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    DPYSL2 dihydropyrimidinase like 2 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 1808, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Forebrain commissure formation in zebrafish embryo requires the binding of KLC1 to CRMP2.

    Forebrain commissure formation in zebrafish embryo requires the binding of KLC1 to CRMP2.
    Li S, Guo Y, Takahashi M, Suzuki H, Kosaki K, Ohshima T.

    Zinc Deficiency Decreases Neurite Extension via CRMP2 Signal Pathway.

    Zinc Deficiency Decreases Neurite Extension via CRMP2 Signal Pathway.
    Kurita H, Ueda M, Kimura M, Okuda A, Ohuchi K, Hozumi I, Inden M.

    DPYSL2/CRMP2 isoform B knockout in human iPSC-derived glutamatergic neurons confirms its role in mTOR signaling and neurodevelopmental disorders.

    DPYSL2/CRMP2 isoform B knockout in human iPSC-derived glutamatergic neurons confirms its role in mTOR signaling and neurodevelopmental disorders.
    Feuer KL, Peng X, Yovo CK, Avramopoulos D., Free PMC Article

    CRMP2 Participates in Regulating Mitochondrial Morphology and Motility in Alzheimer's Disease.

    CRMP2 Participates in Regulating Mitochondrial Morphology and Motility in Alzheimer's Disease.
    Brustovetsky T, Khanna R, Brustovetsky N., Free PMC Article

    De novo non-synonymous DPYSL2 (CRMP2) variants in two patients with intellectual disabilities and documentation of functional relevance through zebrafish rescue and cellular transfection experiments.

    De novo non-synonymous DPYSL2 (CRMP2) variants in two patients with intellectual disabilities and documentation of functional relevance through zebrafish rescue and cellular transfection experiments.
    Suzuki H, Li S, Tokutomi T, Takeuchi C, Takahashi M, Yamada M, Okuno H, Miya F, Takenouchi T, Numabe H, Kosaki K, Ohshima T.

    CRMP2 derived from cancer associated fibroblasts facilitates progression of ovarian cancer via HIF-1alpha-glycolysis signaling pathway.

    CRMP2 derived from cancer associated fibroblasts facilitates progression of ovarian cancer via HIF-1α-glycolysis signaling pathway.
    Jin Y, Bian S, Wang H, Mo J, Fei H, Li L, Chen T, Jiang H., Free PMC Article

    Phosphorylation of CRMP2 by Cdk5 Negatively Regulates the Surface Delivery and Synaptic Function of AMPA Receptors.

    Phosphorylation of CRMP2 by Cdk5 Negatively Regulates the Surface Delivery and Synaptic Function of AMPA Receptors.
    Cheng L, Chen K, Li J, Wu J, Zhang J, Chen L, Guo G, Zhang J.

    DPYSL2 interacts with JAK1 to mediate breast cancer cell migration.

    DPYSL2 interacts with JAK1 to mediate breast cancer cell migration.
    Abu Rmaileh A, Solaimuthu B, Khatib A, Lavi S, Tanna M, Hayashi A, Ben Yosef M, Lichtenstein M, Pillar N, Shaul YD., Free PMC Article

    A reversible metabolic stress-sensitive regulation of CRMP2A orchestrates EMT/stemness and increases metastatic potential in cancer.

    A reversible metabolic stress-sensitive regulation of CRMP2A orchestrates EMT/stemness and increases metastatic potential in cancer.
    Boukouris AE, Zhang Y, Saleme B, Kinnaird A, Zhao YY, Liu Y, Zervopoulos SD, Das SK, Mittal RD, Haromy A, Lorenzana-Carrillo MA, Krysler AR, Cromwell CR, Hubbard BP, Sutendra G, Michelakis ED.

    Characterization of Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 2 in Colorectal Cancer Progression in Subjects with Diabetic Comorbidity.

    Characterization of Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 2 in Colorectal Cancer Progression in Subjects with Diabetic Comorbidity.
    Chang YH, Yang HJ, Chen HW, Hsiao CW, Hsieh YC, Chan YW, Chang SW, Hwang WL, Chen WS, Cheng HH, Chou TY, Chang FP, Ho HL, Chu FY, Lo YL, Chen CJ, Tsai HF, Shiau MY., Free PMC Article

    Dysregulation of DPYSL2 expression by mTOR signaling in schizophrenia: Multi-level study of postmortem brain.

    Dysregulation of DPYSL2 expression by mTOR signaling in schizophrenia: Multi-level study of postmortem brain.
    Izumi R, Hino M, Nagaoka A, Shishido R, Kakita A, Hoshino M, Kunii Y, Yabe H.

    CRMP2 as a Candidate Target to Interfere with Lung Cancer Cell Migration.

    CRMP2 as a Candidate Target to Interfere with Lung Cancer Cell Migration.
    Morales X, Peláez R, Garasa S, Ortiz de Solórzano C, Rouzaut A., Free PMC Article

    Involvement of CRMP2 in Regulation of Mitochondrial Morphology and Motility in Huntington's Disease.

    Involvement of CRMP2 in Regulation of Mitochondrial Morphology and Motility in Huntington's Disease.
    Brustovetsky T, Khanna R, Brustovetsky N., Free PMC Article

    Clinical evidence that a dysregulated master neural network modulator may aid in diagnosing schizophrenia.

