Antimicrobial Late Cornified Envelope Proteins: The Psoriasis Risk Factor Deletion of LCE3B/C Genes Affects Microbiota Composition. | Antimicrobial Late Cornified Envelope Proteins: The Psoriasis Risk Factor Deletion of LCE3B/C Genes Affects Microbiota Composition. Niehues H, van der Krieken DA, Ederveen THA, Jansen PAM, van Niftrik L, Mesman R, Netea MG, Smits JPH, Schalkwijk J, van den Bogaard EH, Zeeuwen PLJM. | 06/25/2022 |
Copy Number Variation Analysis of IL22 and LCE3C in Different Subtypes of Psoriasis in a Chinese Han Population. | Copy Number Variation Analysis of IL22 and LCE3C in Different Subtypes of Psoriasis in a Chinese Han Population. Zhu C, Fei W, Wang W, Tang L, Gao J, Zhou F., Free PMC Article | 02/26/2022 |
Investigation of the clinical characteristics and copy number variations (CNVs) of DEFB4, IL22, and LCE3C in the three subclassifications revealed no significant differences in gender ratio and in Ps area and severity index (PASI) score. The CNVs of DEFB4 and LCE3C showed no significant differences but the CNV of IL22 significantly differed among the three subclassifications. | DNA methylation-based subclassification of psoriasis in the Chinese Han population. Zhou F, Shen C, Hsu YH, Gao J, Dou J, Ko R, Zheng X, Sun L, Cui Y, Zhang X. | 04/27/2019 |
analysis of disease variants at the LCE3 cluster among the psoriasis patients in India | Increased Risk of Psoriasis due to combined effect of HLA-Cw6 and LCE3 risk alleles in Indian population. Chandra A, Lahiri A, Senapati S, Basu B, Ghosh S, Mukhopadhyay I, Behra A, Sarkar S, Chatterjee G, Chatterjee R., Free PMC Article | 04/1/2017 |
Our data suggest that The LCE deletion, previously identified in patients with psoriasis, is not of a major importance in the development of PsA in Tunisian patients | Deletion of late cornified envelope genes, LCE3C_LCE3B-del, is not associated with psoriatic arthritis in Tunisian patients. Chiraz BS, Myriam A, Ines Z, Catherine J, Fatma B, Ilhem C, Raoudha T, Hela Z, Hela F, Elyes B, Nejib D, Cindy H, Amel E, Slaheddine S. | 02/14/2015 |
No evidence of association was seen between the LCE3C_LCE3B-del and psoriasis in 34 patients from 7 multiplex Tunisian families. No epistasic effect was found between the deletion and PSORS1 locus. | Failure to find evidence for deletion of LCE3C and LCE3B genes at PSORS4 contributing to psoriasis susceptibility in Tunisian families. Ammar M, Bouchlaka-Souissi C, Soumaya K, Bouhaha R, Ines Z, Bouazizi F, Doss N, Dhaoui R, Ben Osman A, Ben Ammar-El Gaaïed A, Mokni M, Marrakchi R. | 10/18/2014 |
Our meta-analysis demonstrates a significant association between psoriasis and the LCE3C_LCE3B-del polymorphism in Europeans and Asians, but no association with psoriatic arthritis. | Association between the LCE3C_LCE3B deletion polymorphism and susceptibility to psoriasis: a meta-analysis of published studies. Song GG, Kim JH, Lee YH. | 02/15/2014 |
The LCE3C_LCE3B-del might play a role in familial psoriasis in the Tunisian population. | Association analysis of LCE3C-LCE3B deletion in Tunisian psoriatic population. Ammar M, Bouazizi F, Bouhaha R, Zaraa I, Kouidhi S, Ourheni S, Helms C, Doss N, Dhaoui R, Ben Osman A, Ben Ammar-El Gaaïed A, Marrakchi R, Mokni M, Bouchlaka-Souissi C. | 06/22/2013 |
Paediatric-onset psoriasis is associated with .......... LCE3C_LCE3B deletion | Paediatric-onset psoriasis is associated with ERAP1 and IL23R loci, LCE3C_LCE3B deletion and HLA-C*06. Bergboer JG, Oostveen AM, de Jager ME, den Heijer M, Joosten I, van de Kerkhof PC, Zeeuwen PL, de Jong EM, Schalkwijk J, Seyger MM. | 04/6/2013 |
LCE3C_LCE3B-del is a common risk factor for (auto)immune diseases | A replication study of the association between rheumatoid arthritis and deletion of the late cornified envelope genes LCE3B and LCE3C. Bergboer JG, Umićević-Mirkov M, Fransen J, den Heijer M, Franke B, van Riel PL, Schalkwijk J, Coenen MJ, Nijmegen Biomedical Study principal investigators., Free PMC Article | 09/1/2012 |
