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    IFRD1 interferon related developmental regulator 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 3475, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Disrupting the interaction between a p53 gain-of-function mutant and the transcriptional co-activator PC4 reverses drug resistance in cancer cells.

    Disrupting the interaction between a p53 gain-of-function mutant and the transcriptional co-activator PC4 reverses drug resistance in cancer cells.
    Mondal P, Roy KS, Bhagat SV, Singh S, Chattopadhyay A, Ghosh DD, Kundu TK, Roychoudhury S, Roy S.

    Insights on the disruption of the complex between human positive coactivator 4 and p53 by small molecules.

    Insights on the disruption of the complex between human positive coactivator 4 and p53 by small molecules.
    Pandey B, Dev A, Chakravorty D, Bhandare VV, Polley S, Roy S, Basu G.

    IFRD1 regulates the asthmatic responses of airway via NF-kappaB pathway.

    IFRD1 regulates the asthmatic responses of airway via NF-κB pathway.
    Chang M, Zhang Y, Hui Z, Wang D, Guo H.

    Results from a study on gene expression variability markers in early-stage human embryos shows that IFRD1 is a putative marker for the 3-day, 8-cell embryo stage.

    Variability of Gene Expression Identifies Transcriptional Regulators of Early Human Embryonic Development.
    Hasegawa Y, Taylor D, Ovchinnikov DA, Wolvetang EJ, de Torrenté L, Mar JC., Free PMC Article

    High IFRD1 colon cancer expression was significantly associated with decreased 5-year patient survival.

    Increased IFRD1 Expression in Human Colon Cancers Predicts Reduced Patient Survival.
    Lewis MA, Sharabash N, Miao ZF, Lyons LN, Piccirillo J, Kallogjeri D, Schootman M, Mutch M, Yan Y, Levin MS, Castells A, Cuatrecasas M, Mills JC, Wang ZN, Rubin DC., Free PMC Article

    this study shows that IFRD1 gene may be associated with pathogenesis of asthma

    Uncovering potential key genes associated with the pathogenesis of asthma: A microarray analysis of asthma-relevant tissues.
    Guan Y, Jin X, Liu X, Huang Y, Wang M, Li X.

    rs7817 polymorphism associated with nasal polyposis in cystic fibrosis patients

    IFRD1 gene polymorphisms are associated with nasal polyposis in cystic fibrosis patients.
    Baldan A, Lo Presti AR, Belpinati F, Castellani C, Bettin MD, Xumerle L, Pignatti PR, Malerba G, Bombieri C.

    study reveals an EGFR-IFRD1-mediated viral immune evasion mechanism, which can also be exploited by cancer cells

    The interferon-related developmental regulator 1 is used by human papillomavirus to suppress NFκB activation.
    Tummers B, Goedemans R, Pelascini LP, Jordanova ES, van Esch EM, Meyers C, Melief CJ, Boer JM, van der Burg SH., Free PMC Article

    rs5009270 may contribute to hip OA susceptibility by altering proximal femur shape.

    Investigation of association between hip osteoarthritis susceptibility loci and radiographic proximal femur shape.
    Lindner C, Thiagarajah S, Wilkinson JM, Panoutsopoulou K, Day-Williams AG, arcOGEN Consortium, Cootes TF, Wallis GA., Free PMC Article

    PC4 plays essential roles in the transition step from transcription initiation to elongation by binding to melted DNA in collaboration with TFIIEbeta.

    Transcription cofactor PC4 plays essential roles in collaboration with the small subunit of general transcription factor TFIIE.
    Akimoto Y, Yamamoto S, Iida S, Hirose Y, Tanaka A, Hanaoka F, Ohkuma Y.

    Studied the association between IFRD1 polymorphisms and gastric cancer in a Chinese population.

    IFRD1 polymorphisms and gastric cancer risk in a Chinese population.
    Xu R, Peng C, Xiao S, Zhuang W.

    IFRD1 expression is systemically up-regulated in CF neutrophils, is linked to the production of ROS, and is modulated by chemokines in CF airway fluids, depending on the IFRD1 genotype.

    Expression and regulation of interferon-related development regulator-1 in cystic fibrosis neutrophils.
    Hector A, Kormann M, Kammermeier J, Burdi S, Marcos V, Rieber N, Mays L, Illig T, Klopp N, Falkenstein F, Kappler M, Riethmueller J, Graepler-Mainka U, Stern M, Eickmeier O, Serve F, Zielen S, Döring G, Griese M, Hartl D.

    This work provides evidence for the first time of reduced level of IFRD1 protein in murine and human F508del-CFTR airway epithelial cell models.

    Reduced expression of Tis7/IFRD1 protein in murine and human cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cell models homozygous for the F508del-CFTR mutation.
    Blanchard E, Marie S, Riffault L, Bonora M, Tabary O, Clement A, Jacquot J.

    IFRD1 is a target gene of the BACH1 transcription factor according to ChIP-seq analysis in HEK 293 cells.

    The BTB and CNC homology 1 (BACH1) target genes are involved in the oxidative stress response and in control of the cell cycle.
    Warnatz HJ, Schmidt D, Manke T, Piccini I, Sultan M, Borodina T, Balzereit D, Wruck W, Soldatov A, Vingron M, Lehrach H, Yaspo ML., Free PMC Article

    IFRD1 is an inducer of skeletal muscle regeneration and of satellite cell amplification, by regulating MyoD and NF-kB.

