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    HTR4 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 3360, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Concurrent anxiety in patients with major depression and cerebral serotonin 4 receptor binding. A NeuroPharm-1 study.

    Concurrent anxiety in patients with major depression and cerebral serotonin 4 receptor binding. A NeuroPharm-1 study.
    Köhler-Forsberg K, Ozenne B, Larsen SV, Poulsen AS, Landman EB, Dam VH, Ip CT, Jørgensen A, Svarer C, Knudsen GM, Frokjaer VG, Jørgensen MB., Free PMC Article

    The GG genotype of the serotonin 4 receptor genetic polymorphism, rs1345697, is associated with lower remission rates after antidepressant treatment: Findings from the METADAP cohort.

    The GG genotype of the serotonin 4 receptor genetic polymorphism, rs1345697, is associated with lower remission rates after antidepressant treatment: Findings from the METADAP cohort.
    Poinsignon V, Colle R, Asmar KE, Mendez-David I, David DJ, Ait Tayeb AEK, Chappell K, Gressier F, Herrero H, Fève B, Becquemont L, Corruble E, Verstuyft C.

    Hypomethylation of the HTR4 promoter is a potential biomarker for predicting the risk of male Autism Spectrum Disorder in Chinese people.

    Association of human serotonin receptor 4 promoter methylation with autism spectrum disorder.
    Hu Z, Ying X, Huang L, Zhao Y, Zhou D, Liu J, Zhong J, Huang T, Zhang W, Cheng F, Duan S., Free PMC Article

    The down-regulation effects of IFN-alpha on p11, 5-HT1b and 5-HT4 were associated with the lysosome and ubiquitin-proteasome-mediated pathways. p11 was identified as a potent regulator to modulate the ubiquitination of 5-HT1b and 5-HT4. Therefore, it could be potential target therapies in IFN-ainduced depression

    Down-regulation effects of IFN-α on p11, 5-htr1b and 5-HTR4 protein levels were affected by NH(4)CL or MG132 treatment in SH-sy5y cells.
    Guo J, Ding H, Lv Z, Jiao J, Wang H, Ji Y.

    In human large intestinal circular muscle, the intracellular pathway of 5-HT4 receptors facilitating cholinergic neurotransmission to large intestinal circular smooth muscle is controlled by phosphodiesterase 4.

    Synergy between 5-HT(4) receptor stimulation and phosphodiesterase 4 inhibition in facilitating acetylcholine release in human large intestinal circular muscle.
    Pauwelyn V, Ceelen W, Lefebvre RA.

    this study shows that HTR$ gene expression regulation is affected by mir-16 and mir-103 single nucleotide polymorphisms

    miR-16 and miR-103 impact 5-HT(4) receptor signalling and correlate with symptom profile in irritable bowel syndrome.
    Wohlfarth C, Schmitteckert S, Härtle JD, Houghton LA, Dweep H, Fortea M, Assadi G, Braun A, Mederer T, Pöhner S, Becker PP, Fischer C, Granzow M, Mönnikes H, Mayer EA, Sayuk G, Boeckxstaens G, Wouters MM, Simrén M, Lindberg G, Ohlsson B, Schmidt PT, Dlugosz A, Agreus L, Andreasson A, D'Amato M, Burwinkel B, Bermejo JL, Röth R, Lasitschka F, Vicario M, Metzger M, Santos J, Rappold GA, Martinez C, Niesler B., Free PMC Article

    found that testosterone, but not estradiol, correlated negatively with global 5-HT4R levels suggesting that men with high levels of testosterone have higher cerebral serotonergic tonus.

    Testosterone levels in healthy men correlate negatively with serotonin 4 receptor binding.
    Perfalk E, Cunha-Bang SD, Holst KK, Keller S, Svarer C, Knudsen GM, Frokjaer VG.

    l-Lysine significantly reduced the surge of plasma aldosterone induced by metoclopramide indicating that l-Lysine is able to efficiently antagonize the adrenal 5-HT4 receptors in vivo.

    l-Lysine Acts as a Serotonin Type 4 Receptor Antagonist to Counteract In Vitro and In Vivo the Stimulatory Effect of Serotonergic Agents on Aldosterone Secretion in Man.
    Duparc C, André C, Ménard J, Godouet-Getti B, Wils J, Cailleux AF, Moreau-Grangé L, Louiset E, Lefebvre H.

