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    INSL3 insulin like 3 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 3640, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    The impact of acute SARS-CoV-2 on testicular function including insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) in men with mild COVID-19: A longitudinal study.

    The impact of acute SARS-CoV-2 on testicular function including insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) in men with mild COVID-19: A longitudinal study.
    Lauritsen MP, Kristensen TL, Hansen CB, Schneider UV, Talbot AL, Skytte AB, Petersen JH, Johannsen TH, Zedeler A, Albrethsen J, Juul A, Priskorn L, Jørgensen N, Westh H, Freiesleben NC, Nielsen HS.

    New JAK3-INSL3 Fusion Transcript-An Oncogenic Event in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma.

    New JAK3-INSL3 Fusion Transcript-An Oncogenic Event in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma.
    Velatooru LR, Hu CH, Bijani P, Wang X, Bojaxhi P, Chen H, Duvic M, Ni X., Free PMC Article

    Bi-allelic variants in INSL3 and RXFP2 cause bilateral cryptorchidism and male infertility.

    Bi-allelic variants in INSL3 and RXFP2 cause bilateral cryptorchidism and male infertility.
    Dicke AK, Albrethsen J, Hoare BL, Wyrwoll MJ, Busch AS, Fietz D, Pilatz A, Bühlmann C, Juul A, Kliesch S, Gromoll J, Bathgate RAD, Tüttelmann F, Stallmeyer B.

    The nuclear receptors SF1 and COUP-TFII cooperate on the Insl3 promoter in Leydig cells.

    The nuclear receptors SF1 and COUP-TFII cooperate on the Insl3 promoter in Leydig cells.
    Di-Luoffo M, Pierre KJ, Robert NM, Girard MJ, Tremblay JJ.

    Expression and Role of INSL3 in the Fetal Testis.

    Expression and Role of INSL3 in the Fetal Testis.
    Ivell R, Mamsen LS, Andersen CY, Anand-Ivell R., Free PMC Article

    Serum Concentrations and Gonadal Expression of INSL3 in Eighteen Males With 45,X/46,XY Mosaicism.

    Serum Concentrations and Gonadal Expression of INSL3 in Eighteen Males With 45,X/46,XY Mosaicism.
    Ljubicic ML, Jørgensen A, Aksglaede L, Nielsen JE, Albrethsen J, Juul A, Johannsen TH., Free PMC Article

    Clinical value of INSL3 in the diagnosis and development of diabetic nephropathy.

    Clinical value of INSL3 in the diagnosis and development of diabetic nephropathy.
    Zhu J, Zheng X., Free PMC Article

    Effects of acute hCG stimulation on serum INSL3 and 25-OH vitamin D in Klinefelter syndrome.

    Effects of acute hCG stimulation on serum INSL3 and 25-OH vitamin D in Klinefelter syndrome.
    Santi D, Ivell R, Anand-Ivell R, De Toni L, Fanelli F, Mezzullo M, Pelusi C, Pagotto U, Belli S, Granata ARM, Roli L, Rochira V, Trenti T, Ferlin A, Simoni M.

    Expression of RXFP2 receptor on human spermatozoa and the anti-apoptotic and antioxidant effects of insulin-like factor 3.

    Expression of RXFP2 receptor on human spermatozoa and the anti-apoptotic and antioxidant effects of insulin-like factor 3.
    Shokri S, Tavalaee M, Ebrahimi SM, Ziaeipour S, Nasr-Esfahani MH, Nejatbakhsh R.

    New theca-cell marker insulin-like factor 3 is associated with premature ovarian insufficiency.

    New theca-cell marker insulin-like factor 3 is associated with premature ovarian insufficiency.
    Zhu C, Luo W, Li Z, Zhang X, Hu J, Zhao S, Jiao X, Qin Y.

    The G178A polymorphic variant of INSL3 may be linked to cryptorchidism among Egyptian pediatric cohort.

    The G178A polymorphic variant of INSL3 may be linked to cryptorchidism among Egyptian pediatric cohort.
    Abou El-Ella SS, Tawfik MA, Abd El-Aziz TF, Shalaby AMA, Barseem NF.

    Age-related changes in human Leydig cell status.

    Age-related changes in human Leydig cell status.
    Mularoni V, Esposito V, Di Persio S, Vicini E, Spadetta G, Berloco P, Fanelli F, Mezzullo M, Pagotto U, Pelusi C, Nielsen JE, Rajpert-De Meyts E, Jorgensen N, Jorgensen A, Boitani C.

    INSL3: A Marker of Leydig Cell Function and Testis-Bone-Skeletal Muscle Network.

    INSL3: A Marker of Leydig Cell Function and Testis-Bone-Skeletal Muscle Network.
    Facondo P, Delbarba A, Maffezzoni F, Cappelli C, Ferlin A.

    results contrast with those of previously published studies, and show that the great majority of Leydig cell tumors are negative or have decreased expression of INSL3 while its expression is retained in Leydig cell hyperplasia.

