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    MSN moesin [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 4478, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    The role of moesin in diagnosing and assessing severity of lymphangioleiomyomatosis.

    The role of moesin in diagnosing and assessing severity of lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
    Song X, Cai H, Peng W, Chen K, Abuduxukuer Z, Zeng Y, Zhu G, Lu C, Chen Y, Wang J, Ye L, Jin M., Free PMC Article

    Moesin affects the plasma membrane expression and the immune checkpoint function of CD47 in human ovarian clear cell carcinoma.

    Moesin affects the plasma membrane expression and the immune checkpoint function of CD47 in human ovarian clear cell carcinoma.
    Ito Y, Kobori T, Urashima Y, Ito T, Hotta K, Obata T.

    Two cases of pediatric primary immunodeficiency caused by a familial moesin(MSN)gene mutation.

    Two cases of pediatric primary immunodeficiency caused by a familial moesin(MSN)gene mutation.
    Li M, Luo S, Zhuo Z, Shu M.

    Identification of Neural Progenitor Cell-associated Chemoradiotherapy Resistance Gene Set (ARL4C, MSN, TNFAIP6) for Prognosis of Glioma.

    Identification of Neural Progenitor Cell-associated Chemoradiotherapy Resistance Gene Set (ARL4C, MSN, TNFAIP6) for Prognosis of Glioma.
    Yang Y, Xu X, Xie Y, Liu Y, Ning C, Ai Y, Lv C, Wei H, Ge X, Yi T, Piao Y, Wang X, Jin X.

    Hemizygous nonsense variant in the moesin gene (MSN) leads to a new autoimmune phenotype of Immunodeficiency 50.

    Hemizygous nonsense variant in the moesin gene (MSN) leads to a new autoimmune phenotype of Immunodeficiency 50.
    Kovács AL, Kárteszi J, Prohászka Z, Kalmár T, Késmárky G, Koltai K, Nagy Z, Sebők J, Vas T, Molnár K, Berki T, Böröcz K, Gyömörei C, Szalma J, Egyed M, Horváth S, Oláh P, Csuka D, Németh V, Gyulai R., Free PMC Article

    Role of moesin in the effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 on advanced glycation end products-induced endothelial barrier dysfunction.

    Role of moesin in the effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 on advanced glycation end products-induced endothelial barrier dysfunction.
    Liu Y, Chen Z, Liu L, Tang H, Zhu H, Tang S.

    Activation of TMEM16A Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channels by ROCK1/moesin promotes breast cancer metastasis.

    Activation of TMEM16A Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channels by ROCK1/moesin promotes breast cancer metastasis.
    Luo S, Wang H, Bai L, Chen Y, Chen S, Gao K, Wang H, Wu S, Song H, Ma K, Liu M, Yao F, Fang Y, Xiao Q., Free PMC Article

    Rho-associated protein kinase-dependent moesin phosphorylation is required for PD-L1 stabilization in breast cancer.

    Rho-associated protein kinase-dependent moesin phosphorylation is required for PD-L1 stabilization in breast cancer.
    Meng F, Su Y, Xu B., Free PMC Article

    Moesin Is a Novel Biomarker of Endothelial Injury in Sepsis.

    Moesin Is a Novel Biomarker of Endothelial Injury in Sepsis.
    Chen Y, Wang J, Zhang L, Zhu J, Zeng Y, Huang JA., Free PMC Article

    Moesin as a prognostic indicator of lung adenocarcinoma improves prognosis by enhancing immune lymphocyte infiltration.

    Moesin as a prognostic indicator of lung adenocarcinoma improves prognosis by enhancing immune lymphocyte infiltration.
    Li YQ, Zheng Z, Liu QX, Lu X, Zhou D, Zhang J, Zheng H, Dai JG., Free PMC Article

    ERM-Dependent Assembly of T Cell Receptor Signaling and Co-stimulatory Molecules on Microvilli prior to Activation.

    ERM-Dependent Assembly of T Cell Receptor Signaling and Co-stimulatory Molecules on Microvilli prior to Activation.
    Ghosh S, Di Bartolo V, Tubul L, Shimoni E, Kartvelishvily E, Dadosh T, Feigelson SW, Alon R, Alcover A, Haran G.

    ERM Proteins at the Crossroad of Leukocyte Polarization, Migration and Intercellular Adhesion.

    ERM Proteins at the Crossroad of Leukocyte Polarization, Migration and Intercellular Adhesion.
    García-Ortiz A, Serrador JM., Free PMC Article

    Activation of PKC induces leukocyte adhesion by the dephosphorylation of ERM.

    Activation of PKC induces leukocyte adhesion by the dephosphorylation of ERM.
    Tachibana K, Ohnishi H, Ali Haghparast SM, Kihara T, Miyake J.

    Ezrin and moesin play mutually exclusive roles in modulating L-selectin signalling and shedding to control protrusion dynamics and polarity during monocyte transendothelial migration.

    Sequential binding of ezrin and moesin to L-selectin regulates monocyte protrusive behaviour during transendothelial migration.
    Rey-Gallardo A, Tomlins H, Joachim J, Rahman I, Kitscha P, Frudd K, Parsons M, Ivetic A., Free PMC Article

    Extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) interacted with moesin (MSN) and recruited it adjacent to the membrane in order to promote MSN membrane translocation and phosphorylation, which facilitated invadopodia formation by breast cancer cells.

