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    MEIS1 Meis homeobox 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 4211, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Disparity of gene expression in coronary artery disease: insights from MEIS1, HIRA, and Myocardin.

    Disparity of gene expression in coronary artery disease: insights from MEIS1, HIRA, and Myocardin.
    Javanshir E, Ebrahimi ZJ, Mirzohreh ST, Ghaffari S, Banisefid E, Alamdari NM, Roshanravan N.

    Elucidating the importance and regulation of key enhancers for human MEIS1 expression.

    Elucidating the importance and regulation of key enhancers for human MEIS1 expression.
    Xiang P, Yang X, Escano L, Dhillon I, Schneider E, Clemans-Gibbon J, Wei W, Wong J, Wang SX, Tam D, Deng Y, Yung E, Morin GB, Hoodless PA, Hirst M, Karsan A, Kuchenbauer F, Humphries RK, Rouhi A., Free PMC Article

    3D Chromatin Organization Involving MEIS1 Factor in the cis-Regulatory Landscape of GJB2.

    3D Chromatin Organization Involving MEIS1 Factor in the cis-Regulatory Landscape of GJB2.
    Le Nabec A, Blotas C, Briset A, Collobert M, Férec C, Moisan S., Free PMC Article

    Intronic elements associated with insomnia and restless legs syndrome exhibit cell-type-specific epigenetic features contributing to MEIS1 regulation.

    Intronic elements associated with insomnia and restless legs syndrome exhibit cell-type-specific epigenetic features contributing to MEIS1 regulation.
    Lam DD, Antic Nikolic A, Zhao C, Mirza-Schreiber N, Krężel W, Oexle K, Winkelmann J.

    Downregulation of MEIS1 mediated by ELFN1-AS1/EZH2/DNMT3a axis promotes tumorigenesis and oxaliplatin resistance in colorectal cancer.

    Downregulation of MEIS1 mediated by ELFN1-AS1/EZH2/DNMT3a axis promotes tumorigenesis and oxaliplatin resistance in colorectal cancer.
    Li Y, Gan Y, Liu J, Li J, Zhou Z, Tian R, Sun R, Liu J, Xiao Q, Li Y, Lu P, Peng Y, Peng Y, Shu G, Yin G., Free PMC Article

    Recurrent MEIS1-NCOA2/1 fusions in a subset of low-grade spindle cell sarcomas frequently involving the genitourinary and gynecologic tracts.

    Recurrent MEIS1-NCOA2/1 fusions in a subset of low-grade spindle cell sarcomas frequently involving the genitourinary and gynecologic tracts.
    Kao YC, Bennett JA, Suurmeijer AJH, Dickson BC, Swanson D, Wanjari P, Zhang L, Lee JC, Antonescu CR., Free PMC Article

    The Small-Molecule Wnt Inhibitor ICG-001 Efficiently Inhibits Colorectal Cancer Stemness and Metastasis by Suppressing MEIS1 Expression.

    The Small-Molecule Wnt Inhibitor ICG-001 Efficiently Inhibits Colorectal Cancer Stemness and Metastasis by Suppressing MEIS1 Expression.
    Choi JH, Jang TY, Jeon SE, Kim JH, Lee CJ, Yun HJ, Jung JY, Park SY, Nam JS., Free PMC Article

    MEIS1 and its potential as a cancer therapeutic target (Review).

    MEIS1 and its potential as a cancer therapeutic target (Review).
    Yao M, Gu Y, Yang Z, Zhong K, Chen Z., Free PMC Article

    Entospletinib in Combination with Induction Chemotherapy in Previously Untreated Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Response and Predictive Significance of HOXA9 and MEIS1 Expression.

    Entospletinib in Combination with Induction Chemotherapy in Previously Untreated Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Response and Predictive Significance of HOXA9 and MEIS1 Expression.
    Walker AR, Byrd JC, Blachly JS, Bhatnagar B, Mims AS, Orwick S, Lin TL, Crosswell HE, Zhang D, Minden MD, Munugalavadla V, Long L, Liu J, Pan Y, Oellerich T, Serve H, Rao AV, Blum WG.

    HOXA10 co-factor MEIS1 is required for the decidualization in human endometrial stromal cell.

    HOXA10 co-factor MEIS1 is required for the decidualization in human endometrial stromal cell.
    Xu Y, Lu J, Wu J, Jiang R, Guo C, Tang Y, Wang H, Kong S, Wang S.

    MEIS1 promotes expression of stem cell markers in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

    MEIS1 promotes expression of stem cell markers in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
    Zargari S, Negahban Khameneh S, Rad A, Forghanifard MM., Free PMC Article

    Crosstalk between MEIS1 and markers of different cell signaling pathways in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

    Crosstalk between MEIS1 and markers of different cell signaling pathways in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
    Mahmoudian RA, Forghanifard MM.

    Homeobox gene Meis1 modulates cardiovascular regeneration.

    Homeobox gene Meis1 modulates cardiovascular regeneration.
    Paul S, Zhang X, He JQ., Free PMC Article

    MEIS1 down-regulation by MYC mediates prostate cancer development through elevated HOXB13 expression and AR activity.

