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    EIF4E eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 1977, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    eIF4F controls ERK MAPK signaling in melanomas with BRAF and NRAS mutations.

    eIF4F controls ERK MAPK signaling in melanomas with BRAF and NRAS mutations.
    Valcikova B, Vadovicova N, Smolkova K, Zacpalova M, Krejci P, Lee S, Rauch J, Kolch W, von Kriegsheim A, Dorotikova A, Andrysik Z, Vichova R, Vacek O, Soucek K, Uldrijan S., Free PMC Article

    Human eukaryotic initiation factor 4G directly binds the 40S ribosomal subunit to promote efficient translation.

    Human eukaryotic initiation factor 4G directly binds the 40S ribosomal subunit to promote efficient translation.
    Villa N, Fraser CS., Free PMC Article

    The human eIF4E:4E-BP2 complex structure for studying hyperphosphorylation.

    The human eIF4E:4E-BP2 complex structure for studying hyperphosphorylation.
    Zeng J, Lu C, Huang X, Li Y.

    eIF4E plays the role of a pathogenic gene in psoriasis, and the inhibition of eIF4E phosphorylation ameliorates psoriasis-like skin damage.

    eIF4E plays the role of a pathogenic gene in psoriasis, and the inhibition of eIF4E phosphorylation ameliorates psoriasis-like skin damage.
    Wang R, Yang L, Zhen Y, Li X, Huang S, Wen H, Sun Q.

    miR-483-5p orchestrates the initiation of protein synthesis by facilitating the decrease in phosphorylated Ser209eIF4E and 4E-BP1 levels.

    miR-483-5p orchestrates the initiation of protein synthesis by facilitating the decrease in phosphorylated Ser209eIF4E and 4E-BP1 levels.
    Nagaraj S, Stankiewicz-Drogon A, Darzynkiewicz E, Wojda U, Grzela R., Free PMC Article

    The eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E unexpectedly acts in splicing thereby coupling mRNA processing with translation: eIF4E induces widescale splicing reprogramming providing system-wide connectivity between splicing, nuclear mRNA export and translation.

    The eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E unexpectedly acts in splicing thereby coupling mRNA processing with translation: eIF4E induces widescale splicing reprogramming providing system-wide connectivity between splicing, nuclear mRNA export and translation.
    Borden KLB., Free PMC Article

    Genetic Evidence Supporting a Causal Association Between mTOR-Dependent EIF-4E Circulating Protein Level and Osteoporosis.

    Genetic Evidence Supporting a Causal Association Between mTOR-Dependent EIF-4E Circulating Protein Level and Osteoporosis.
    Cheng T, Zhang YC, Fan KY, Hu JX, Wang Q, Wang Q, Liu L, Zhang HY, Hou YP, Li XF, Zhang SX.

    The role of eIF4F-driven mRNA translation in regulating the tumour microenvironment.

    The role of eIF4F-driven mRNA translation in regulating the tumour microenvironment.
    Bartish M, Abraham MJ, Gonçalves C, Larsson O, Rolny C, Del Rincón SV.

    mTOR pathway candidate genes and physical activity interaction on breast cancer risk in black women from the women's circle of health study.

    mTOR pathway candidate genes and physical activity interaction on breast cancer risk in black women from the women's circle of health study.
    Ilozumba MN, Yaghjyan L, Datta S, Zhao J, Gong Z, Hong CC, Lunetta KL, Zirpoli G, Bandera EV, Palmer JR, Yao S, Ambrosone CB, Cheng TD., Free PMC Article

    Expression of eIF4E Gene in Glioma and Its Sensitivity to Oxidative Stress.

    Expression of eIF4E Gene in Glioma and Its Sensitivity to Oxidative Stress.
    Liang J, Yang Y, Li X, Cai G, Cao J, Zhang B., Free PMC Article

    Phosphorylation of eIF4E in the stroma drives the production and spatial organisation of collagen type I in the mammary gland.

    Phosphorylation of eIF4E in the stroma drives the production and spatial organisation of collagen type I in the mammary gland.
    Preston SEJ, Bartish M, Richard VR, Aghigh A, Gonçalves C, Smith-Voudouris J, Huang F, Thébault P, Cleret-Buhot A, Lapointe R, Légaré F, Postovit LM, Zahedi RP, Borchers CH, Miller WH Jr, Del Rincón SV.

    Down-regulated Circ_0000190 promotes cervical cancer by facilitating the activity of proto-oncogene protein EIF4E.

    Down-regulated Circ_0000190 promotes cervical cancer by facilitating the activity of proto-oncogene protein EIF4E.
    Yang C, Xie J, Chen Q, Yang Y., Free PMC Article

    Outcome of Patients With Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Can be Predicted by Expression of eIF4E and Osteopontin in Free Surgical Margins.