    Extracellular matrix protein 1 recruits moesin to facilitate invadopodia formation and breast cancer metastasis.
    Wu Q, Chen D, Luo Q, Yang Q, Zhao C, Zhang D, Zeng Y, Huang L, Zhang Z, Qi Z.

    Decreased expression of XIST stimulated epithelial-mesenchymal transition and activated c-Met via MSN-mediated protein stabilization.

    Loss of XIST in Breast Cancer Activates MSN-c-Met and Reprograms Microglia via Exosomal miRNA to Promote Brain Metastasis.
    Xing F, Liu Y, Wu SY, Wu K, Sharma S, Mo YY, Feng J, Sanders S, Jin G, Singh R, Vidi PA, Tyagi A, Chan MD, Ruiz J, Debinski W, Pasche BC, Lo HW, Metheny-Barlow LJ, D'Agostino RB Jr, Watabe K., Free PMC Article

    Merlin regulates contact inhibition and is an integral part of cell-cell junctions, while ERM proteins, ezrin, radixin and moesin, assist in the formation and maintenance of specialized plasma membrane structures and membrane vesicle structures. [review]

    Two Sides of the Coin: Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin and Merlin Control Membrane Structure and Contact Inhibition.
    Michie KA, Bermeister A, Robertson NO, Goodchild SC, Curmi PMG., Free PMC Article

    Study found copy numbers of moesin mRNA in skin tissues of patients with polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) were significantly higher than in both cutaneous arteritis and superficial venous thrombosis. These findings suggest that the presence of histological necrotizing vasculitis in the skin tissues is not necessarily crucial as a trigger for prime moesin overexpression.

    Elevated moesin mRNA level in skin tissue of patients with polyarteritis nodosa based on real time RT-PCR.
    Kawakami T, Okano T, Takeuchi S, Soma Y, Ito F, Ishizu A, Arimura Y, Suzuki K.

    In both diffuse adenomyosis and adenomyomas, the basal layer of the eutopic and ectopic endometrium differed many (3-8.5) times, showing the higher expression of the enzymes in the epithelial and stromal cells, which affected their invasive activity (moesin, PAK 4, MMP 2 and MMP 9), and the increased number of CD34 cells in its stroma.

    [The expression of moesin, p21-activated kinase 4 (PAK 4), matrix metalloproteinases (MMP 2, MMP 9), and CD34 in the eutopic and ectopic endometrium in adenomyosis].
    Zayratyants OV, Adamyan LV, Manukyan LM, Kalinin DV, Arslanyan KN.

    These results suggested that strong moesin expression by malignant cells may help to determine patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma and poor prognosis.

    Moesin expression by tumor cells is an unfavorable prognostic biomarker for oral cancer.
    Barros FBA, Assao A, Garcia NG, Nonogaki S, Carvalho AL, Soares FA, Kowalski LP, Oliveira DT., Free PMC Article

    Up-regulation of moesin expression in glioblastoma cells resulted in more aggressive orthotopic glioblastoma growth in nude mice.

    Moesin Up-regulation Is Associated with Enhanced Tumor Progression Imaged Non-invasively in an Orthotopic Mouse Model of Human Glioblastoma.
    Wang Q, Lu X, Wang J, Yang Z, Hoffman RM, Wu X.

    In lip squamous carcinoma, moesin expression was strong at the invasive tumor front and weak/negative in differentiated cells. There was no association between moesin expression and the clinicopathological variables, but high moesin was associated with lower 5- and 10-year overall and disease-free survival rates. Moesin may participate in oral carcinogenesis.

    Moesin Involvement in Oral Carcinogenesis of the Lower Lip.
    Assao A, Yoshino PM, Medeiros MCM, Carvalho AL, Soares FA, Kowalski LP, Oliveira DT.

    This review focuses on the role of moesin in microvascular permeability and angiogenesis, and on the involvement of Src and ROS in endothelial barrier disruption.

    Role of moesin, Src, and ROS in advanced glycation end product-induced vascular endothelial dysfunction.
    Zhang WJ, Li PX, Guo XH, Huang QB.

    CPI-17 drives Ras activity and tumorigenesis in melanomas in a two-fold way; inactivation of the tumor suppressor merlin and activation of the growth promoting ERM family.

    CPI-17 drives oncogenic Ras signaling in human melanomas via Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin family proteins.
    Riecken LB, Zoch A, Wiehl U, Reichert S, Scholl I, Cui Y, Ziemer M, Anderegg U, Hagel C, Morrison H., Free PMC Article

    The authors demonstrated that the expression of MSN in glioma specimens were negatively correlated with miR-200c expression, and MSN overexpression rescued the phenotype about cell proliferation and invasion induced by miR-200c.

    MiR-200c Inhibits the Tumor Progression of Glioma via Targeting Moesin.
    Qin Y, Chen W, Liu B, Zhou L, Deng L, Niu W, Bao D, Cheng C, Li D, Liu S, Niu C., Free PMC Article

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