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    LGALS13 galectin 13 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 29124, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Placental Protein 13 and Syncytiotrophoblast Basement Membrane Ultrastructures in Preeclampsia.

    Placental Protein 13 and Syncytiotrophoblast Basement Membrane Ultrastructures in Preeclampsia.
    Lestari PM, Wibowo N, Prasmusinto D, Yamin M, Siregar NC, Prihartono J, Timan IS, Mose JC, Liberty IA, Kesty C, Stevanny B., Free PMC Article

    [Predictive value of serum Gal-13, GLP-1 and VEGF levels in adverse pregnancy outcomes of gestational diabetes mellitus].

    [Predictive value of serum Gal-13, GLP-1 and VEGF levels in adverse pregnancy outcomes of gestational diabetes mellitus].
    Fu JH, Huo J, Han YM, Chen CJ.

    Intronic variants of LGALS13 gene encoding placental protein (PP13) are linked with increased risk of infection-associated spontaneous preterm birth.

    Intronic variants of LGALS13 gene encoding placental protein (PP13) are linked with increased risk of infection-associated spontaneous preterm birth.
    Bhati T, Ray A, Arora R, Siraj F, Parvez S, Rastogi S.

    Augmented Placental Protein 13 in Placental-Associated Extracellular Vesicles in Term and Preterm Preeclampsia Is Further Elevated by Corticosteroids.

    Augmented Placental Protein 13 in Placental-Associated Extracellular Vesicles in Term and Preterm Preeclampsia Is Further Elevated by Corticosteroids.
    Kazatsker MM, Sharabi-Nov A, Meiri H, Sammour R, Sammar M., Free PMC Article

    Association between Galectin-13 Expression and Eosinophilic Airway Inflammation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

    Association between Galectin-13 Expression and Eosinophilic Airway Inflammation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
    Yi L, Feng Y, Chen D, Jin Y, Zhang S.


    Piskun A, Dmytro K, Honcharenko O, Rud V, Klimas L.

    [Expression of galectin-13 in allergic diseases involving airway, skin and mucous membranes].

    [Expression of galectin-13 in allergic diseases involving airway, skin and mucous membranes].
    Yi LL, Zhu RF, Yang L, Hu LT, Zhang SC.

    Increased epithelial galectin-13 expression associates with eosinophilic airway inflammation in asthma.

    Increased epithelial galectin-13 expression associates with eosinophilic airway inflammation in asthma.
    Yi L, Zhang S, Feng Y, Wu W, Chang C, Chen D, Chen S, Zhao J, Zhen G.

    Placental Protein 13 (Galectin-13) Polarizes Neutrophils Toward an Immune Regulatory Phenotype.

    Placental Protein 13 (Galectin-13) Polarizes Neutrophils Toward an Immune Regulatory Phenotype.
    Vokalova L, Balogh A, Toth E, Van Breda SV, Schäfer G, Hoesli I, Lapaire O, Hahn S, Than NG, Rossi SW., Free PMC Article

    Galectin-13/placental protein 13: redox-active disulfides as switches for regulating structure, function and cellular distribution.

    Galectin-13/placental protein 13: redox-active disulfides as switches for regulating structure, function and cellular distribution.
    Yang T, Yao Y, Wang X, Li Y, Si Y, Li X, Ayala GJ, Wang Y, Mayo KH, Tai G, Zhou Y, Su J.

    These results indicate that Gal-13 is not a normal galectin, which could not bind to beta-galactosides. Lastly, the distribution of EGFP-tagged wild-type Gal-13 and its variants in HeLa cells showed that they are concentrated in the nucleus and could be co-localized within filamentary materials, possibly actin.

    Resetting the ligand binding site of placental protein 13/galectin-13 recovers its ability to bind lactose.
    Su J, Cui L, Si Y, Song C, Li Y, Yang T, Wang H, Mayo KH, Tai G, Zhou Y., Free PMC Article

    PP13 is located in and on all types of syncytiotrophoblast extracellular vesicles. A simple correction for gestational age suggested that preeclampsia may be an important influence.

    Reduced placental protein 13 (PP13) in placental derived syncytiotrophoblast extracellular vesicles in preeclampsia - A novel tool to study the impaired cargo transmission of the placenta to the maternal organs.
    Sammar M, Dragovic R, Meiri H, Vatish M, Sharabi-Nov A, Sargent I, Redman C, Tannetta D.

    Galectin-13 does not bind beta-galactosides and forms dimers via intermolecular disulfide bridges between Cys-136 and Cys-138.

    Galectin-13, a different prototype galectin, does not bind β-galacto-sides and forms dimers via intermolecular disulfide bridges between Cys-136 and Cys-138.
    Su J, Wang Y, Si Y, Gao J, Song C, Cui L, Wu R, Tai G, Zhou Y., Free PMC Article

    First-trimester PP-13 levels are significantly correlated with BMI and smoking. These correlations appear independent of uterine and umbilical artery resistance. In low risk patients, PP-13 levels fail to predict the risk for pre-eclampsia or small for gestational age (SGA) neonates.

