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    IL6ST interleukin 6 cytokine family signal transducer [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 3572, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Ironing Out the Mechanism of gp130 Signaling.

    Ironing Out the Mechanism of gp130 Signaling.
    Osman EEA, Neamati N.

    Association of serum IL-30 and soluble GP130 with the risk of psoriasis vulgaris.

    Association of serum IL-30 and soluble GP130 with the risk of psoriasis vulgaris.
    Shehata RR, Atta SA, Fatma AS, Aml RA, Gomaa AS.

    An Indian Family with Autosomal Dominant Hyper-IgE Syndrome Due to IL6ST Defect.

    An Indian Family with Autosomal Dominant Hyper-IgE Syndrome Due to IL6ST Defect.
    Basu S, Goel S, Rawat A, Vignesh P, Saikia B.

    The Human GP130 Cytokine Receptor and Its Expression-an Atlas and Functional Taxonomy of Genetic Variants.

    The Human GP130 Cytokine Receptor and Its Expression-an Atlas and Functional Taxonomy of Genetic Variants.
    Chen YH, van Zon S, Adams A, Schmidt-Arras D, Laurence ADJ, Uhlig HH., Free PMC Article

    Structural insights into IL-11-mediated signalling and human IL6ST variant-associated immunodeficiency.

    Structural insights into IL-11-mediated signalling and human IL6ST variant-associated immunodeficiency.
    Gardner S, Jin Y, Fyfe PK, Voisin TB, Bellón JS, Pohler E, Piehler J, Moraga I, Bubeck D., Free PMC Article

    Associations between serum estradiol and IL-6/sIL-6R/sgp130 complex in female patients with major depressive disorder.

    Associations between serum estradiol and IL-6/sIL-6R/sgp130 complex in female patients with major depressive disorder.
    Sun T, Chen Q, Mei J, Li Y., Free PMC Article

    Mononuclear cells from patients with rhupus are influenced by TNF in their production of gp130/sIL-6Rb and APRIL.

    Mononuclear cells from patients with rhupus are influenced by TNF in their production of gp130/sIL-6Rb and APRIL.
    Amezcua-Guerra LM, Sánchez-Muñoz F, Guzmán-García S, Márquez-Velasco R, Becerril-Villanueva E, Vázquez-Panchos Y, Juárez-Vicuña Y., Free PMC Article

    Biophysical insight into protein-protein interactions in the Interleukin-11/Interleukin-11Ralpha/glycoprotein 130 signaling complex.

    Biophysical insight into protein-protein interactions in the Interleukin-11/Interleukin-11Rα/glycoprotein 130 signaling complex.
    Mori C, Nagatoishi S, Matsunaga R, Kuroda D, Nakakido M, Tsumoto K.

    Association of Polymorphisms of IL-6 Pathway Genes (IL6, IL6R and IL6ST) with COVID-19 Severity in an Amazonian Population.

    Association of Polymorphisms of IL-6 Pathway Genes (IL6, IL6R and IL6ST) with COVID-19 Severity in an Amazonian Population.
    Rodrigues FBB, da Silva R, Santos EFD, de Brito MTFM, da Silva ALS, de Meira Leite M, Póvoa da Costa F, de Nazaré do Socorro de Almeida Viana M, de Sarges KML, Cantanhede MHD, Veríssimo AOL, Carvalho MDS, Henriques DF, Silva CPD, Costa IB, Nunes JAL, Costa IB, Viana GMR, Queiroz MAF, Lima SS, Lopes JDC, Torres MKDS, Vallinoto IMVC, Bichara CDA, Vallinoto ACR, Santos EJMD., Free PMC Article

    Decreased Serum Levels of Soluble Oncostatin M Receptor (sOSMR) and Glycoprotein 130 (sgp130) in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease.

    Decreased Serum Levels of Soluble Oncostatin M Receptor (sOSMR) and Glycoprotein 130 (sgp130) in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease.
    Carvalho VMF, Oliveira PSS, Albuquerque APB, Rêgo MJBM, Rosa MMD, Oliveira DC, Pereira MC, Pitta MGDR., Free PMC Article

    Variation in IL6ST cytokine family function and the potential of IL6 trans-signalling in ERalpha positive breast cancer cells.

    Variation in IL6ST cytokine family function and the potential of IL6 trans-signalling in ERα positive breast cancer cells.
    Mosly D, MacLeod K, Moir N, Turnbull A, Sims AH, Langdon SP.

    Impaired degradation of YAP1 and IL6ST by chaperone-mediated autophagy promotes proliferation and migration of normal and hepatocellular carcinoma cells.

    Impaired degradation of YAP1 and IL6ST by chaperone-mediated autophagy promotes proliferation and migration of normal and hepatocellular carcinoma cells.
    Desideri E, Castelli S, Dorard C, Toifl S, Grazi GL, Ciriolo MR, Baccarini M., Free PMC Article

    Interleukin 6/gp130 axis promotes neural invasion in pancreatic cancer.