results suggest that the Koebner phenomenon in psoriasis is unlikely to be dependent on the LCE3B/C genotype | Koebner phenomenon in psoriasis is not associated with deletion of late cornified envelope genes LCE3B and LCE3C. Bergboer JG, Oostveen AM, de Jager ME, Zeeuwen PL, Joosten I, Seyger MM, Schalkwijk J. | 02/25/2012 |
The findings indicate that the LCE3C_LCE3B-del is an important risk factor in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and that the LCE3C_LCE3B-del does not show an epistatic effect with the HLA-Cw6 allele on susceptibility to psoriasis in the northern Chinese. | Deletion of LCE3C and LCE3B genes is associated with psoriasis in a northern Chinese population. Xu L, Li Y, Zhang X, Sun H, Sun D, Jia X, Shen C, Zhou J, Ji G, Liu P, Guan R, Yu Y, Jin Y, Bai J, Sun D, Yu J, Fu S. | 01/28/2012 |
A deletion of LCE3B and LCE3C genes may promote the development of allergic contact dermatitis | Deletion of the late cornified envelope genes LCE3B and LCE3C may promote chronic hand eczema with allergic contact dermatitis. Molin S, Vollmer S, Weiss EH, Weisenseel P, Ruzicka T, Prinz JC. | 11/5/2011 |
This study provides evidence for an association between LCE3C_LCE3B-del and RA in non-Caucasian populations, and SNPs rs4112788 and rs4085613 tagging LCE3C_LCE3B-del were novel susceptibility factors for SLE. | Deletion of LCE3C_LCE3B is associated with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus in the Chinese Han population. Lu X, Guo J, Zhou X, Li R, Liu X, Zhao Y, Zhu B, Liu X, Xu J, Zhu P, Wu X, He J, Liu X, Zhang H, Li Z. | 10/15/2011 |
Our study confirms an association between the deletion of LCE3C and LCE3B and psoriasis in a Chinese population. | Deletion of the late cornified envelope genes LCE3C and LCE3B is associated with psoriasis in a Chinese population. Li M, Wu Y, Chen G, Yang Y, Zhou D, Zhang Z, Zhang D, Chen Y, Lu Z, He L, Zheng J, Liu Y. | 10/8/2011 |
LCE3C_LCE3B deletion is a susceptibility factor for Psoriatic arthritis, confirming the existence of a shared risk factor involving the epidermal skin barrier in autoimmune disorders. | Deletion of LCE3C and LCE3B is a susceptibility factor for psoriatic arthritis: a study in Spanish and Italian populations and meta-analysis. Docampo E, Giardina E, Riveira-Muñoz E, de Cid R, Escaramís G, Perricone C, Fernández-Sueiro JL, Maymó J, González-Gay MA, Blanco FJ, Hüffmeier U, Lisbona MP, Martín J, Carracedo A, Reis A, Rabionet R, Novelli G, Estivill X. | 09/3/2011 |
LCE3B/C deletion may have a role in psoriasis | Psoriasis risk genes of the late cornified envelope-3 group are distinctly expressed compared with genes of other LCE groups. Bergboer JG, Tjabringa GS, Kamsteeg M, van Vlijmen-Willems IM, Rodijk-Olthuis D, Jansen PA, Thuret JY, Narita M, Ishida-Yamamoto A, Zeeuwen PL, Schalkwijk J., Free PMC Article | 07/16/2011 |
the deletion of LCE3C and LCE3B is a common genetic factor for susceptibility to psoriasis in the European, Chinese and Mongolian populations. | Meta-analysis confirms the LCE3C_LCE3B deletion as a risk factor for psoriasis in several ethnic groups and finds interaction with HLA-Cw6. Riveira-Munoz E, He SM, Escaramís G, Stuart PE, Hüffmeier U, Lee C, Kirby B, Oka A, Giardina E, Liao W, Bergboer J, Kainu K, de Cid R, Munkhbat B, Zeeuwen PL, Armour JA, Poon A, Mabuchi T, Ozawa A, Zawirska A, Burden AD, Barker JN, Capon F, Traupe H, Sun LD, Cui Y, Yin XY, Chen G, Lim HW, Nair RP, Voorhees JJ, Tejasvi T, Pujol R, Munkhtuvshin N, Fischer J, Kere J, Schalkwijk J, Bowcock A, Kwok PY, Novelli G, Inoko H, Ryan AW, Trembath RC, Reis A, Zhang XJ, Elder JT, Estivill X., Free PMC Article | 07/16/2011 |
Meta-analysis of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator) | LCE3C_LCE3B-del genotype and psoriasis: a summative meta-analysis. Wiwanitkit V. | 09/15/2010 |
