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    ROBO4 roundabout guidance receptor 4 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 54538, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    The Role of SLIT3-ROBO4 Signaling in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Delayed Corneal Epithelial and Nerve Regeneration.

    The Role of SLIT3-ROBO4 Signaling in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Delayed Corneal Epithelial and Nerve Regeneration.
    Chen R, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Wang X, Li Y, Wang M, Wang H, Dong M, Zhou Q, Yang L., Free PMC Article

    The role of TET2-mediated ROBO4 hypomethylation in the development of diabetic retinopathy.

    The role of TET2-mediated ROBO4 hypomethylation in the development of diabetic retinopathy.
    Zhao L, Xu H, Liu X, Cheng Y, Xie J., Free PMC Article

    Downregulation of ROBO4 in Pancreatic Cancer Serves as a Biomarker of Poor Prognosis and Indicates Increased Cell Motility and Proliferation Through Activation of MMP-9.

    Downregulation of ROBO4 in Pancreatic Cancer Serves as a Biomarker of Poor Prognosis and Indicates Increased Cell Motility and Proliferation Through Activation of MMP-9.
    Yamanaka M, Hayashi M, Sonohara F, Yamada S, Tanaka H, Sakai A, Mii S, Kobayashi D, Kurimoto K, Tanaka N, Inokawa Y, Takami H, Hattori N, Kanda M, Tanaka C, Nakayama G, Koike M, Kodera Y.

    Rare deleterious variants of NOTCH1, GATA4, SMAD6, and ROBO4 are enriched in BAV with early onset complications but not in BAV with heritable thoracic aortic disease.

    Rare deleterious variants of NOTCH1, GATA4, SMAD6, and ROBO4 are enriched in BAV with early onset complications but not in BAV with heritable thoracic aortic disease.
    Musfee FI, Guo D, Pinard AC, Hostetler EM, Blue EE, Nickerson DA, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics (UW-CMG), Bamshad MJ, Milewicz DM, Prakash SK., Free PMC Article

    miR-140-5p regulates vascular smooth muscle cell viability, migration and apoptosis by targeting ROBO4 gene expression in atherosclerosis.

    miR-140-5p regulates vascular smooth muscle cell viability, migration and apoptosis by targeting ROBO4 gene expression in atherosclerosis.
    Luo Y, Li Y, Peng H, Zhao Y., Free PMC Article

    Structural insights and evaluation of the potential impact of missense variants on the interactions of SLIT2 with ROBO1/4 in cancer progression.

    Structural insights and evaluation of the potential impact of missense variants on the interactions of SLIT2 with ROBO1/4 in cancer progression.
    Sengupta D, Bhattacharya G, Ganguli S, Sengupta M., Free PMC Article

    Nuclear Localization of Robo is Associated with Better Survival in Bladder Cancer.

    Nuclear Localization of Robo is Associated with Better Survival in Bladder Cancer.
    Krafft U, Reis H, Ingenwerth M, Kovalszky I, Becker M, Niedworok C, Darr C, Nyirády P, Hadaschik B, Szarvas T.

    PRC2 Components Maintain DNA Hypermethylation of the Upstream Promoter and Regulate Robo4 Expression in Endothelial Cells.

    PRC2 Components Maintain DNA Hypermethylation of the Upstream Promoter and Regulate Robo4 Expression in Endothelial Cells.
    Izawa K, Shirakura K, Kakiuchi K, Funahashi N, Maekawa N, Hino N, Tanaka T, Doi T, Okada Y.

    Regulatory mechanisms of Robo4 and their effects on angiogenesis.

    Regulatory mechanisms of Robo4 and their effects on angiogenesis.
    Dai C, Gong Q, Cheng Y, Su G., Free PMC Article

    VEGF and Robo4 were co-expressed in FVMs from proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) patients. In the early stages, VEGF was upregulated and contributed to retinopahy development, whereas, in the late stage, VEGF and Robo4 worked together to aggravate disease progression. However, miR-15a could downregulate VEGF and Robo4 to ameliorate Diabetic retinopathy development.

