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    HTR3C 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3C [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 170572, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    These findings enrich the allelic spectrum of ABCC5 in PACG. We identified no tagging SNP responsible for the association of the whole region.

    Genetic Association of the PARL-ABCC5-HTR3D-HTR3C Locus With Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma in Chinese.
    Tang FY, Ma L, Tam POS, Pang CP, Tham CC, Chen LJ.

    Our study indicates, for the first time, an association between variants of HTR3C and severity of chemotherapy-induced symptoms

    Association between variants of 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3C (HTR3C) and chemotherapy-induced symptoms in women receiving adjuvant treatment for breast cancer.
    Pud D, Har-Zahav G, Laitman Y, Rubinek T, Yeheskel A, Ben-Ami S, Kaufman B, Friedman E, Symon Z, Wolf I.

    The association findings of the HTR3C and the HTR3E remained significant after correction for the number of variants investigated.

    5-HT3 receptor influences the washing phenotype and visual organization in obsessive-compulsive disorder supporting 5-HT3 receptor antagonists as novel treatment option.
    Lennertz L, Wagner M, Grabe HJ, Franke PE, Guttenthaler V, Rampacher F, Schulze-Rauschenbach S, Vogeley A, Benninghoff J, Ruhrmann S, Pukrop R, Klosterkötter J, Falkai P, Maier W, Mössner R.

    Data show that 5-HT3C, 5-HT3D, and 5-HT3E subunits are coexpressed with 5-HT3A in cell bodies of myenteric neurons, and that 5-HT3A and 5-HT3D were expressed in submucosal plexus of the human large intestine.

    Serotonin receptor diversity in the human colon: Expression of serotonin type 3 receptor subunits 5-HT3C, 5-HT3D, and 5-HT3E.
    Kapeller J, Möller D, Lasitschka F, Autschbach F, Hovius R, Rappold G, Brüss M, Gershon MD, Niesler B., Free PMC Article

    Six functional and coding variants of the subunit genes HTR3A, HTR3B as well as the novel HTR3C, HTR3D, and HTR3E subunits in the response to haloperidol or risperidone, were assessed.

    Influence of 5-HT3 receptor subunit genes HTR3A, HTR3B, HTR3C, HTR3D and HTR3E on treatment response to antipsychotics in schizophrenia.
    Schuhmacher A, Mössner R, Quednow BB, Kühn KU, Wagner M, Cvetanovska G, Rujescu D, Zill P, Möller HJ, Rietschel M, Franke P, Wölwer W, Gaebel W, Maier W.

    Polymorphisms in the subunit gene HTR3C of the serotonin receptor may be involved in the pathogenesis of pregnancy-associated nausea.

    Two naturally occurring variants of the serotonin receptor gene HTR3C are associated with nausea in pregnancy.
    Goecke TW, Ekici AB, Niesler B, Loehberg CR, Hammer C, Rappold G, Schanze D, Straub V, Altmann HH, Strissel P, Strick R, Beckmann MW, Fasching PA, Goecke TW, Ekici AB, Niesler B, Loehberg CR, Hammer C, Rappold G, Schanze D, Straub V, Altmann HH, Strissel P, Strick R, Beckmann MW, Fasching PA.

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)See all PubMed (3) articles

    A candidate gene study of obstructive sleep apnea in European Americans and African Americans.
    Larkin EK, Patel SR, Goodloe RJ, Li Y, Zhu X, Gray-McGuire C, Adams MD, Redline S.

    A coding variant of the novel serotonin receptor subunit 5-HT3E influences sustained attention in schizophrenia patients.
    Lennertz L, Wagner M, Frommann I, Schulze-Rauschenbach S, Schuhmacher A, Kühn KU, Pukrop R, Klosterkötter J, Wölwer W, Gaebel W, Rietschel M, Häfner H, Maier W, Mössner R.

    Two naturally occurring variants of the serotonin receptor gene HTR3C are associated with nausea in pregnancy.
    Goecke TW, Ekici AB, Niesler B, Loehberg CR, Hammer C, Rappold G, Schanze D, Straub V, Altmann HH, Strissel P, Strick R, Beckmann MW, Fasching PA, Goecke TW, Ekici AB, Niesler B, Loehberg CR, Hammer C, Rappold G, Schanze D, Straub V, Altmann HH, Strissel P, Strick R, Beckmann MW, Fasching PA.

    HTR3C represents a novel candidate locus for autism spectrum disorders and should be tested in other populations.

    Allelic variants in HTR3C show association with autism.
    Rehnström K, Ylisaukko-oja T, Nummela I, Ellonen P, Kempas E, Vanhala R, von Wendt L, Järvelä I, Peltonen L., Free PMC Article

    Polymorphisms in the HTR3C gene could serve as a predictive factor for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing moderately emetogenic chemotherapy.

    Polymorphisms in the novel serotonin receptor subunit gene HTR3C show different risks for acute chemotherapy-induced vomiting after anthracycline chemotherapy.
    Fasching PA, Kollmannsberger B, Strissel PL, Niesler B, Engel J, Kreis H, Lux MP, Weihbrecht S, Lausen B, Bani MR, Beckmann MW, Strick R, Fasching PA, Kollmannsberger B, Strissel PL, Niesler B, Engel J, Kreis H, Lux MP, Weihbrecht S, Lausen B, Bani MR, Beckmann MW, Strick R.

    Observational study of gene-disease association, gene-environment interaction, and pharmacogenomic / toxicogenomic. (HuGE Navigator)

    Investigation of HTR3C mutations for association with 5HT(3) receptor antagonist anti-emetic efficacy.
    Ward MB, Kotasek D, McKinnon RA.

    Observational study of gene-disease association and pharmacogenomic / toxicogenomic. (HuGE Navigator)

    Polymorphisms in the novel serotonin receptor subunit gene HTR3C show different risks for acute chemotherapy-induced vomiting after anthracycline chemotherapy.
    Fasching PA, Kollmannsberger B, Strissel PL, Niesler B, Engel J, Kreis H, Lux MP, Weihbrecht S, Lausen B, Bani MR, Beckmann MW, Strick R, Fasching PA, Kollmannsberger B, Strissel PL, Niesler B, Engel J, Kreis H, Lux MP, Weihbrecht S, Lausen B, Bani MR, Beckmann MW, Strick R.

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