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    DSCAM DS cell adhesion molecule [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 1826, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Increased endothelial sclerostin caused by elevated DSCAM mediates multiple trisomy 21 phenotypes.

    Increased endothelial sclerostin caused by elevated DSCAM mediates multiple trisomy 21 phenotypes.
    McKean DM, Zhang Q, Narayan P, Morton SU, Strohmenger V, Tang VT, McAllister S, Sharma A, Quiat D, Reichart D, DeLaughter DM, Wakimoto H, Gorham JM, Brown K, McDonough B, Willcox JA, Jang MY, DePalma SR, Ward T, Pediatric Cardiac Genomics Consortium Investigators, Kim R, Cleveland JD, Seidman JG, Seidman CE., Free PMC Article

    Dysfunction of NMDA receptors in neuronal models of an autism spectrum disorder patient with a DSCAM mutation and in Dscam-knockout mice.

    Dysfunction of NMDA receptors in neuronal models of an autism spectrum disorder patient with a DSCAM mutation and in Dscam-knockout mice.
    Lim CS, Kim MJ, Choi JE, Islam MA, Lee YK, Xiong Y, Shim KW, Yang JE, Lee RU, Lee J, Park P, Kwak JH, Seo H, Kim CH, Lee JH, Lee YS, Hwang SK, Lee K, Lee JA, Kaang BK., Free PMC Article

    Long non-coding RNA Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule-anti-sense 1 promotes gastric carcinoma cell proliferation and migration by regulating the miR-204/TPT1 axis.

    Long non-coding RNA Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule-anti-sense 1 promotes gastric carcinoma cell proliferation and migration by regulating the miR-204/TPT1 axis.
    Wang N, Yang Y, Jia GZ, Wang K, Zhou S, Zhang B, Zhang ZS, Qiao Q, He XL.

    DSCAM/PAK1 pathway suppression reverses neurogenesis deficits in iPSC-derived cerebral organoids from patients with Down syndrome.

    DSCAM/PAK1 pathway suppression reverses neurogenesis deficits in iPSC-derived cerebral organoids from patients with Down syndrome.
    Tang XY, Xu L, Wang J, Hong Y, Wang Y, Zhu Q, Wang D, Zhang XY, Liu CY, Fang KH, Han X, Wang S, Wang X, Xu M, Bhattacharyya A, Guo X, Lin M, Liu Y., Free PMC Article

    Role of DSCAM in the Development of Neural Control of Movement and Locomotion.

    Role of DSCAM in the Development of Neural Control of Movement and Locomotion.
    Lemieux M, Thiry L, Laflamme OD, Bretzner F., Free PMC Article

    Long non-coding RNA DSCAM-AS1 contributes to the tumorigenesis of cervical cancer by targeting miR-877-5p/ATXN7L3 axis.

    Long non-coding RNA DSCAM-AS1 contributes to the tumorigenesis of cervical cancer by targeting miR-877-5p/ATXN7L3 axis.
    Liang J, Zhang S, Wang W, Xu Y, Kawuli A, Lu J, Xiu X., Free PMC Article

    We further show that introns drive selection of both proximal and distal variable exons. Since exon 4 cluster introns lack conserved sequences that could mediate robust long-range base-pairing to bring exons into proximity for splicing, our data argue for a central role of introns in mutually exclusive alternative splicing of Dscam exon 4 cluster

    Plasmid-based gap-repair recombineered transgenes reveal a central role for introns in mutually exclusive alternative splicing in Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule exon 4.
    Haussmann IU, Ustaoglu P, Brauer U, Hemani Y, Dix TC, Soller M., Free PMC Article

    There is an association between DSCAM polymorphisms and non-syndromic HSCR in South Chinese population.

    Association between DSCAM polymorphisms and non-syndromic Hirschsprung disease in Chinese population.
    Wang Y, He Q, Zhang R, Zhong W, Zhu D, Zhang Y, Xia H., Free PMC Article

    Genome wide analysis identified DSCAM as a new imprinted gene in the human placenta.

    A genome-wide search for new imprinted genes in the human placenta identifies DSCAM as the first imprinted gene on chromosome 21.
    Allach El Khattabi L, Backer S, Pinard A, Dieudonné MN, Tsatsaris V, Vaiman D, Dandolo L, Bloch-Gallego E, Jammes H, Barbaux S., Free PMC Article

    Our study did not repeatedly confirm the association of the rs2222973 or the rs11770843 SNP with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in a Chinese Han population.

    Lack of association between DSCAM gene polymorphisms and adolescent idiopathic scoliosis susceptibility in a Chinese Han population.
    Wu W, Zhu Z, Mao S, Qiu X, Qian B, Liu Z, Qiu Y.

    The most significant was DSCAM, a neurological gene expressed widely in the developing brain and in the amygdala and hippocampus of the adult brain.

    An analysis of gene expression in PTSD implicates genes involved in the glucocorticoid receptor pathway and neural responses to stress.
    Logue MW, Smith AK, Baldwin C, Wolf EJ, Guffanti G, Ratanatharathorn A, Stone A, Schichman SA, Humphries D, Binder EB, Arloth J, Menke A, Uddin M, Wildman D, Galea S, Aiello AE, Koenen KC, Miller MW., Free PMC Article

    DSCAM physically interacts with tubulin folding cofactor D.