    Upregulated VEGF and Robo4 correlate with the reduction of miR-15a in the development of diabetic retinopathy.
    Gong Q, Li F, Xie J, Su G., Free PMC Article

    In human brain endothelial cells that were damaged by hypoxia plus IL-1beta, treatment with recombinant ANXA2 (rA2) rescued the expression of junctional proteins and decreased trans-endothelial permeability. The protective effects were mediated in part by interactions with F-actin and VE-cadherin, and the ability of rA2 to modulate signaling via Robo4 -paxillin- ARF6.

    Annexin A2 is a Robo4 ligand that modulates ARF6 activation-associated cerebral trans-endothelial permeability.
    Li W, Chen Z, Yuan J, Yu Z, Cheng C, Zhao Q, Huang L, Hajjar KA, Chen Z, Lo EH, Dai H, Wang X., Free PMC Article

    Targeted sequencing of ROBO4 showed enrichment for rare variants in BAV/AscAA probands compared with controls.

    ROBO4 variants predispose individuals to bicuspid aortic valve and thoracic aortic aneurysm.
    Gould RA, Aziz H, Woods CE, Seman-Senderos MA, Sparks E, Preuss C, Wünnemann F, Bedja D, Moats CR, McClymont SA, Rose R, Sobreira N, Ling H, MacCarrick G, Kumar AA, Luyckx I, Cannaerts E, Verstraeten A, Björk HM, Lehsau AC, Jaskula-Ranga V, Lauridsen H, Shah AA, Bennett CL, Ellinor PT, Lin H, Isselbacher EM, Lino Cardenas CL, Butcher JT, Hughes GC, Lindsay ME, Baylor-Hopkins Center for Mendelian Genomics, MIBAVA Leducq Consortium, Mertens L, Franco-Cereceda A, Verhagen JMA, Wessels M, Mohamed SA, Eriksson P, Mital S, Van Laer L, Loeys BL, Andelfinger G, McCallion AS, Dietz HC., Free PMC Article

    Robo 4 is a tumor endothelial marker expressed in the vascular network of various tumor entities.

    Robo 4 - the double-edged sword in prostate cancer: impact on cancer cell aggressiveness and tumor vasculature.
    Pircher A, Schäfer G, Eigentler A, Pichler R, Puhr M, Steiner E, Horninger W, Gunsilius E, Klocker H, Heidegger I., Free PMC Article

    Low expression level of ROBO4 is associated with evasive resistance and disease progression in cancer.

    Biomarkers of evasive resistance predict disease progression in cancer patients treated with antiangiogenic therapies.
    Pircher A, Jöhrer K, Kocher F, Steiner N, Graziadei I, Heidegger I, Pichler R, Leonhartsberger N, Kremser C, Kern J, Untergasser G, Gunsilius E, Hilbe W., Free PMC Article

    GM-CSF and IL-1beta. Taken together, we demonstrated novel Robo4 functions in inflammation, i.e., it promotes IL-6 production by endothelial cells and immune cells via crosstalk.

    Endothelial Robo4 regulates IL-6 production by endothelial cells and monocytes via a crosstalk mechanism in inflammation.
    Shirakura K, Ishiba R, Kashio T, Sakai M, Fukushima Y, Yamamoto N, Manabe S, Shigesada N, Tanaka T, Hino N, Aird WC, Doi T, Okada Y.

    Results show that hyperglycemia-induced upregulation of Robo4 in retinal endothelial cells is directly mediated by transcription factor SP1 which increases the transcription of Robo4 via an additional binding site in Robo4 promoter. SP1/Robo4 can regulate the migration, monolayer permeability and angiogenesis of retinal endothelial cells under hyperglycemic conditions.