no genetic association betwwen LCE3B and LCE3c deletions and atopic dermatitis | Deletion of Late Cornified Envelope 3B and 3C genes is not associated with atopic dermatitis. Bergboer JG, Zeeuwen PL, Irvine AD, Weidinger S, Giardina E, Novelli G, Den Heijer M, Rodriguez E, Illig T, Riveira-Munoz E, Campbell LE, Tyson J, Dannhauser EN, O'Regan GM, Galli E, Klopp N, Koppelman GH, Novak N, Estivill X, McLean WH, Postma DS, Armour JA, Schalkwijk J, Bergboer JG, Zeeuwen PL, Irvine AD, Weidinger S, Giardina E, Novelli G, Den Heijer M, Rodriguez E, Illig T, Riveira-Munoz E, Campbell LE, Tyson J, Dannhauser EN, O'Regan GM, Galli E, Klopp N, Koppelman GH, Novak N, Estivill X, McLean WH, Postma DS, Armour JA, Schalkwijk J. | 08/9/2010 |
we have verified a pleiotropic effect of a common genetic risk factor (LCE3C_LCE3B-del) for autoimmune diseases that is involved in both psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis | Deletion of the late cornified envelope genes, LCE3C and LCE3B, is associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Docampo E, Rabionet R, Riveira-Muñoz E, Escaramís G, Julià A, Marsal S, Martín JE, González-Gay MA, Balsa A, Raya E, Martín J, Estivill X, Docampo E, Rabionet R, Riveira-Muñoz E, Escaramís G, Julià A, Marsal S, Martín JE, González-Gay MA, Balsa A, Raya E, Martín J, Estivill X. | 06/28/2010 |
work suggested that homozygosity for a common LCE3C_LCE3B deletion contributes to the risk of developing chronic plaque type Ps without psoriatic arthritis | Mutation analysis of the LCE3B/LCE3C genes in Psoriasis. Coto E, Santos-Juanes J, Coto-Segura P, Díaz M, Soto J, Queiro R, Alvarez V, Coto E, Santos-Juanes J, Coto-Segura P, Díaz M, Soto J, Queiro R, Alvarez V., Free PMC Articles: PMC2859809, PMC2859809 | 06/14/2010 |
study confirms the recently published finding that the deletion of the two LCE genes is a susceptibility factor for psoriasis vulgaris with dosage effect | Replication of LCE3C-LCE3B CNV as a risk factor for psoriasis and analysis of interaction with other genetic risk factors. Hüffmeier U, Bergboer JG, Becker T, Armour JA, Traupe H, Estivill X, Riveira-Munoz E, Mössner R, Reich K, Kurrat W, Wienker TF, Schalkwijk J, Zeeuwen PL, Reis A. | 04/19/2010 |
Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator) | See all PubMed (3) articlesDeletion of Late Cornified Envelope 3B and 3C genes is not associated with atopic dermatitis. Bergboer JG, Zeeuwen PL, Irvine AD, Weidinger S, Giardina E, Novelli G, Den Heijer M, Rodriguez E, Illig T, Riveira-Munoz E, Campbell LE, Tyson J, Dannhauser EN, O'Regan GM, Galli E, Klopp N, Koppelman GH, Novak N, Estivill X, McLean WH, Postma DS, Armour JA, Schalkwijk J, Bergboer JG, Zeeuwen PL, Irvine AD, Weidinger S, Giardina E, Novelli G, Den Heijer M, Rodriguez E, Illig T, Riveira-Munoz E, Campbell LE, Tyson J, Dannhauser EN, O'Regan GM, Galli E, Klopp N, Koppelman GH, Novak N, Estivill X, McLean WH, Postma DS, Armour JA, Schalkwijk J. Mutation analysis of the LCE3B/LCE3C genes in Psoriasis. Coto E, Santos-Juanes J, Coto-Segura P, Díaz M, Soto J, Queiro R, Alvarez V, Coto E, Santos-Juanes J, Coto-Segura P, Díaz M, Soto J, Queiro R, Alvarez V. Deletion of the late cornified envelope genes, LCE3C and LCE3B, is associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Docampo E, Rabionet R, Riveira-Muñoz E, Escaramís G, Julià A, Marsal S, Martín JE, González-Gay MA, Balsa A, Raya E, Martín J, Estivill X, Docampo E, Rabionet R, Riveira-Muñoz E, Escaramís G, Julià A, Marsal S, Martín JE, González-Gay MA, Balsa A, Raya E, Martín J, Estivill X. | 04/7/2010 |
LCE3C_LCE3B-del shows epistatic effects with the HLA-Cw6 allele on the development of psoriasis. | Deletion of the late cornified envelope LCE3B and LCE3C genes as a susceptibility factor for psoriasis. de Cid R, Riveira-Munoz E, Zeeuwen PL, Robarge J, Liao W, Dannhauser EN, Giardina E, Stuart PE, Nair R, Helms C, Escaramís G, Ballana E, Martín-Ezquerra G, den Heijer M, Kamsteeg M, Joosten I, Eichler EE, Lázaro C, Pujol RM, Armengol L, Abecasis G, Elder JT, Novelli G, Armour JA, Kwok PY, Bowcock A, Schalkwijk J, Estivill X., Free PMC Article | 01/21/2010 |