    Outcome of Patients With Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Can be Predicted by Expression of eIF4E and Osteopontin in Free Surgical Margins.
    Abouhashem NS, Elwan A, Elaidy NF.

    Deep computational analysis details dysregulation of eukaryotic translation initiation complex eIF4F in human cancers.

    Deep computational analysis details dysregulation of eukaryotic translation initiation complex eIF4F in human cancers.
    Wu S, Wagner G., Free PMC Article

    Phosphorylation of Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4G1 (eIF4G1) at Ser1147 Is Specific for eIF4G1 Bound to eIF4E in Delayed Neuronal Death after Ischemia.

    Phosphorylation of Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4G1 (eIF4G1) at Ser1147 Is Specific for eIF4G1 Bound to eIF4E in Delayed Neuronal Death after Ischemia.
    Martínez-Alonso E, Guerra-Pérez N, Escobar-Peso A, Peracho L, Vera-Lechuga R, Cruz-Culebras A, Masjuan J, Alcázar A., Free PMC Article

    High expression of eIF4E is associated with tumor macrophage infiltration and leads to poor prognosis in breast cancer.

    High expression of eIF4E is associated with tumor macrophage infiltration and leads to poor prognosis in breast cancer.
    Li F, Sun H, Li Y, Bai X, Dong X, Zhao N, Meng J, Sun B, Zhang D., Free PMC Article

    mRNA translation is a therapeutic vulnerability necessary for bladder epithelial transformation.

    mRNA translation is a therapeutic vulnerability necessary for bladder epithelial transformation.
    Jana S, Deo R, Hough RP, Liu Y, Horn JL, Wright JL, Lam HM, Webster KR, Chiang GG, Sonenberg N, Hsieh AC., Free PMC Article

    mTORC1 induces eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E interaction with TOS-S6 kinase 1 and its activation.

    mTORC1 induces eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E interaction with TOS-S6 kinase 1 and its activation.
    Majeed ST, Batool A, Majeed R, Bhat NN, Zargar MA, Andrabi KI., Free PMC Article

    The high-risk HPV E6 proteins modify the activity of the eIF4E protein via the MEK/ERK and AKT/PKB pathways.

    The high-risk HPV E6 proteins modify the activity of the eIF4E protein via the MEK/ERK and AKT/PKB pathways.
    Morales-Garcia V, Contreras-Paredes A, Martinez-Abundis E, Gomez-Crisostomo NP, Lizano M, Hernandez-Landero F, de la Cruz-Hernandez E., Free PMC Article

    Translation Initiation Regulated by RNA-Binding Protein in Mammals: The Modulation of Translation Initiation Complex by Trans-Acting Factors.

    Translation Initiation Regulated by RNA-Binding Protein in Mammals: The Modulation of Translation Initiation Complex by Trans-Acting Factors.
    Fukao A, Tomohiro T, Fujiwara T., Free PMC Article

    Eukaryotic initiating factor eIF4E is targeted by EBV-encoded miR-BART11-3p and regulates cell cycle and apoptosis in EBV-associated gastric carcinoma.

    Eukaryotic initiating factor eIF4E is targeted by EBV-encoded miR-BART11-3p and regulates cell cycle and apoptosis in EBV-associated gastric carcinoma.
    Wang H, Liu J, Zhang Y, Sun L, Zhao M, Luo B.

    eIF4E Overexpression Is Associated with Poor Prognoses of Ovarian Cancer.

    eIF4E Overexpression Is Associated with Poor Prognoses of Ovarian Cancer.
    Zheng J, Li X, Zhang C, Zhang Y., Free PMC Article

    Mitochondria control mTORC1 activity-linked compartmentalization of eIF4E to regulate extracellular export of microRNAs.

    Mitochondria control mTORC1 activity-linked compartmentalization of eIF4E to regulate extracellular export of microRNAs.
    Chatterjee S, Chakrabarty Y, Banerjee S, Ghosh S, Bhattacharyya SN.

    The dynamic mechanism of 4E-BP1 recognition and phosphorylation by mTORC1.

    The dynamic mechanism of 4E-BP1 recognition and phosphorylation by mTORC1.
    Böhm R, Imseng S, Jakob RP, Hall MN, Maier T, Hiller S.

    Positive Correlative over-Expression between eIF4E and Snail in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Promotes its Metastasis and Resistance to Cisplatin.

    Positive Correlative over-Expression between eIF4E and Snail in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Promotes its Metastasis and Resistance to Cisplatin.
    Yao Y, Pang T, Cheng Y, Yong W, Kang H, Zhao Y, Wang S, Hu X.

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