    PC4/Tis7/IFRD1 stimulates skeletal muscle regeneration and is involved in myoblast differentiation as a regulator of MyoD and NF-kappaB.
    Micheli L, Leonardi L, Conti F, Maresca G, Colazingari S, Mattei E, Lira SA, Farioli-Vecchioli S, Caruso M, Tirone F., Free PMC Article

    Identification of PC4/IFRD1 as a coactivator of MyoD, a key master gene of muscle development.

    PC4 coactivates MyoD by relieving the histone deacetylase 4-mediated inhibition of myocyte enhancer factor 2C.
    Micheli L, Leonardi L, Conti F, Buanne P, Canu N, Caruso M, Tirone F., Free PMC Article

    This reference shows the cloning and the sequence of the original IFRD1 homolog isolated in rat as nerve growth factor-inducible immediate early gene (named PC4).

    Early gene regulation by nerve growth factor in PC12 cells: induction of an interferon-related gene.
    Tirone F, Shooter EM., Free PMC Article

    In the absence of PC4/IFRD1 skeletal muscle differentiation is defective.

    Inhibition of differentiation in myoblasts deprived of the interferon-related protein PC4.
    Guardavaccaro D, Ciotti MT, Schäfer BW, Montagnoli A, Tirone F.

    Meta-analysis and genome-wide association study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)

    Genomic variation associated with mortality among adults of European and African ancestry with heart failure: the cohorts for heart and aging research in genomic epidemiology consortium.
    Morrison AC, Felix JF, Cupples LA, Glazer NL, Loehr LR, Dehghan A, Demissie S, Bis JC, Rosamond WD, Aulchenko YS, Wang YA, Haritunians T, Folsom AR, Rivadeneira F, Benjamin EJ, Lumley T, Couper D, Stricker BH, O'Donnell CJ, Rice KM, Chang PP, Hofman A, Levy D, Rotter JI, Fox ER, Uitterlinden AG, Wang TJ, Psaty BM, Willerson JT, van Duijn CM, Boerwinkle E, Witteman JC, Vasan RS, Smith NL., Free PMC Article

    IFRD1 mRNA decay stress-sensitive regulation is mediated by an upstream open reading frame

    Stress-sensitive regulation of IFRD1 mRNA decay is mediated by an upstream open reading frame.
    Zhao C, Datta S, Mandal P, Xu S, Hamilton T., Free PMC Article

    Sequence conservation, animal models, and protein structure evaluation support the involvement of IFRD1 in SMNA

    IFRD1 is a candidate gene for SMNA on chromosome 7q22-q23.
    Brkanac Z, Spencer D, Shendure J, Robertson PD, Matsushita M, Vu T, Bird TD, Olson MV, Raskind WH., Free PMC Article

    identification of IFRD1 as a modifier of cystic fibrosis lung disease severity

    Identification of IFRD1 as a modifier gene for cystic fibrosis lung disease.
    Gu Y, Harley IT, Henderson LB, Aronow BJ, Vietor I, Huber LA, Harley JB, Kilpatrick JR, Langefeld CD, Williams AH, Jegga AG, Chen J, Wills-Karp M, Arshad SH, Ewart SL, Thio CL, Flick LM, Filippi MD, Grimes HL, Drumm ML, Cutting GR, Knowles MR, Karp CL, Gu Y, Harley IT, Henderson LB, Aronow BJ, Vietor I, Huber LA, Harley JB, Kilpatrick JR, Langefeld CD, Williams AH, Jegga AG, Chen J, Wills-Karp M, Arshad SH, Ewart SL, Thio CL, Flick LM, Filippi MD, Grimes HL, Drumm ML, Cutting GR, Knowles MR, Karp CL., Free PMC Articles: PMC2841516, PMC2841516

    Observational study and genome-wide association study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)

    Identification of IFRD1 as a modifier gene for cystic fibrosis lung disease.
    Gu Y, Harley IT, Henderson LB, Aronow BJ, Vietor I, Huber LA, Harley JB, Kilpatrick JR, Langefeld CD, Williams AH, Jegga AG, Chen J, Wills-Karp M, Arshad SH, Ewart SL, Thio CL, Flick LM, Filippi MD, Grimes HL, Drumm ML, Cutting GR, Knowles MR, Karp CL, Gu Y, Harley IT, Henderson LB, Aronow BJ, Vietor I, Huber LA, Harley JB, Kilpatrick JR, Langefeld CD, Williams AH, Jegga AG, Chen J, Wills-Karp M, Arshad SH, Ewart SL, Thio CL, Flick LM, Filippi MD, Grimes HL, Drumm ML, Cutting GR, Knowles MR, Karp CL., Free PMC Articles: PMC2841516, PMC2841516

    TIS7, a negative regulator of transcriptional activity, represses expression of OPN and beta-catenin/Tcf-4 target genes

    TIS7 regulation of the beta-catenin/Tcf-4 target gene osteopontin (OPN) is histone deacetylase-dependent.
    Vietor I, Kurzbauer R, Brosch G, Huber LA.

    This reference shows the cloning and the sequence of the original IFRD1 homolog isolated in mouse as TPA-inducible immediate early gene (named Tis7).

    Characterization of TIS7, a gene induced in Swiss 3T3 cells by the tumor promoter tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate.
    Varnum BC, Lim RW, Herschman HR.

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