    MEIS1 down-regulation by MYC mediates prostate cancer development through elevated HOXB13 expression and AR activity.
    Whitlock NC, Trostel SY, Wilkinson S, Terrigino NT, Hennigan ST, Lake R, Carrabba NV, Atway R, Walton ED, Gryder BE, Capaldo BJ, Ye H, Sowalsky AG., Free PMC Article

    Expression of VEGFR-2 and Meis1 in the early stage of kidney cancers and its clinical significance.", trans "Meis1VEGFR-2.

    Expression of VEGFR-2 and Meis1 in the early stage of kidney cancers and its clinical significance.
    Wan B, Liu B, Wang Z, Lei Q, LÜ C.

    [Function of MEIS1 and miR-425 to the Regulating of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cell Proliferation].

    [Function of MEIS1 and miR-425 to the Regulating of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cell Proliferation].
    Zhao XH, Yang GH, Li DD.

    These data implicate a functional role for MEIS proteins in regulating cancer progression, and support a hypothesis whereby tumor expression of MEIS1 and MEIS2 expression confers a more indolent prostate cancer phenotype, with a decreased propensity for metastatic progression

    MEIS1 and MEIS2 Expression and Prostate Cancer Progression: A Role For HOXB13 Binding Partners in Metastatic Disease.
    Bhanvadia RR, VanOpstall C, Brechka H, Barashi NS, Gillard M, McAuley EM, Vasquez JM, Paner G, Chan WC, Andrade J, De Marzo AM, Han M, Szmulewitz RZ, Vander Griend DJ., Free PMC Article

    Meis homeobox 1(MEIS1) may contribute to the cancer-promoting actions of homeobox protein Hox-B13(HOXB13) in cellular proliferation and gene regulation by prolonging HOXB13 half-life in prostate cancer

    HOXB13 interaction with MEIS1 modifies proliferation and gene expression in prostate cancer.
    Johng D, Torga G, Ewing CM, Jin K, Norris JD, McDonnell DP, Isaacs WB.

    Meis1 haploinsufficiency has only a modest effect on sleep, but the gene may interact with the sleep-disrupting effect of dopamine agonists.

    Sleep disturbance by pramipexole is modified by Meis1 in mice.
    Salminen AV, Schormair B, Flachskamm C, Torres M, Müller-Myhsok B, Kimura M, Winkelmann J.

    MEIS1 is a genetic risk factor for the development of restless legs syndrome.

    Reassessing GWAS findings for the shared genetic basis of insomnia and restless legs syndrome.
    El Gewely M, Welman M, Xiong L, Yin S, Catoire H, Rouleau G, Montplaisir JY, Desautels A, Warby SC.

    Case Reports: primitive spindle sarcomas of the kidney with novel MEIS1-NCOA2 gene fusions.

    Novel MEIS1-NCOA2 Gene Fusions Define a Distinct Primitive Spindle Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney.
    Argani P, Reuter VE, Kapur P, Brown JE, Sung YS, Zhang L, Williamson R, Francis G, Sommerville S, Swanson D, Dickson BC, Antonescu CR., Free PMC Article

    Through integrative analysis, we identify MEIS1 as a super-enhancer-driven oncogene, which co-operates with EWS-FLI1 in transcriptional regulation, and plays a key pro-survival role in Ewing sarcoma. Moreover, APCDD1, another super-enhancer-associated gene, acting as a downstream target of both MEIS1 and EWS-FLI1, is also characterized as a novel tumor-promoting factor in this malignancy

    Super-enhancer-associated MEIS1 promotes transcriptional dysregulation in Ewing sarcoma in co-operation with EWS-FLI1.
    Lin L, Huang M, Shi X, Mayakonda A, Hu K, Jiang YY, Guo X, Chen L, Pang B, Doan N, Said JW, Xie J, Gery S, Cheng X, Lin Z, Li J, Berman BP, Yin D, Lin DC, Koeffler HP., Free PMC Article

    Data suggest that Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) patients should be considered differently depending on Meis homeobox 1 (MEIS1) genotype.

    MEIS1 variant as a determinant of autonomic imbalance in Restless Legs Syndrome.
    Thireau J, Farah C, Molinari N, Bouilloux F, Torreilles L, Winkelmann J, Scholz S, Richard S, Dauvilliers Y, Marmigère F., Free PMC Article

    MEIS1 induces the expression of CCL18, CCL4, CXCL7, CCL5, CXCL1, and IL8 chemokines in ovarian cancer cells followed by their secretion in the culture medium ultimately triggering CD8+ T-lymphocyte recruitment in vitro.

    The homeodomain transcription factor MEIS1 triggers chemokine expression and is involved in CD8+ T-lymphocyte infiltration in early stage ovarian cancer.
    Karapetsas A, Tokamani M, Evangelou C, Sandaltzopoulos R.

    TAL1 mediates the function of MEIS1 in hemogenic endothelial progenitors specification. In addition, MEIS1 is vital for megakaryopoiesis and thrombopoiesis from hPSCs. Mechanistically, FLI1 acts as a downstream gene necessary for the function of MEIS1 during megakaryopoiesis

    MEIS1 Regulates Hemogenic Endothelial Generation, Megakaryopoiesis, and Thrombopoiesis in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells by Targeting TAL1 and FLI1.
    Wang H, Liu C, Liu X, Wang M, Wu D, Gao J, Su P, Nakahata T, Zhou W, Xu Y, Shi L, Ma F, Zhou J., Free PMC Article

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