    Relationship between first-trimester serum placental protein-13 and maternal characteristics, placental Doppler studies and pregnancy outcome.
    Seravalli V, Grimpel YI, Meiri H, Blitzer M, Baschat AA.

    Gal-3 was significantly downregulated only in the extravillous trophoblast of intrauterine growth restriction ( IUGR) placentas. In contrast, expressions of gal-2 and gal-13 were downregulated in both villous and extravillous trophoblast cells of IUGR placentas.

    Placental Expression Patterns of Galectin-1, Galectin-2, Galectin-3 and Galectin-13 in Cases of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR).
    Hutter S, Knabl J, Andergassen U, Hofmann S, Kuhn C, Mahner S, Arck P, Jeschke U., Free PMC Article

    Placental protein 13 was localized to syncytiotrophoblasts in the chorionic villi and to occasional multinucleated luminal trophoblasts within converted decidual spiral arterioles in preeclampsia patients.

    Placental protein 13 and decidual zones of necrosis: an immunologic diversion that may be linked to preeclampsia.
    Kliman HJ, Sammar M, Grimpel YI, Lynch SK, Milano KM, Pick E, Bejar J, Arad A, Lee JJ, Meiri H, Gonen R.

    inadequate sensitivity as first trimester serum marker for pre-eclampsia

    Can first trimester placental protein-13 and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A predict pre-eclampsia in Turkish women?
    Ceylan N, Ozaksit G, Unlu BS, Yildiz Y, Yilmaz S, Agaca F.

    As gal-13 with its anti-inflammatory functions plays a role in maternal immune system, a lack of gal-13 may contribute to an imbalance in inflammation processes in the placenta during pregnancy and therefore influences development of gestational diabetes.

    Galectin-13/PP-13 expression in term placentas of gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancies.
    Unverdorben L, Hüttenbrenner R, Knabl J, Jeschke U, Hutter S.

    Evaluation of placental protein 13 (PP13) and risk factors as markers for predicting preeclampsia.

    Prediction of preeclampsia by placental protein 13 and background risk factors and its prevention by aspirin.
    Meiri H, Sammar M, Herzog A, Grimpel YI, Fihaman G, Cohen A, Kivity V, Sharabi-Nov A, Gonen R.

    Among singletons with severe preeclampsia, levels were significantly reduced, however, among twins, only a non-significant tendency for a reduction was recorded.

    First trimester maternal serum placental protein 13 levels in singleton vs. twin pregnancies with and without severe pre-eclampsia.
    Svirsky R, Meiri H, Herzog A, Kivity V, Cuckle H, Maymon R.

    Data in rats suggest that human LGALS13 plays role in maintaining uteroplacental blood flow and plays possible role in facilitating proper adaptation of maternal vasculature to pregnancy.

    Effects of placental protein 13 on the cardiovascular system in gravid and non-gravid rodents.
    Gizurarson S, Huppertz B, Osol G, Skarphedinsson JO, Mandala M, Meiri H.

    The maternal serum level of placental protein 13 is significantly lower in Egyptian patients with pre-eclampsia compared to controls.

    Placental protein 13 as an early predictor in Egyptian patients with preeclampsia, correlation to risk, and association with outcome.
    El Sherbiny WS, Soliman A, Nasr AS.

    secretion of PAPP-A, ADAM12 and PP13 is closely related to the size of the placenta in the beginning of pregnancy. After 8 weeks of pregnancy, which is the time for luteoplacental shift, the correlation disappears.

    The secretion of PAPP-A, ADAM12, and PP13 correlates with the size of the placenta for the first month of pregnancy.
    Sahraravand M, Järvelä IY, Laitinen P, Tekay AH, Ryynänen M.

    PP13 is released from the syncytiotrophoblast in preterm preeclampsia and HELLP, mimicked in BeWo cells by ischemic stress, suggesting PP13 is a placental alarmin.

    Placental protein 13 (PP13/galectin-13) undergoes lipid raft-associated subcellular redistribution in the syncytiotrophoblast in preterm preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome.
    Balogh A, Pozsgay J, Matkó J, Dong Z, Kim CJ, Várkonyi T, Sammar M, Rigó J Jr, Meiri H, Romero R, Papp Z, Than NG., Free PMC Article

    ABO blood group can alter PP13-bioavailability in blood

    PP13, maternal ABO blood groups and the risk assessment of pregnancy complications.
    Than NG, Romero R, Meiri H, Erez O, Xu Y, Tarquini F, Barna L, Szilagyi A, Ackerman R, Sammar M, Fule T, Karaszi K, Kovalszky I, Dong Z, Kim CJ, Zavodszky P, Papp Z, Gonen R., Free PMC Article

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