    Interleukin 6/gp130 axis promotes neural invasion in pancreatic cancer.
    Suzuki H, Mitsunaga S, Ikeda M, Aoyama T, Yoshizawa K, Yamaguchi M, Suzuki M, Narita M, Kawasaki T, Ochiai A., Free PMC Article

    Structural insights into the assembly and activation of the IL-27 signaling complex.

    Structural insights into the assembly and activation of the IL-27 signaling complex.
    Jin Y, Fyfe PK, Gardner S, Wilmes S, Bubeck D, Moraga I., Free PMC Article

    Genomic Multiple Sclerosis Risk Variants Modulate the Expression of the ANKRD55-IL6ST Gene Region in Immature Dendritic Cells.

    Genomic Multiple Sclerosis Risk Variants Modulate the Expression of the ANKRD55-IL6ST Gene Region in Immature Dendritic Cells.
    Mena J, Alloza I, Tulloch Navarro R, Aldekoa A, Díez García J, Villanueva Etxebarria A, Lindskog C, Antigüedad A, Boyero S, Mendibe-Bilbao MDM, Álvarez de Arcaya A, Sánchez Menoyo JL, Midaglia L, Villarrubia N, Malhotra S, Montalban X, Villar LM, Comabella M, Vandenbroeck K., Free PMC Article

    Oncostatin M suppresses browning of white adipocytes via gp130-STAT3 signaling.

    Oncostatin M suppresses browning of white adipocytes via gp130-STAT3 signaling.
    van Krieken PP, Odermatt TS, Borsigova M, Blüher M, Wueest S, Konrad D., Free PMC Article

    gp130 Cytokines Activate Novel Signaling Pathways and Alter Bone Dissemination in ER+ Breast Cancer Cells.

    gp130 Cytokines Activate Novel Signaling Pathways and Alter Bone Dissemination in ER+ Breast Cancer Cells.
    Omokehinde T, Jotte A, Johnson RW., Free PMC Article

    CD109-GP130 interaction drives glioblastoma stem cell plasticity and chemoresistance through STAT3 activity.

    CD109-GP130 interaction drives glioblastoma stem cell plasticity and chemoresistance through STAT3 activity.
    Filppu P, Tanjore Ramanathan J, Granberg KJ, Gucciardo E, Haapasalo H, Lehti K, Nykter M, Le Joncour V, Laakkonen P., Free PMC Article

    Down-regulation of GP130 signaling sensitizes bladder cancer to cisplatin by impairing Ku70 DNA repair signaling and promoting apoptosis.

    Down-regulation of GP130 signaling sensitizes bladder cancer to cisplatin by impairing Ku70 DNA repair signaling and promoting apoptosis.
    He S, Li G, Schätzlein AG, Humphrey PA, Weiss RM, Uchegbu IF, Martin DT.

    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma-derived exosomes push macrophage polarization toward M2 phenotype via GP130/STAT3 signaling pathway.

    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma-derived exosomes push macrophage polarization toward M2 phenotype via GP130/STAT3 signaling pathway.
    Ling HY, Yang Z, Wang PJ, Sun Y, Ju SG, Li J, Fu JX.

    Increased IL-6 and Potential IL-6 trans-signalling in the airways after an allergen challenge.

    Increased IL-6 and Potential IL-6 trans-signalling in the airways after an allergen challenge.
    Esnault S, Khosravi M, Kelly EA, Liu LY, Bochkov YA, Tattersall MC, Jarjour NN., Free PMC Article

    Bioinformatics Analysis Identifies IL6ST as a Potential Tumor Suppressor Gene for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.

    Bioinformatics Analysis Identifies IL6ST as a Potential Tumor Suppressor Gene for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.
    Jia R, Weng Y, Li Z, Liang W, Ji Y, Liang Y, Ning P.

    Mosaic IL6ST variant inducing constitutive GP130 cytokine receptor signaling as a cause of neonatal onset immunodeficiency with autoinflammation and dysmorphy.

    Mosaic IL6ST variant inducing constitutive GP130 cytokine receptor signaling as a cause of neonatal onset immunodeficiency with autoinflammation and dysmorphy.
    Materna-Kiryluk A, Pollak A, Gawalski K, Szczawinska-Poplonyk A, Rydzynska Z, Sosnowska A, Cukrowska B, Gasperowicz P, Konopka E, Pietrucha B, Grzywa TM, Banaszak-Ziemska M, Niedziela M, Skalska-Sadowska J, Stawiński P, Śladowski D, Nowis D, Ploski R.

    The glycoprotein GP130 governs the surface presentation of the G protein-coupled receptor APLNR.

    The glycoprotein GP130 governs the surface presentation of the G protein-coupled receptor APLNR.
    Trillet K, Jacobs KA, André-Grégoire G, Thys A, Maghe C, Cruard J, Minvielle S, Diest SG, Montagnac G, Bidère N, Gavard J., Free PMC Article

    The two facets of gp130 signalling in liver tumorigenesis.

    The two facets of gp130 signalling in liver tumorigenesis.
    Schmidt-Arras D, Galun E, Rose-John S., Free PMC Article

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