    Transcription factor SP1 mediates hyperglycemia-induced upregulation of roundabout4 in retinal microvascular endothelial cells.
    Xie J, Gong Q, Liu X, Liu Z, Tian R, Cheng Y, Su G.

    Overexpression of Roundabout4 is associated with glioma.

    Overexpression of Roundabout4 predicts poor prognosis of primary glioma patients via correlating with microvessel density.
    Cai H, Xue Y, Liu W, Li Z, Hu Y, Li Z, Shang X, Liu Y.

    there was a increase in Robo4 expression under hyperglycemic conditions, while there was a decrease under hypoxic and combined hypoxic and hyperglycemic conditions, suggesting Robo4 might play different roles in various stages of diabetic retinopathy

    Validation of RT-qPCR reference genes and determination of Robo4 expression levels in human retinal endothelial cells under hypoxia and/or hyperglycemia.
    Xie J, Liu X, Li Y, Liu Y, Su G.

    These results suggest that Slit2/Robo1 binding exerts an effect on cell migration, which is negatively regulated by Robo4, and Robo1 may function by interacting with CdGAP in HUVECs.

    Suppression of Slit2/Robo1 mediated HUVEC migration by Robo4.
    Enomoto S, Mitsui K, Kawamura T, Iwanari H, Daigo K, Horiuchi K, Minami T, Kodama T, Hamakubo T.

    results indicate that AP-1 complexes regulate Robo4 gene expression in endothelial cells

    Expression of the Robo4 receptor in endothelial cells is regulated by two AP-1 protein complexes.
    Okada Y, Naruse H, Tanaka T, Funahashi N, Regan ER, Yamakawa K, Hino N, Ishimoto K, Doi T, Aird WC.

    BM Robo4 expression can serve as a new biomarker to predict clinical outcomes in AML patients and Robo4 may serve as a potential therapeutic target in patients with higher Robo4 expression.

    Clinical and prognostic implications of Roundabout 4 (robo4) in adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
    Chen YK, Hou HA, Tang JL, Jhuang JY, Lai YJ, Lee MC, Kuo YY, Chou WC, Liu CY, Lin CW, Chuang SS, Chen CY, Tseng MH, Huang CF, Chiang YC, Lee FY, Liu MC, Liu CW, Yao M, Huang SY, Ko BS, Hsu SC, Wu SJ, Tsay W, Chen YC, Tien HF., Free PMC Article

    Robo4 suppressed glioma-induced endothelial cell proliferation, migration and tube formation in vitro by inhibiting VEGR2-mediated activation of PI3K/AKT and FAK signaling pathways.

    Roundabout4 suppresses glioma-induced endothelial cell proliferation, migration and tube formation in vitro by inhibiting VEGR2-mediated PI3K/AKT and FAK signaling pathways.
    Cai H, Xue Y, Li Z, Hu Y, Wang Z, Liu W, Li Z, Liu Y.

    Increased or decreased expression of Robo4 by stimulation or knockdown of HIF-1alpha suggesting that Robo4 is positively regulated by HIF-1alpha under normoxic and hypoxic conditions in microvascular endothelial cells in vitro.

    Investigation of the Regulation of Roundabout4 by Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α in Microvascular Endothelial Cells.
    Tian R, Liu Z, Zhang H, Fang X, Wang C, Qi S, Cheng Y, Su G.

    Plasma Robo4 levels are increased, transiently, following cardiac surgery requiring CPB

    Raised plasma Robo4 and cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury.
    Burke-Gaffney A, Svermova T, Mumby S, Finney SJ, Evans TW., Free PMC Article

    This study demonistrated that roundabout 4 regulates blood-tumor barrier permeability through the modulation of ZO-1, Occludin, and Claudin-5 expression.

    Roundabout 4 regulates blood-tumor barrier permeability through the modulation of ZO-1, Occludin, and Claudin-5 expression.
    Cai H, Liu W, Xue Y, Shang X, Liu J, Li Z, Wang P, Liu L, Hu Y, Liu Y.

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