Saini M, Anand V, Sharma A, Pandey A, Thelma BK, Kundu S.

    Adenosine diphosphate-ribosylation factor-like 15 can regulate glycolysis and lipogenesis related genes in colon cancer.

    Adenosine diphosphate-ribosylation factor-like 15 can regulate glycolysis and lipogenesis related genes in colon cancer.
    Du F, Zhang HJ, Shao W, Tu YY, Yang KJ, Piao LS.

    Computational insight into the three-dimensional structure of ADP ribosylation factor like protein 15, a novel susceptibility gene for rheumatoid arthritis.

    Computational insight into the three-dimensional structure of ADP ribosylation factor like protein 15, a novel susceptibility gene for rheumatoid arthritis.
    Sharma A, Saini M, Kundu S, Thelma BK.

    Magnesium homeostasis is regulated by ARL15 through N-glycosylations of CNNMs.

    ARL15 modulates magnesium homeostasis through N-glycosylation of CNNMs.
    Zolotarov Y, Ma C, González-Recio I, Hardy S, Franken GAC, Uetani N, Latta F, Kostantin E, Boulais J, Thibault MP, Côté JF, Díaz-Moreno I, Quintana AD, Hoenderop JGJ, Martínez-Cruz LA, Tremblay ML, de Baaij JHF., Free PMC Article

    Correlation between an intronic SNP genotype and ARL15 level in rheumatoid arthritis.

    Correlation between an intronic SNP genotype and ARL15 level in rheumatoid arthritis.
    Pandey AK, Saxena A, Dey SK, Kanjilal M, Kumar U, Thelma BK.

    ARL15 plays a role in adipocyte differentiation and adiponectin secretion

    The metabolic syndrome- associated small G protein ARL15 plays a role in adipocyte differentiation and adiponectin secretion.
    Rocha N, Payne F, Huang-Doran I, Sleigh A, Fawcett K, Adams C, Stears A, Saudek V, O'Rahilly S, Barroso I, Semple RK., Free PMC Article

    ARL15 expression in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts (RASF) play likely role in inflammation and metabolic syndromes through a TNF independent pathway.

    Functional characterisation of ADP ribosylation factor-like protein 15 in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts.
    Kashyap S, Kumar U, Pandey AK, Kanjilal M, Chattopadhyay P, Yadav C, Thelma BK.

    The ARL15 and HLA-DMA gene polymorphisms are associated with RA risk in Northwestern Han Chinese population.

    [Genetic polymorphisms of ARL15 and HLA-DMA are associated with rheumatoid arthritis in Han population from northwest China].
    Wang J, Qi X, Zhang X, Yan W, You C.

    These findings indicated that there may be a racial/ethnic- and/or sex-specific association of the ARL15 rs6450176 single nucleotide polymorphism and serum lipid levels.

    Association of the ARL15 rs6450176 SNP and serum lipid levels in the Jing and Han populations.
    Sun JQ, Yin RX, Shi GY, Shen SW, Chen X, Bin Y, Huang F, Wang W, Lin WX, Pan SL., Free PMC Article

    The SNPs in ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 15 (ARL15) and the T-cadherin (CDH13) genes did not exhibit significant association with individual metabolic traits in the T2DM and NDM groups.

    Association study of ARL15 and CDH13 with T2DM in a Han Chinese population.
    Li Y, Yang Y, Yao Y, Li X, Shi L, Zhang Y, Xiong Y, Yan M, Yao Y, Xiao C., Free PMC Article

    In this first GWAS of rheumatoid arthritis among North Indians, ARL15 emerged as a novel genetic risk factor in addition to the classic HLA locus.

    A genome-wide association study reveals ARL15, a novel non-HLA susceptibility gene for rheumatoid arthritis in North Indians.
    Negi S, Juyal G, Senapati S, Prasad P, Gupta A, Singh S, Kashyap S, Kumar A, Kumar U, Gupta R, Kaur S, Agrawal S, Aggarwal A, Ott J, Jain S, Juyal RC, Thelma BK.

    Observational study and genome-wide association study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)

    A genome-wide study reveals copy number variants exclusive to childhood obesity cases.
    Glessner JT, Bradfield JP, Wang K, Takahashi N, Zhang H, Sleiman PM, Mentch FD, Kim CE, Hou C, Thomas KA, Garris ML, Deliard S, Frackelton EC, Otieno FG, Zhao J, Chiavacci RM, Li M, Buxbaum JD, Berkowitz RI, Hakonarson H, Grant SF., Free PMC Article

    Clinical trial of gene-disease association and gene-environment interaction. (HuGE Navigator)

    Personalized smoking cessation: interactions between nicotine dose, dependence and quit-success genotype score.
    Rose JE, Behm FM, Drgon T, Johnson C, Uhl GR., Free PMC Article

    findings identify a novel protein, ARL15, which influences circulating adiponectin levels and may impact upon CHD risk

