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    PLS3 plastin 3 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 5358, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Early-Onset Osteoporosis: Molecular Analysis in Large Cohort and Focus on the PLS3 Gene.

    Early-Onset Osteoporosis: Molecular Analysis in Large Cohort and Focus on the PLS3 Gene.
    Mancini M, Chapurlat R, Isidor B, Desjonqueres M, Couture G, Guggenbuhl P, Coutant R, El Chehadeh S, Fradin M, Frazier A, Goldenberg A, Guillot P, Koumakis E, Mehsen-Cêtre N, Rossi M, Schaefer É, Sigaudy S, Porquet-Bordes V, Fontanges É, Letard P, Edouard T, Javier RM, Cohen-Solal M, Funck-Brentano T, Collet C.

    T-plastin contributes to epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human lung cancer cells through FAK/AKT/Slug axis signaling pathway.

    T-plastin contributes to epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human lung cancer cells through FAK/AKT/Slug axis signaling pathway.
    Park SY, Choi H, Choi SM, Wang S, Shim S, Jun W, Lee J, Chung JW., Free PMC Article

    PLS3 Mutations in X-Linked Osteoporosis: Clinical and Genetic Features in Five New Families.

    PLS3 Mutations in X-Linked Osteoporosis: Clinical and Genetic Features in Five New Families.
    Costa A, Martins A, Machado C, Lundberg E, Nilsson O, Wang F, Costantini A, Tournis S, Höppner J, Grasemann C, Mäkitie O., Free PMC Article

    PLS3 promotes papillary thyroid carcinoma progression by activating the Notch signaling pathway.

    PLS3 promotes papillary thyroid carcinoma progression by activating the Notch signaling pathway.
    Wang D, Liu J, Chen Y, Jia L, Zhao K, He X.

    PLS3 missense variants affecting the actin-binding domains cause X-linked congenital diaphragmatic hernia and body-wall defects.

    PLS3 missense variants affecting the actin-binding domains cause X-linked congenital diaphragmatic hernia and body-wall defects.
    Petit F, Longoni M, Wells J, Maser RS, Bogenschutz EL, Dysart MJ, Contreras HTM, Frénois F, Pober BR, Clark RD, Giampietro PF, Ropers HH, Hu H, Loscertales M, Wagner R, Ai X, Brand H, Jourdain AS, Delrue MA, Gilbert-Dussardier B, Devisme L, Keren B, McCulley DJ, Qiao L, Hernan R, Wynn J, Scott TM, Calame DG, Coban-Akdemir Z, Hernandez P, Hernandez-Garcia A, Yonath H, Lupski JR, Shen Y, Chung WK, Scott DA, Bult CJ, Donahoe PK, High FA., Free PMC Article

    Epigenetic regulation of plastin 3 expression by the macrosatellite DXZ4 and the transcriptional regulator CHD4.

    Epigenetic regulation of plastin 3 expression by the macrosatellite DXZ4 and the transcriptional regulator CHD4.
    Strathmann EA, Hölker I, Tschernoster N, Hosseinibarkooie S, Come J, Martinat C, Altmüller J, Wirth B., Free PMC Article

    Plastin 3 rescues cell surface translocation and activation of TrkB in spinal muscular atrophy.

    Plastin 3 rescues cell surface translocation and activation of TrkB in spinal muscular atrophy.
    Hennlein L, Ghanawi H, Gerstner F, Palominos García E, Yildirim E, Saal-Bauernschubert L, Moradi M, Deng C, Klein T, Appenzeller S, Sauer M, Briese M, Simon C, Sendtner M, Jablonka S., Free PMC Article

    Identification of a novel splicing mutation and genotype-phenotype correlations in rare PLS3-related childhood-onset osteoporosis.

    Identification of a novel splicing mutation and genotype-phenotype correlations in rare PLS3-related childhood-onset osteoporosis.
    Wu Z, Feng Z, Zhu X, Dai Z, Min K, Qiu Y, Yi L, Xu L, Zhu Z., Free PMC Article

    X-Linked Osteogenesis Imperfecta Possibly Caused by a Novel Variant in PLS3.

    X-Linked Osteogenesis Imperfecta Possibly Caused by a Novel Variant in PLS3.
    Brlek P, Antičević D, Molnar V, Matišić V, Robinson K, Aradhya S, Krpan D, Primorac D., Free PMC Article

    Unique, Gender-Dependent Serum microRNA Profile in PLS3 Gene-Related Osteoporosis.

    Unique, Gender-Dependent Serum microRNA Profile in PLS3 Gene-Related Osteoporosis.
    Mäkitie RE, Hackl M, Weigl M, Frischer A, Kämpe A, Costantini A, Grillari J, Mäkitie O.

    Genetic modifiers ameliorate endocytic and neuromuscular defects in a model of spinal muscular atrophy.

    Genetic modifiers ameliorate endocytic and neuromuscular defects in a model of spinal muscular atrophy.
    Walsh MB, Janzen E, Wingrove E, Hosseinibarkooie S, Muela NR, Davidow L, Dimitriadi M, Norabuena EM, Rubin LL, Wirth B, Hart AC., Free PMC Article

    PLS3 Mutations Cause Severe Age and Sex-Related Spinal Pathology.