    Clinical evidence that a dysregulated master neural network modulator may aid in diagnosing schizophrenia.
    Nomoto M, Konopaske GT, Yamashita N, Aoki R, Jitsuki-Takahashi A, Nakamura H, Makihara H, Saito M, Saigusa Y, Nakamura F, Watanabe K, Baba T, Benes FM, Tobe BTD, Pernia CD, Coyle JT, Sidman RL, Hirayasu Y, Snyder EY, Goshima Y., Free PMC Article

    Pivotal role of DPYSL2A in KLF4-mediated monocytic differentiation of acute myeloid leukemia cells.

    Pivotal role of DPYSL2A in KLF4-mediated monocytic differentiation of acute myeloid leukemia cells.
    Noura M, Morita K, Kiyose H, Matsuo H, Nishinaka-Arai Y, Kurokawa M, Kamikubo Y, Adachi S., Free PMC Article

    Protein tyrosine phosphatase 4A3 (PTP4A3/PRL-3) promotes the aggressiveness of human uveal melanoma through dephosphorylation of CRMP2.

    Protein tyrosine phosphatase 4A3 (PTP4A3/PRL-3) promotes the aggressiveness of human uveal melanoma through dephosphorylation of CRMP2.
    Duciel L, Anezo O, Mandal K, Laurent C, Planque N, Coquelle FM, Gentien D, Manneville JB, Saule S., Free PMC Article

    Results revealed an array of multiple carbonylation sites in the functional motifs of CRMP2, particularly D-hook (for dimerization) and T-site (for tetramerization), which are critical for the activity of the CRMP2 tetramer. Carbonylated CRMP2 was stacked in the multimer conformation by irreversible cross-linking, resulting in loss of its function to bundle microtubules.

    Enhanced carbonyl stress induces irreversible multimerization of CRMP2 in schizophrenia pathogenesis.
    Toyoshima M, Jiang X, Ogawa T, Ohnishi T, Yoshihara S, Balan S, Yoshikawa T, Hirokawa N., Free PMC Article

    CRMP2 SUMOylation exists widely in GBM cells and drives glioblastoma proliferation. Blocking CRMP2 SUMOylation through SUMOylation-incompetent mutant or small peptide suppresses CRMP2-induced GBM cell proliferation.

    Inhibition of Ubc9-Induced CRMP2 SUMOylation Disrupts Glioblastoma Cell Proliferation.
    Wang L, Ji S.

    The interaction between Prx2 and CRMP2 is conserved among humans and rodents.

    Peroxiredoxin interaction with the cytoskeletal-regulatory protein CRMP2: Investigation of a putative redox relay.
    Pace PE, Peskin AV, Konigstorfer A, Jasoni CJ, Winterbourn CC, Hampton MB.

    It demonstrates the enzyme/substrate nature of Ubc9/CRMP2 binding and identify hot spots on CRMP2 that may form the basis of future drug discovery campaigns disrupting the CRMP2-Ubc9 interaction to recapitulate allosteric regulation of NaV1.7 for pain relief.

    Chemical shift perturbation mapping of the Ubc9-CRMP2 interface identifies a pocket in CRMP2 amenable for allosteric modulation of Nav1.7 channels.
    François-Moutal L, Scott DD, Perez-Miller S, Gokhale V, Khanna M, Khanna R., Free PMC Article

    These results introduce CRMP2 expression and phosphorylation as a novel player in glioblastoma proliferation and survival.

    CRMP2 Phosphorylation Drives Glioblastoma Cell Proliferation.
    Moutal A, Villa LS, Yeon SK, Householder KT, Park KD, Sirianni RW, Khanna R., Free PMC Article

    cross-talk between distinct CRMP2 posttranslational modifications is a key factor in determining NaV1.7 trafficking and localization

    Hierarchical CRMP2 posttranslational modifications control NaV1.7 function.
    Dustrude ET, Moutal A, Yang X, Wang Y, Khanna M, Khanna R., Free PMC Article

    crystal structure of human tetrameric CRMP-2

    Collapsin response mediator protein 2: high-resolution crystal structure sheds light on small-molecule binding, post-translational modifications, and conformational flexibility.
    Myllykoski M, Baumann A, Hensley K, Kursula P.

    increased pCRMP2 may underlie the axonal pathology of Lewy body dementias.

    Increased phosphorylation of collapsin response mediator protein-2 at Thr514 correlates with β-amyloid burden and synaptic deficits in Lewy body dementias.
    Xing H, Lim YA, Chong JR, Lee JH, Aarsland D, Ballard CG, Francis PT, Chen CP, Lai MK., Free PMC Article

    These data identify a novel oncogenic mechanism where CDK5 activation induces CRMP2A phosphorylation in the nuclei of tumour cells

    Phosphorylation of a splice variant of collapsin response mediator protein 2 in the nucleus of tumour cells links cyclin dependent kinase-5 to oncogenesis.
    Grant NJ, Coates PJ, Woods YL, Bray SE, Morrice NA, Hastie CJ, Lamont DJ, Carey FA, Sutherland C., Free PMC Article

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