    Acute administration of 5-hydroxytryptamine4 (5-HT4) receptor agonist, mosapride or esophageal infusion of the transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor-1 (TRPV1) agonist capsaicin promotes secondary peristalsis.Esophageal infusion with capsaicin-containing red pepper sauce suspension does create greater mechanosensitivity as measured by secondary peristalsis than 5-HT4 receptor agonist mosapride

    Differences in the Control of Secondary Peristalsis in the Human Esophagus: Influence of the 5-HT4 Receptor versus the TRPV1 Receptor.
    Yi CH, Lei WY, Hung JS, Liu TT, Orr WC, Fabio P, Chen CL., Free PMC Article

    Findings replicate our previous observation of a negative association between 5-HT 4R binding and memory performance in an independent cohort and provide novel evidence linking 5-HT 4R binding, as a biomarker for synaptic 5-HT levels, to the mnestic processing of positive and neutral word stimuli in healthy humans

    Brain serotonin 4 receptor binding is inversely associated with verbal memory recall.
    Stenbæk DS, Fisher PM, Ozenne B, Andersen E, Hjordt LV, McMahon B, Hasselbalch SG, Frokjaer VG, Knudsen GM., Free PMC Article

    Results of this study indicated that HTR4 signaling upregulated ERbeta expression in hormone-naive prostate cancer and could impact on biological processes in hormone-naive prostate cancer.

    Serotonin receptor 4 (5-hydroxytryptamine receptor Type 4) regulates expression of estrogen receptor beta and cell migration in hormone-naive prostate cancer.
    Nakamura Y, Ise K, Yamazaki Y, Fujishima F, McNamara KM, Sasano H.

    Data suggest that the 5-HT4 receptor is involved in the neurobiological mechanism underlying familial risk for depression, and that lower striatal 5-HT4 receptor binding is associated with increased risk for developing major depression disorder

    Familial risk for major depression is associated with lower striatal 5-HT₄ receptor binding.
    Madsen K, Torstensen E, Holst KK, Haahr ME, Knorr U, Frokjaer VG, Brandt-Larsen M, Iversen P, Fisher PM, Knudsen GM., Free PMC Article

    PDE3A1 and PDE4D3 are integrated into complexes that contain the 5-HT4(b) receptor and may thereby regulate 5-HT4(b) receptor-mediated signaling.

    Phosphodiesterase 4 interacts with the 5-HT4(b) receptor to regulate cAMP signaling.
    Weninger S, Van Craenenbroeck K, Cameron RT, Vandeput F, Movsesian MA, Baillie GS, Lefebvre RA.

    The findings of altered lung function and increased AHR in Htr4-null mice support a causal relationship between genetic variation in HTR4 and pulmonary function identified in human genome-wide association studies.

    Genetic variation in HTR4 and lung function: GWAS follow-up in mouse.
    House JS, Li H, DeGraff LM, Flake G, Zeldin DC, London SJ., Free PMC Article

    This study demonistrated that 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 4 regulate memory.

    Astrocytic adenosine receptor A2A and Gs-coupled signaling regulate memory.
    Orr AG, Hsiao EC, Wang MM, Ho K, Kim DH, Wang X, Guo W, Kang J, Yu GQ, Adame A, Devidze N, Dubal DB, Masliah E, Conklin BR, Mucke L., Free PMC Article

    ADAM19 rs1422795 and HTR4 rs11168048 are associated with pulmonary function.

    ADAM19 and HTR4 variants and pulmonary function: Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium Targeted Sequencing Study.
    London SJ, Gao W, Gharib SA, Hancock DB, Wilk JB, House JS, Gibbs RA, Muzny DM, Lumley T, Franceschini N, North KE, Psaty BM, Kovar CL, Coresh J, Zhou Y, Heckbert SR, Brody JA, Morrison AC, Dupuis J., Free PMC Article

    This is the first transgenic model to study human 5-HTreceptor in the atrium ex vivo or in vivo.

    Human 5-HT₄receptor stimulation in atria of transgenic mice.
    Gergs U, Böckler A, Ebelt H, Hauptmann S, Keller N, Otto V, Pönicke K, Schmitz W, Neumann J.

    Stimulation of central 5-HT4 receptors is potentially disease-modifying in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.

