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    NPY1R neuropeptide Y receptor Y1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 4886, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Integrative Analysis of Exosomal miR-452 and miR-4713 Downregulating NPY1R for the Prevention of Childhood Obesity.

    Integrative Analysis of Exosomal miR-452 and miR-4713 Downregulating NPY1R for the Prevention of Childhood Obesity.
    Feng X, Ding Y, Zhou M, Song N, Ding Y., Free PMC Article

    Expression of hypoxia inducible factor-dependent neuropeptide Y receptors Y1 and Y5 sensitizes hypoxic cells to NPY stimulation.

    Expression of hypoxia inducible factor-dependent neuropeptide Y receptors Y1 and Y5 sensitizes hypoxic cells to NPY stimulation.
    Medeiros PJ, Pascetta SA, Kirsh SM, Al-Khazraji BK, Uniacke J., Free PMC Article

    NPY1R exerts inhibitory action on estradiol-stimulated growth and predicts endocrine sensitivity and better survival in ER-positive breast cancer.

    NPY1R exerts inhibitory action on estradiol-stimulated growth and predicts endocrine sensitivity and better survival in ER-positive breast cancer.
    Bhat R, Thangavel H, Abdulkareem NM, Vasaikar S, De Angelis C, Bae L, Cataldo ML, Nanda S, Fu X, Zhang B, Schiff R, Trivedi MV., Free PMC Article

    Structural basis of neuropeptide Y signaling through Y1 receptor.

    Structural basis of neuropeptide Y signaling through Y1 receptor.
    Park C, Kim J, Ko SB, Choi YK, Jeong H, Woo H, Kang H, Bang I, Kim SA, Yoon TY, Seok C, Im W, Choi HJ., Free PMC Article

    Theoretical study of the interactions between peptide tyrosine tyrosine [PYY (1-36)], a newly identified modulator in type 2 diabetes pathophysiology, with receptors NPY1R and NPY4R.

    Theoretical study of the interactions between peptide tyrosine tyrosine [PYY (1-36)], a newly identified modulator in type 2 diabetes pathophysiology, with receptors NPY1R and NPY4R.
    Choong YS, Lim YY, Soong JX, Savoo N, Guida C, Rhyman L, Ramracheya R, Ramasami P.

    Differential regulation of NPY and SP receptor expression in STRO-1+ve PDLSCs by inflammatory cytokines.

    Differential regulation of NPY and SP receptor expression in STRO-1+ve PDLSCs by inflammatory cytokines.
    Winning L, El Karim IA, Linden GJ, Irwin CR, Killough SA, Lundy FT.

    Clinical Significance of Immunohistochemical Expression of Neuropeptide Y1 Receptor in Patients With Breast Cancer in Egypt.

    Clinical Significance of Immunohistochemical Expression of Neuropeptide Y1 Receptor in Patients With Breast Cancer in Egypt.
    Dawoud MM, Abdelaziz KK, Alhanafy AM, Ali MSE, Elkhouly EAB.

    Further evidence for the association of GAL, GALR1 and NPY1R variants with opioid dependence.

    Further evidence for the association of GAL, GALR1 and NPY1R variants with opioid dependence.
    Randesi M, Levran O, van den Brink W, Blanken P, van Ree JM, Ott J, Kreek MJ., Free PMC Article

    Strategic Aspects of NPY-Based Monoclonal Antibodies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer.

    Strategic Aspects of NPY-Based Monoclonal Antibodies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer.
    Desai D, Shende P.

    the current review aims to compile, evaluate and summarise current knowledge on PYY, with particular emphasis on obesity and diabetes treatment, and the importance of specific Y receptor interactions for this.

    Emerging therapeutic potential for peptide YY for obesity-diabetes.
    Lafferty RA, Flatt PR, Irwin N.

    crystal structures of the human Y1R bound to the two selective antagonists UR-MK299 and BMS-193885 at 2.7 and 3.0 A resolution, respectively

    Structural basis of ligand binding modes at the neuropeptide Y Y(1) receptor.
    Yang Z, Han S, Keller M, Kaiser A, Bender BJ, Bosse M, Burkert K, Kögler LM, Wifling D, Bernhardt G, Plank N, Littmann T, Schmidt P, Yi C, Li B, Ye S, Zhang R, Xu B, Larhammar D, Stevens RC, Huster D, Meiler J, Zhao Q, Beck-Sickinger AG, Buschauer A, Wu B., Free PMC Article

    NPY1R plays an inhibitory role in tumor growth and may be a promising therapeutic target for Hepatocellular carcinoma

    Neuropeptide Y1 receptor inhibits cell growth through inactivating mitogen-activated protein kinase signal pathway in human hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Lv X, Zhao F, Huo X, Tang W, Hu B, Gong X, Yang J, Shen Q, Qin W.

    expressed in to B and T lymphocytes and mast cells in infantile hemangiomas

    Neuropeptide Y receptor 1 is expressed by B and T lymphocytes and mast cells in infantile haemangiomas.
    Tan EM, Blackwell MG, Dunne JC, Marsh R, Tan ST, Itinteang T.