    A genome-wide association study reveals variants in ARL15 that influence adiponectin levels.
    Richards JB, Waterworth D, O'Rahilly S, Hivert MF, Loos RJ, Perry JR, Tanaka T, Timpson NJ, Semple RK, Soranzo N, Song K, Rocha N, Grundberg E, Dupuis J, Florez JC, Langenberg C, Prokopenko I, Saxena R, Sladek R, Aulchenko Y, Evans D, Waeber G, Erdmann J, Burnett MS, Sattar N, Devaney J, Willenborg C, Hingorani A, Witteman JC, Vollenweider P, Glaser B, Hengstenberg C, Ferrucci L, Melzer D, Stark K, Deanfield J, Winogradow J, Grassl M, Hall AS, Egan JM, Thompson JR, Ricketts SL, König IR, Reinhard W, Grundy S, Wichmann HE, Barter P, Mahley R, Kesaniemi YA, Rader DJ, Reilly MP, Epstein SE, Stewart AF, Van Duijn CM, Schunkert H, Burling K, Deloukas P, Pastinen T, Samani NJ, McPherson R, Davey Smith G, Frayling TM, Wareham NJ, Meigs JB, Mooser V, Spector TD, GIANT Consortium, Richards JB, Waterworth D, O'Rahilly S, Hivert MF, Loos RJ, Perry JR, Tanaka T, Timpson NJ, Semple RK, Soranzo N, Song K, Rocha N, Grundberg E, Dupuis J, Florez JC, Langenberg C, Prokopenko I, Saxena R, Sladek R, Aulchenko Y, Evans D, Waeber G, Erdmann J, Burnett MS, Sattar N, Devaney J, Willenborg C, Hingorani A, Witteman JC, Vollenweider P, Glaser B, Hengstenberg C, Ferrucci L, Melzer D, Stark K, Deanfield J, Winogradow J, Grassl M, Hall AS, Egan JM, Thompson JR, Ricketts SL, König IR, Reinhard W, Grundy S, Wichmann HE, Barter P, Mahley R, Kesaniemi YA, Rader DJ, Reilly MP, Epstein SE, Stewart AF, Van Duijn CM, Schunkert H, Burling K, Deloukas P, Pastinen T, Samani NJ, McPherson R, Davey Smith G, Frayling TM, Wareham NJ, Meigs JB, Mooser V, Spector TD, GIANT Consortium., Free PMC Articles: PMC2781107, PMC2781107

    Observational study, meta-analysis, and genome-wide association study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)

    A genome-wide association study reveals variants in ARL15 that influence adiponectin levels.
    Richards JB, Waterworth D, O'Rahilly S, Hivert MF, Loos RJ, Perry JR, Tanaka T, Timpson NJ, Semple RK, Soranzo N, Song K, Rocha N, Grundberg E, Dupuis J, Florez JC, Langenberg C, Prokopenko I, Saxena R, Sladek R, Aulchenko Y, Evans D, Waeber G, Erdmann J, Burnett MS, Sattar N, Devaney J, Willenborg C, Hingorani A, Witteman JC, Vollenweider P, Glaser B, Hengstenberg C, Ferrucci L, Melzer D, Stark K, Deanfield J, Winogradow J, Grassl M, Hall AS, Egan JM, Thompson JR, Ricketts SL, König IR, Reinhard W, Grundy S, Wichmann HE, Barter P, Mahley R, Kesaniemi YA, Rader DJ, Reilly MP, Epstein SE, Stewart AF, Van Duijn CM, Schunkert H, Burling K, Deloukas P, Pastinen T, Samani NJ, McPherson R, Davey Smith G, Frayling TM, Wareham NJ, Meigs JB, Mooser V, Spector TD, GIANT Consortium, Richards JB, Waterworth D, O'Rahilly S, Hivert MF, Loos RJ, Perry JR, Tanaka T, Timpson NJ, Semple RK, Soranzo N, Song K, Rocha N, Grundberg E, Dupuis J, Florez JC, Langenberg C, Prokopenko I, Saxena R, Sladek R, Aulchenko Y, Evans D, Waeber G, Erdmann J, Burnett MS, Sattar N, Devaney J, Willenborg C, Hingorani A, Witteman JC, Vollenweider P, Glaser B, Hengstenberg C, Ferrucci L, Melzer D, Stark K, Deanfield J, Winogradow J, Grassl M, Hall AS, Egan JM, Thompson JR, Ricketts SL, König IR, Reinhard W, Grundy S, Wichmann HE, Barter P, Mahley R, Kesaniemi YA, Rader DJ, Reilly MP, Epstein SE, Stewart AF, Van Duijn CM, Schunkert H, Burling K, Deloukas P, Pastinen T, Samani NJ, McPherson R, Davey Smith G, Frayling TM, Wareham NJ, Meigs JB, Mooser V, Spector TD, GIANT Consortium., Free PMC Articles: PMC2781107, PMC2781107

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