    Chronic 5-HT4 receptor activation decreases Aβ production and deposition in hAPP/PS1 mice.
    Tesseur I, Pimenova AA, Lo AC, Ciesielska M, Lichtenthaler SF, De Maeyer JH, Schuurkes JA, D'Hooge R, De Strooper B.

    Taken together, these data suggest a role for HTR4 in lung development, which may at least in part explain the genetic association with lung function.

    HTR4 gene structure and altered expression in the developing lung.
    Hodge E, Nelson CP, Miller S, Billington CK, Stewart CE, Swan C, Malarstig A, Henry AP, Gowland C, Melén E, Hall IP, Sayers I., Free PMC Article

    Our results suggest that HTR4 polymorphisms may not play a major role in the susceptibility for suicidal behavior in subjects with schizophrenia.

    Association and CpG SNP analysis of HTR4 polymorphisms with suicidal behavior in subjects with schizophrenia.
    Polsinelli G, Zai CC, Strauss J, Kennedy JL, De Luca V.

    These results suggest a prominent role of 5-HT(4)R in promoting angiogenesis.

    A novel regulator of angiogenesis in endothelial cells: 5-hydroxytriptamine 4 receptor.
    Profirovic J, Strekalova E, Urao N, Krbanjevic A, Andreeva AV, Varadarajan S, Fukai T, Hen R, Ushio-Fukai M, Voyno-Yasenetskaya TA., Free PMC Article

    Results suggest an important role for the CHRNA5/3 region as a genetic risk factor for airflow obstruction independent of smoking and implicate the HTR4 gene in the etiology of airflow obstruction.

    Genome-wide association studies identify CHRNA5/3 and HTR4 in the development of airflow obstruction.
    Wilk JB, Shrine NR, Loehr LR, Zhao JH, Manichaikul A, Lopez LM, Smith AV, Heckbert SR, Smolonska J, Tang W, Loth DW, Curjuric I, Hui J, Cho MH, Latourelle JC, Henry AP, Aldrich M, Bakke P, Beaty TH, Bentley AR, Borecki IB, Brusselle GG, Burkart KM, Chen TH, Couper D, Crapo JD, Davies G, Dupuis J, Franceschini N, Gulsvik A, Hancock DB, Harris TB, Hofman A, Imboden M, James AL, Khaw KT, Lahousse L, Launer LJ, Litonjua A, Liu Y, Lohman KK, Lomas DA, Lumley T, Marciante KD, McArdle WL, Meibohm B, Morrison AC, Musk AW, Myers RH, North KE, Postma DS, Psaty BM, Rich SS, Rivadeneira F, Rochat T, Rotter JI, Soler Artigas M, Starr JM, Uitterlinden AG, Wareham NJ, Wijmenga C, Zanen P, Province MA, Silverman EK, Deary IJ, Palmer LJ, Cassano PA, Gudnason V, Barr RG, Loos RJ, Strachan DP, London SJ, Boezen HM, Probst-Hensch N, Gharib SA, Hall IP, O'Connor GT, Tobin MD, Stricker BH., Free PMC Article

    Our findings are consistent with a model wherein the 5-HTTLPR S allele is associated with relatively increased serotonin levels.

    5-HTTLPR status predictive of neocortical 5-HT4 binding assessed with [(11)C]SB207145 PET in humans.
    Fisher PM, Holst KK, Mc Mahon B, Haahr ME, Madsen K, Gillings N, Baaré WF, Jensen PS, Knudsen GM.

    These findings suggest that the 5-HT(4)R is critically involved in reward circuits that regulate people's food intake

    Obesity is associated with high serotonin 4 receptor availability in the brain reward circuitry.
    Haahr ME, Rasmussen PM, Madsen K, Marner L, Ratner C, Gillings N, Baaré WF, Knudsen GM.

    Mucosal 5-HT(4) receptor activation can mediate the prokinetic and antinociceptive actions of 5-HT(4)R agonists.

    Activation of colonic mucosal 5-HT(4) receptors accelerates propulsive motility and inhibits visceral hypersensitivity.
    Hoffman JM, Tyler K, MacEachern SJ, Balemba OB, Johnson AC, Brooks EM, Zhao H, Swain GM, Moses PL, Galligan JJ, Sharkey KA, Greenwood-Van Meerveld B, Mawe GM., Free PMC Article

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