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    DR1 down-regulator of transcription 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 1810, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Downregulation of transcription 1 hinders the replication of Dabie bandavirus by promoting the expression of TLR7, TLR8, and TLR9 signaling pathway.

    Downregulation of transcription 1 hinders the replication of Dabie bandavirus by promoting the expression of TLR7, TLR8, and TLR9 signaling pathway.
    An H, Yu X, Liu Y, Fang L, Shu M, Zhai Q, Chen J.

    Up-regulation of microRNA-203 in influenza A virus infection inhibits viral replication by targeting DR1.

    Up-regulation of microRNA-203 in influenza A virus infection inhibits viral replication by targeting DR1.
    Zhang S, Li J, Li J, Yang Y, Kang X, Li Y, Wu X, Zhu Q, Zhou Y, Hu Y., Free PMC Article

    results suggest that DR1 are expressed in the osteosarcoma cells and inhibit the proliferation of osteosarcoma cells by the down-regulation of the ERK1/2 and PI3K-Akt pathways.

    The effect and mechanism of dopamine D1 receptors on the proliferation of osteosarcoma cells.
    Gao J, Zhang C, Gao F, Li H.

    Knockdown of DR1 resulted in reductions of viral RNA and protein production, demonstrating that DR1 acts as a positive host factor in influenza A virus replication.

    A host susceptibility gene, DR1, facilitates influenza A virus replication by suppressing host innate immunity and enhancing viral RNA replication.
    Hsu SF, Su WC, Jeng KS, Lai MM., Free PMC Article

    Basal core promoters control the equilibrium between negative cofactor 2 and preinitiation complexes in human cells.

    Basal core promoters control the equilibrium between negative cofactor 2 and preinitiation complexes in human cells.
    Albert TK, Grote K, Boeing S, Meisterernst M., Free PMC Article

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)

    Association of CR1, CLU and PICALM with Alzheimer's disease in a cohort of clinically characterized and neuropathologically verified individuals.
    Corneveaux JJ, Myers AJ, Allen AN, Pruzin JJ, Ramirez M, Engel A, Nalls MA, Chen K, Lee W, Chewning K, Villa SE, Meechoovet HB, Gerber JD, Frost D, Benson HL, O'Reilly S, Chibnik LB, Shulman JM, Singleton AB, Craig DW, Van Keuren-Jensen KR, Dunckley T, Bennett DA, De Jager PL, Heward C, Hardy J, Reiman EM, Huentelman MJ., Free PMC Article

    The physiological functions of human Dr1 include regulation of polymerase III transcription.

    Dr1 (NC2) is present at tRNA genes and represses their transcription in human cells.
    Kantidakis T, White RJ., Free PMC Article

    heterodimerization with NC2alpha masks the nuclear localization signal in NC2beta, which prevents nuclear export of the NC2 complex

    Regulation of nuclear import and export of negative cofactor 2.
    Kahle J, Piaia E, Neimanis S, Meisterernst M, Doenecke D., Free PMC Article

    ATAC Is a GCN5/PCAF-containing acetylase complex with a novel NC2-like histone fold module that interacts with the TATA-binding protein

    Human ATAC Is a GCN5/PCAF-containing acetylase complex with a novel NC2-like histone fold module that interacts with the TATA-binding protein.
    Wang YL, Faiola F, Xu M, Pan S, Martinez E., Free PMC Article

    Data show that NC2beta is specifically involved in neuroblastoma pathogenesis and may be considered a new neuroblastoma biomarker.

    Involvement of GTA protein NC2beta in neuroblastoma pathogenesis suggests that it physiologically participates in the regulation of cell proliferation.
    Di Pietro C, Ragusa M, Barbagallo D, Duro LR, Guglielmino MR, Majorana A, Giunta V, Rapisarda A, Tricarichi E, Miceli M, Angelica R, Grillo A, Banelli B, Defferari I, Forte S, Laganà A, Bosco C, Giugno R, Pulvirenti A, Ferro A, Grzeschik KH, Di Cataldo A, Tonini GP, Romani M, Purrello M., Free PMC Article

    the initiator core promoter element antagonizes repression of TATA-directed transcription by negative cofactor NC2

    The initiator core promoter element antagonizes repression of TATA-directed transcription by negative cofactor NC2.
    Malecová B, Gross P, Boyer-Guittaut M, Yavuz S, Oelgeschläger T.

    NC2 controls TBP binding and maintenance on DNA that is largely independent of a canonical TATA sequence

    Efficient binding of NC2.TATA-binding protein to DNA in the absence of TATA.
    Gilfillan S, Stelzer G, Piaia E, Hofmann MG, Meisterernst M.

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