    MAPK activation by NPY Y1 receptors is an internalization-independent pathway and that this receptor can transactivate the IGFR receptor.

    Neuropeptide Y receptor mediates activation of ERK1/2 via transactivation of the IGF receptor.
    Lecat S, Belemnaba L, Galzi JL, Bucher B.

    Report design of argininamide-type NPY1R antagonists.

    Toward Labeled Argininamide-Type NPY Y1 Receptor Antagonists: Identification of a Favorable Propionylation Site in BIBO3304.
    Keller M, Schindler L, Bernhardt G, Buschauer A.

    NPY and its Y receptor are possible mediators of both vasoconstriction and pulmonary vascular remodelling in pulmonary hypertension

    NPY/Y₁ receptor-mediated vasoconstrictory and proliferative effects in pulmonary hypertension.
    Crnkovic S, Egemnazarov B, Jain P, Seay U, Gattinger N, Marsh LM, Bálint Z, Kovacs G, Ghanim B, Klepetko W, Schermuly RT, Weissmann N, Olschewski A, Kwapiszewska G., Free PMC Article

    Y1R expression in visceral adipose tissue might be an indicator of increased risk of metabolic syndrome.

    Expressions of neuropeptide Y and Y1 receptor in subcutaneous and visceral fat tissues in normal weight and obese humans and their correlations with clinical parameters and peripheral metabolic factors.
    Sitticharoon C, Chatree S, Churintaraphan M.

    The influence of beta-arrestin adaptors and endocytosis mechanisms on plasma membrane diffusion and particle brightness of GFP-tagged neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptors, was investigated.

    Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, combined with bimolecular fluorescence complementation, reveals the effects of β-arrestin complexes and endocytic targeting on the membrane mobility of neuropeptide Y receptors.
    Kilpatrick LE, Briddon SJ, Holliday ND., Free PMC Article

    Npy1 receptor transgene overexpression is associated with modest anxiolytic-like effect on mice in the open field and elevated plus maze tests.

    Neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor hippocampal overexpression via viral vectors is associated with modest anxiolytic-like and proconvulsant effects in mice.
    Olesen MV, Christiansen SH, Gøtzsche CR, Nikitidou L, Kokaia M, Woldbye DP.

    For the first time we report a significant association between nicotine dependence and DRD5, NPY1R MAP3K4 single nucleotide polymorphism.

    Association study of 45 candidate genes in nicotine dependence in Han Chinese.
    Wei J, Chu C, Wang Y, Yang Y, Wang Q, Li T, Zhang L, Ma X.

    neuropeptide Y1 and Y2 receptors were expressed in 33 percent of testicular tumors and Y1 on intratumoral blood vessels in 50 percent of testicular tumors

    High expression of NPY receptors in the human testis.
    Körner M, Waser B, Thalmann GN, Reubii JC.

    The increased expression of NPY Y1 receptor may be related to local blood flow reduction and structural changes of pelvic supporting tissue in patients with pelvic organ prolapse.

    [Expression of neuropeptide Y and its receptors in the cardinal ligaments and uterosacral ligaments in patients with pelvic organ prolapse].
    Jiang F, Lang JH, Zhu L, Chen J, Liu JP.

    A C-terminal tyrosine-based motif is critical for the constitutive internalization of Y(1) receptors lacking the last 32 C-terminal amino acids.

    Contribution of a tyrosine-based motif to cellular trafficking of wild-type and truncated NPY Y(1) receptors.
    Lecat S, Ouédraogo M, Cherrier T, Noulet F, Rondé P, Glasser N, Galzi JL, Mely Y, Takeda K, Bucher B.

    results suggest that the receptor-ligand interactions have changed during evolution after Y1 and Y2 arose from a common ancestral receptor

    Mutagenesis of human neuropeptide Y/peptide YY receptor Y2 reveals additional differences to Y1 in interactions with highly conserved ligand positions.
    Akerberg H, Fällmar H, Sjödin P, Boukharta L, Gutiérrez-de-Terán H, Lundell I, Mohell N, Larhammar D.

    Observational study of gene-disease association, gene-environment interaction, and pharmacogenomic / toxicogenomic. (HuGE Navigator)

    Variation at the NFATC2 locus increases the risk of thiazolidinedione-induced edema in the Diabetes REduction Assessment with ramipril and rosiglitazone Medication (DREAM) study.
    Bailey SD, Xie C, Do R, Montpetit A, Diaz R, Mohan V, Keavney B, Yusuf S, Gerstein HC, Engert JC, Anand S, DREAM investigators., Free PMC Article

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