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    PLEK pleckstrin [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 5341, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Higher expression of PLEK and LY86 as the potential biomarker of carotid atherosclerosis.

    Higher expression of PLEK and LY86 as the potential biomarker of carotid atherosclerosis.
    Zhao M, Liu A, Mo L, Wan G, Lu F, Chen L, Fu S, Chen H, Fu T, Deng H., Free PMC Article

    Pleckstrin Levels Are Increased in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis and Regulated via the MAP Kinase-p38alpha Signaling Pathway in Gingival Fibroblasts.

    Pleckstrin Levels Are Increased in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis and Regulated via the MAP Kinase-p38α Signaling Pathway in Gingival Fibroblasts.
    Alim MA, Njenda D, Lundmark A, Kaminska M, Jansson L, Eriksson K, Kats A, Johannsen G, Arvidsson CK, Mydel PM, Yucel-Lindberg T., Free PMC Article

    A rare genomic duplication in 2p14 underlies autosomal dominant hearing loss DFNA58.

    A rare genomic duplication in 2p14 underlies autosomal dominant hearing loss DFNA58.
    Lezirovitz K, Vieira-Silva GA, Batissoco AC, Levy D, Kitajima JP, Trouillet A, Ouyang E, Zebarjadi N, Sampaio-Silva J, Pedroso-Campos V, Nascimento LR, Sonoda CY, Borges VM, Vasconcelos LG, Beck RMO, Grasel SS, Jagger DJ, Grillet N, Bento RF, Mingroni-Netto RC, Oiticica J., Free PMC Article

    Only one gene, pleckstrin , was significantly overexpressed in periodontitis,cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis , implicating this gene as an important networking link between these chronic inflammatory diseases

    Transcriptome analysis reveals mucin 4 to be highly associated with periodontitis and identifies pleckstrin as a link to systemic diseases.
    Lundmark A, Davanian H, Båge T, Johannsen G, Koro C, Lundeberg J, Yucel-Lindberg T., Free PMC Article

    These findings reveal a novel role of the PLD1-pleckstrin homology domain as a positive regulator of endocytosis and provide a link between PLD1 and HIF-1alpha in the EGFR endocytosis pathway.

    The pleckstrin homology domain of phospholipase D1 accelerates EGFR endocytosis by increasing the expression of the Rab5 effector, rabaptin-5.
    Park MH, Choi KY, Min do S., Free PMC Article

    crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the first 2 domains of pleckstrin (NPHDEP); work demonstrates that NPHDEP behaves as a monomer in solution and suggests that all 3 pleckstrin domains contribute to the dimerization interface

    Crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of truncated human pleckstrin.
    Jackson S, Sugiman-Marangos S, Cheung K, Junop M., Free PMC Article

    Observational study of gene-disease association, gene-environment interaction, and pharmacogenomic / toxicogenomic. (HuGE Navigator)

    Variation at the NFATC2 locus increases the risk of thiazolidinedione-induced edema in the Diabetes REduction Assessment with ramipril and rosiglitazone Medication (DREAM) study.
    Bailey SD, Xie C, Do R, Montpetit A, Diaz R, Mohan V, Keavney B, Yusuf S, Gerstein HC, Engert JC, Anand S, DREAM investigators., Free PMC Article

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)

    Gene-centric association signals for lipids and apolipoproteins identified via the HumanCVD BeadChip.
    Talmud PJ, Drenos F, Shah S, Shah T, Palmen J, Verzilli C, Gaunt TR, Pallas J, Lovering R, Li K, Casas JP, Sofat R, Kumari M, Rodriguez S, Johnson T, Newhouse SJ, Dominiczak A, Samani NJ, Caulfield M, Sever P, Stanton A, Shields DC, Padmanabhan S, Melander O, Hastie C, Delles C, Ebrahim S, Marmot MG, Smith GD, Lawlor DA, Munroe PB, Day IN, Kivimaki M, Whittaker J, Humphries SE, Hingorani AD, ASCOT investigators, NORDIL investigators, BRIGHT Consortium., Free PMC Article

    Observational study and genome-wide association study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)

    Multiple common variants for celiac disease influencing immune gene expression.
    Dubois PC, Trynka G, Franke L, Hunt KA, Romanos J, Curtotti A, Zhernakova A, Heap GA, Adány R, Aromaa A, Bardella MT, van den Berg LH, Bockett NA, de la Concha EG, Dema B, Fehrmann RS, Fernández-Arquero M, Fiatal S, Grandone E, Green PM, Groen HJ, Gwilliam R, Houwen RH, Hunt SE, Kaukinen K, Kelleher D, Korponay-Szabo I, Kurppa K, MacMathuna P, Mäki M, Mazzilli MC, McCann OT, Mearin ML, Mein CA, Mirza MM, Mistry V, Mora B, Morley KI, Mulder CJ, Murray JA, Núñez C, Oosterom E, Ophoff RA, Polanco I, Peltonen L, Platteel M, Rybak A, Salomaa V, Schweizer JJ, Sperandeo MP, Tack GJ, Turner G, Veldink JH, Verbeek WH, Weersma RK, Wolters VM, Urcelay E, Cukrowska B, Greco L, Neuhausen SL, McManus R, Barisani D, Deloukas P, Barrett JC, Saavalainen P, Wijmenga C, van Heel DA., Free PMC Article

    Here they show that the PH domain from Bcr-Abl binds a number of proteins involved in vital cellular processes in leukemogenesis.

    Novel role of pleckstrin homology domain of the Bcr-Abl protein: analysis of protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions.
    Miroshnychenko D, Dubrovska A, Maliuta S, Telegeev G, Aspenström P.

    Idirect associations between plek and actin through 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 4, alpha-actinin, moesin, radixin and factor XIIIA, is proposed.

    Proteomic identification of pleckstrin-associated proteins in platelets: possible interactions with actin.
    Baig A, Bao X, Haslam RJ.

    Proteins beta3 integrin, Vav3, Plekhm1, and Src, implicated in attachment defects, had normal exon sequences in a new type of osteopetrosis.

    Osteopetrosis with micro-lacunar resorption because of defective integrin organization.
    Blair HC, Yaroslavskiy BB, Robinson LJ, Mapara MY, Pangrazio A, Guo L, Chen K, Vezzoni P, Tolar J, Orchard PJ., Free PMC Article

    A pleckstrin homology domain located in G protein-coupled receptor kinase-2 (GRK2) residue 548 to 660 plays a significant role in mediating interaction between protein kinase C beta 1 and GRK2.

    PH domain of G protein-coupled receptor kinase-2 binds to protein kinase C (PKC) and negatively regulates activity of PKC kinase.
    Ji S, Liu X, Li S, Shen L, Li F, Wang J, Han J, Yao L.

    Translocation requires its phosphorylation and newly formed ligands

    Translocation of pleckstrin requires its phosphorylation and newly formed ligands.
    Sloan DC, Wang P, Bao X, Haslam RJ.

    The human pleckstrin-1 solution nuclear magnetic resonance structure of the C-terminal pleckstrin homology domain was reported.

    Structure and phosphatidylinositol-(3,4)-bisphosphate binding of the C-terminal PH domain of human pleckstrin.
    Edlich C, Stier G, Simon B, Sattler M, Muhle-Goll C.

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