    Linking cell surface receptors to microtubules: tubulin folding cofactor D mediates Dscam functions during neuronal morphogenesis.
    Okumura M, Sakuma C, Miura M, Chihara T., Free PMC Article

    DSCAM as a Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) susceptibility locus, both in Down syndrome and HSCR isolated cases.

    Chromosome 21 scan in Down syndrome reveals DSCAM as a predisposing locus in Hirschsprung disease.
    Jannot AS, Pelet A, Henrion-Caude A, Chaoui A, Masse-Morel M, Arnold S, Sanlaville D, Ceccherini I, Borrego S, Hofstra RM, Munnich A, Bondurand N, Chakravarti A, Clerget-Darpoux F, Amiel J, Lyonnet S., Free PMC Article

    Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule interacts with PRKAG1 subunit and plays an important role in netrin-1 induced neurite outgrowth.

    AMPK interacts with DSCAM and plays an important role in netrin-1 induced neurite outgrowth.
    Zhu K, Chen X, Liu J, Ye H, Zhu L, Wu JY., Free PMC Article

    knockdown of DSCAM inhibits netrin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of UNC5C and Fyn as well as the interaction of UNC5C with Fyn. The double knockdown of both receptors abolishes the induction of Fyn tyrosine phosphorylation by netrin-1

    Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM) associates with uncoordinated-5C (UNC5C) in netrin-1-mediated growth cone collapse.
    Purohit AA, Li W, Qu C, Dwyer T, Shao Q, Guan KL, Liu G., Free PMC Article

    The specificity of Drosophila Dscam is due to complementarity of variable residues in epitope I.

    Structural basis of Dscam isoform specificity.
    Meijers R, Puettmann-Holgado R, Skiniotis G, Liu JH, Walz T, Wang JH, Schmucker D.

    Overall, our study found a significant association of IL-17RC gene polymorphisms with AIS in a Chinese Han population, indicating IL-17RC gene may be as a susceptibility gene for AIS.

    Association study of IL-17RC, CHL1, DSCAM and CNTNAP2 genes polymorphisms with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis susceptibility in a Chinese Han population.
    Zhou S, Zhu Z, Qiu X, Wu W, Wang W, Liu Z, Lv F, Qiu Y.

    Dscam may be involved in the generation and development of intractable epilepsy.

    Altered expression of Dscam in temporal lobe tissue from human and experimental animals.
    Shen L, Xiao Z, Pan Y, Fang M, Li C, Chen D, Wang L, Xi Z, Xiao F, Wang X.

    functionally conserved with Drosophila Dscam[TM1] isoforms

    Human down syndrome cell adhesion molecules (DSCAMs) are functionally conserved with Drosophila Dscam[TM1] isoforms in controlling neurodevelopment.
    Huang J, Wang Y, Raghavan S, Feng S, Kiesewetter K, Wang J.

    Observational study and genome-wide association study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)

    Genome-wide association study on overall survival of advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with carboplatin and paclitaxel.
    Sato Y, Yamamoto N, Kunitoh H, Ohe Y, Minami H, Laird NM, Katori N, Saito Y, Ohnami S, Sakamoto H, Sawada J, Saijo N, Yoshida T, Tamura T.

    Clinical trial of gene-disease association and gene-environment interaction. (HuGE Navigator)

    Personalized smoking cessation: interactions between nicotine dose, dependence and quit-success genotype score.
    Rose JE, Behm FM, Drgon T, Johnson C, Uhl GR., Free PMC Article

    In all transgenic retinal cell types examined, both DSCAM and DSCAM-LIKE1 genes are functioning similarly in self-avoidance, whereas the stratification of neurites and synaptic specificity are intact in their absence.

    DSCAM and DSCAML1 function in self-avoidance in multiple cell types in the developing mouse retina.
    Fuerst PG, Bruce F, Tian M, Wei W, Elstrott J, Feller MB, Erskine L, Singer JH, Burgess RW., Free PMC Article

    Clinical trial and genome-wide association study of gene-disease association, gene-environment interaction, and pharmacogenomic / toxicogenomic. (HuGE Navigator)

    Molecular genetics of successful smoking cessation: convergent genome-wide association study results.
    Uhl GR, Liu QR, Drgon T, Johnson C, Walther D, Rose JE, David SP, Niaura R, Lerman C., Free PMC Article

    findings demonstrate an essential role of vertebrate DSCAM in axon guidance, indicating that DSCAM functions as a receptor of netrin-1

    DSCAM functions as a netrin receptor in commissural axon pathfinding.
    Liu G, Li W, Wang L, Kar A, Guan KL, Rao Y, Wu JY., Free PMC Article

    Dscam transgene with or without exon 19 in its endodomain is used to govern different stage-specific neuronal morphogenetic processes, possibly due to differences in protein targeting.

    Endodomain diversity in the Drosophila Dscam and its roles in neuronal morphogenesis.
    Yu HH, Yang JS, Wang J, Huang Y, Lee T., Free PMC Article

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