    INSL3 Expression in Leydig Cell Hyperplasia and Leydig Cell Tumors.
    Lakis NS, Lombardo KA, Mangray S, Netto GJ, Salles D, Matoso A.

    Investigated the association between polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and obesity and insulin resistance (IR) with respect to anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), inhibin A (INH-A), inhibin B (INH-B), and insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) plasma levels.

    Determination of insulin resistance and its relationship with hyperandrogenemia,anti-Müllerian hormone, inhibin A, inhibin B, and insulin-like peptide-3 levels in adolescent girls with polycystic ovary syndrome.
    Yetim Şahin A, Baş F, Yetim Ç, Uçar A, Poyrazoğlu Ş, Bundak R, Darendeliler F., Free PMC Article

    Homozygotic combination of the three allelic variants rs1047233-rs6523-rs1003887 of (INSL3 gene is associated with cryptorchidism.

    Novel combined insulin-like 3 variations of a single nucleotide in cryptorchidism.
    Sinopidis X, Mourelatou R, Kostopoulou E, Karvela A, Rojas-Gil AP, Tsekoura E, Georgiou G, Spiliotis BE.

    Variants of the INSL3 gene are prevalent in patients with testicular torsion instead of healthy subjects.

    Genetic analysis of the human insulin-like 3 gene in pediatric patients with testicular torsion.
    Capra AP, Ferro E, La Rosa MA, Briuglia S, Russo T, Arena S, Salpietro Damiano C, Romeo C, Impellizzeri P.

    The strong positive correlation between INSL3, and high ovarian androgens levels in all polycystic ovary syndrome women, which appeared clearly in undescended polycystic ovaries could support the proposed syndrome hypothesis between those abnormal findings.

    Evaluation of the correlation between insulin like factor 3, polycystic ovary syndrome, and ovarian maldescent.
    Seyam E, Hefzy E.

    KLF6-mediated activation of the human INSL3 promoter required an intact KLF element as well as Leydig/Sertoli-enriched factors. KLF6 transcriptionally cooperates with NUR77 and SF1. our results identify KLF6 as a regulator of human INSL3 transcription.

    KLF6 cooperates with NUR77 and SF1 to activate the human INSL3 promoter in mouse MA-10 leydig cells.
    Tremblay MA, Mendoza-Villarroel RE, Robert NM, Bergeron F, Tremblay JJ.

    The INSL3 G178A polymorphism was not significantly associated with spermatozoa or no spermatozoa in the testes of males with a history of bilateral cryptorchidism. I The evidence suggests that mutations of INSL3 may not directly contribute to the damage of spermatogenesis in patients with bilateral cryptorchidism history.

    Mutational screening of the INSL3 gene in azoospermic males with a history of cryptorchidism.
    Huang X, Jia J, Sun M, Li M, Liu N.

    hINSL3 seems to recruit Aund spermatogonia into differentiation, potentially mediating an Fsh effect on spermatogenesis.

    INSL3 stimulates spermatogonial differentiation in testis of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio).
    Assis LH, Crespo D, Morais RD, França LR, Bogerd J, Schulz RW., Free PMC Article

    Healthy eumenorrheic late adolescent females with sporadic anovulation display higher INSL3 blood concentration.

    Anti-müllerian hormone and insulin-like 3 levels in healthy normal-weight ovulatory and anovulatory eumenorrheic late adolescent females: potential early biomarkers of ovarian dysfunction?
    Pelusi C, Stancampiano M, Fanelli F, Pariali M, Gambineri A, Pasquali R.

    rs6523 polymorphism and AGAG haplotype of INSL3 showed significant association with increased risk of polycystic ovary syndrome.

    Polymorphisms and haplotypes of insulin-like factor 3 gene are associated with risk of polycystic ovary syndrome in Indian women.
    Shaikh N, Dadachanji R, Meherji P, Shah N, Mukherjee S.

    INSL3 in girls is a unique and specific marker of theca cells surrounding antral follicles.

    Longitudinal assessment of circulating insulin-like peptide 3 levels in healthy peripubertal girls.
    Hagen CP, Mieritz MG, Nielsen JE, Anand-Ivell R, Ivell R, Juul A.

    Three common INSL3 gene polymorphisms (27G>A, 126G>A, 178G>A) unrelated to any particular phenotype of testicular maldescent (TMD) were detected both in patients and controls, indicating that INSL3 gene mutations are not a common cause of TMD.

    Genetic analysis of the human Insulin-like 3 gene: absence of mutations in a Greek paediatric cohort with testicular maldescent.
    Mamoulakis C, Georgiou I, Dimitriadis F, Tsounapi P, Giannakis I, Chatzikyriakidou A, Antypas S, Sofras F, Takenaka A, Sofikitis N.

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