    PLS3 Mutations Cause Severe Age and Sex-Related Spinal Pathology.
    Mäkitie RE, Niinimäki T, Suo-Palosaari M, Kämpe A, Costantini A, Toiviainen-Salo S, Niinimäki J, Mäkitie O., Free PMC Article

    Expression and Localization of Thrombospondins, Plastin 3, and STIM1 in Different Cartilage Compartments of the Osteoarthritic Varus Knee.

    Expression and Localization of Thrombospondins, Plastin 3, and STIM1 in Different Cartilage Compartments of the Osteoarthritic Varus Knee.
    Mählich D, Glasmacher A, Müller I, Oppermann J, Grevenstein D, Eysel P, Heilig J, Wirth B, Zaucke F, Niehoff A., Free PMC Article

    PLS3 predicts poor prognosis in pancreatic cancer and promotes cancer cell proliferation via PI3K/AKT signaling.

    PLS3 predicts poor prognosis in pancreatic cancer and promotes cancer cell proliferation via PI3K/AKT signaling.
    Xin Z, Li D, Mao F, Du Y, Wang X, Xu P, Li Z, Qian J, Yao J.

    A novel nonsense variant in PLS3 causes X-linked osteoporosis in a Chinese family.

    A novel nonsense variant in PLS3 causes X-linked osteoporosis in a Chinese family.
    Wang L, Bian X, Cheng G, Zhao P, Xiang X, Tian W, Li T, Zhai Q.

    A Novel Peptide Probe for Identification of PLS3-Expressed Cancer Cells.

    A Novel Peptide Probe for Identification of PLS3-Expressed Cancer Cells.
    Shi F, Ma Y, Qian Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Zhao M, Hu Z.

    PLS3 polymorphisms are genetic loci for osteoporosis in postmenopausal Chinese women.

    Genetic variants in the PLS3 gene are associated with osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal Chinese women.
    Shao C, Wang YW, He JW, Fu WZ, Wang C, Zhang ZL., Free PMC Article

    study identifies PLS3 as a potential target for enhancing the p38 MAPK-mediated apoptosis induced by paclitaxel.

    Plastin 3 down-regulation augments the sensitivity of MDA-MB-231 cells to paclitaxel via the p38 MAPK signalling pathway.
    Ma Y, Lai W, Zhao M, Yue C, Shi F, Li R, Hu Z.

    PLS3 mutation is associated with X-linked osteoporosis.

    Novel PLS3 variants in X-linked osteoporosis: Exploring bone material properties.
    Balasubramanian M, Fratzl-Zelman N, O'Sullivan R, Bull M, Fa Peel N, Pollitt RC, Jones R, Milne E, Smith K, Roschger P, Klaushofer K, Bishop NJ.

    Regulation of osteoclastogenesis and bone remodeling via the PLS3-NKRF-NFkappaB-NFATC1 axis unveils a novel possibility to counteract osteoporosis.

    Plastin 3 influences bone homeostasis through regulation of osteoclast activity.
    Neugebauer J, Heilig J, Hosseinibarkooie S, Ross BC, Mendoza-Ferreira N, Nolte F, Peters M, Hölker I, Hupperich K, Tschanz T, Grysko V, Zaucke F, Niehoff A, Wirth B.

    PLS3 deletions lead to severe childhood-onset osteoporosis resulting from defective bone matrix mineralization.

    PLS3 Deletions Lead to Severe Spinal Osteoporosis and Disturbed Bone Matrix Mineralization.
    Kämpe AJ, Costantini A, Levy-Shraga Y, Zeitlin L, Roschger P, Taylan F, Lindstrand A, Paschalis EP, Gamsjaeger S, Raas-Rothschild A, Hövel M, Jiao H, Klaushofer K, Grasemann C, Mäkitie O.

    PLS3 sequencing in childhood-onset primary osteoporosis identifies two novel disease-causing variants.

    PLS3 sequencing in childhood-onset primary osteoporosis identifies two novel disease-causing variants.
    Kämpe AJ, Costantini A, Mäkitie RE, Jäntti N, Valta H, Mäyränpää M, Kröger H, Pekkinen M, Taylan F, Jiao H, Mäkitie O., Free PMC Article

    T-plastin mediates the hypoxia-induced membrane trafficking

    Hypoxia-stimulated membrane trafficking requires T-plastin.
    Wottawa M, Naas S, Böttger J, van Belle GJ, Möbius W, Revelo NH, Heidenreich D, von Ahlen M, Zieseniss A, Kröhnert K, Lutz S, Lenz C, Urlaub H, Rizzoli SO, Katschinski DM.

    PLS3 mutation plays a role in low turnover osteoporosis pathophysiology.

    Osteocyte Protein Expression Is Altered in Low-Turnover Osteoporosis Caused by Mutations in WNT1 and PLS3.
    Wesseling-Perry K, Mäkitie RE, Välimäki VV, Laine T, Laine CM, Välimäki MJ, Pereira RC, Mäkitie O., Free PMC Article

    In this study, the authors found that the actin filament bundling abilities of PLS1 and PLS2 were similarly sensitive to Ca(2+) (pCa50 ~6.4), whereas PLS3 was less sensitive (pCa50 ~5.9).

    The Roles of Actin-Binding Domains 1 and 2 in the Calcium-Dependent Regulation of Actin Filament Bundling by Human Plastins.
    Schwebach CL, Agrawal R, Lindert S, Kudryashova E, Kudryashov DS.

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