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    ESCO2 establishment of sister chromatid cohesion N-acetyltransferase 2 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 157570, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    ESCO2's oncogenic role in human tumors: a pan-cancer analysis and experimental validation.

    ESCO2's oncogenic role in human tumors: a pan-cancer analysis and experimental validation.
    Huang Y, Chen D, Bai Y, Zhang Y, Zheng Z, Fu Q, Yi B, Jiang Y, Zhang Z, Zhu J., Free PMC Article

    Circular RNA METTL15/miR-374a-5p/ESCO2 axis induces colorectal cancer development.

    Circular RNA METTL15/miR-374a-5p/ESCO2 axis induces colorectal cancer development.
    Guo F, Luo Y, Ye G, Tang W.

    Symmetric control of sister chromatid cohesion establishment.

    Symmetric control of sister chromatid cohesion establishment.
    Zhang J, Li L, Miao Y, Liu X, Sun H, Jiang M, Li X, Li Z, Liu C, Liu B, Xu X, Cao Q, Hou W, Chen C, Lou H., Free PMC Article

    Upregulation of KAT2B and ESCO2 gene expression level in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Upregulation of KAT2B and ESCO2 gene expression level in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
    Ghasemi A, Farazmand A, Hassanzadeh V, Poursani S, Soltani S, Akhtari M, Akhlaghi M, Farhadi E, Jamshidi A, Mahmoudi M.

    Long noncoding RNA ZFPM2-AS1 regulates renal cell carcinoma progression via miR-130a-3p/ESCO2.

    Long noncoding RNA ZFPM2-AS1 regulates renal cell carcinoma progression via miR-130a-3p/ESCO2.
    Zhang G, Liu SL, Yi WT, Dong YP, Wan YX.

    Effects of ESCO2 or its methylation on the prognosis, clinical characteristics, immune microenvironment, and pathogenesis of low-grade glioma.

    Effects of ESCO2 or its methylation on the prognosis, clinical characteristics, immune microenvironment, and pathogenesis of low-grade glioma.
    Liu Z, Cheng X, Pang B, Wang S, Liu B, Cao C, Qian R, Liang W, Zhu Y, Li P, Gao Y.

    ESCO2 promotes lung adenocarcinoma progression by regulating hnRNPA1 acetylation.

    ESCO2 promotes lung adenocarcinoma progression by regulating hnRNPA1 acetylation.
    Zhu HE, Li T, Shi S, Chen DX, Chen W, Chen H., Free PMC Article

    Establishment of cohesion 1 homolog 2 facilitates cell aggressive behaviors and induces poor prognosis in renal cell carcinoma.

    Establishment of cohesion 1 homolog 2 facilitates cell aggressive behaviors and induces poor prognosis in renal cell carcinoma.
    Wang QL, Liu L., Free PMC Article

    Juberg-Hayward syndrome and Roberts syndrome are allelic, caused by mutations in ESCO2.

    Juberg-Hayward syndrome and Roberts syndrome are allelic, caused by mutations in ESCO2.
    Kantaputra PN, Dejkhamron P, Tongsima S, Ngamphiw C, Intachai W, Ngiwsara L, Sawangareetrakul P, Svasti J, Olsen B, Cairns JRK, Bumroongkit K.

    Alternative catalytic residues in the active site of Esco acetyltransferases.

    Alternative catalytic residues in the active site of Esco acetyltransferases.
    Ajam T, De I, Petkau N, Whelan G, Pena V, Eichele G., Free PMC Article

    The role of ESCO2, SALL4 and TBX5 genes in the susceptibility to thalidomide teratogenesis.

    The role of ESCO2, SALL4 and TBX5 genes in the susceptibility to thalidomide teratogenesis.
    Gomes JDA, Kowalski TW, Fraga LR, Macedo GS, Sanseverino MTV, Schuler-Faccini L, Vianna FSL., Free PMC Article

    DDX11, ESCO1 and ESCO2 control different fractions of cohesin that are spatially and mechanistically separated.

    Non-redundant roles in sister chromatid cohesion of the DNA helicase DDX11 and the SMC3 acetyl transferases ESCO1 and ESCO2.
    Faramarz A, Balk JA, van Schie JJM, Oostra AB, Ghandour CA, Rooimans MA, Wolthuis RMF, de Lange J., Free PMC Article

    MCM complex couples ESCO2 with DNA replication and that the CUL4-DDB1-VPRBP complex promotes post-replicative ESCO2 degradation, presumably to suppress cohesion formation during mitosis.

    Temporal Regulation of ESCO2 Degradation by the MCM Complex, the CUL4-DDB1-VPRBP Complex, and the Anaphase-Promoting Complex.
    Minamino M, Tei S, Negishi L, Kanemaki MT, Yoshimura A, Sutani T, Bando M, Shirahige K.

    The analysis of ESCO2 mutants defective in MCM binding indicates that these interactions are required for proper recruitment of ESCO2 to chromatin, cohesin acetylation during DNA replication, and centromeric cohesion.

    The replicative helicase MCM recruits cohesin acetyltransferase ESCO2 to mediate centromeric sister chromatid cohesion.
    Ivanov MP, Ladurner R, Poser I, Beveridge R, Rampler E, Hudecz O, Novatchkova M, Hériché JK, Wutz G, van der Lelij P, Kreidl E, Hutchins JR, Axelsson-Ekker H, Ellenberg J, Hyman AA, Mechtler K, Peters JM., Free PMC Article

    Several lines of evidence show selective interaction of CRL4s with ESCO2 through LxG motif.

    Cul4-Ddb1 ubiquitin ligases facilitate DNA replication-coupled sister chromatid cohesion through regulation of cohesin acetyltransferase Esco2.
    Sun H, Zhang J, Xin S, Jiang M, Zhang J, Li Z, Cao Q, Lou H., Free PMC Article

    Data indicate that Esco1 and Esco2 contribute to distinct and separable activities of cohesin in vertebrate cells.

    Esco1 and Esco2 regulate distinct cohesin functions during cell cycle progression.
    Alomer RM, da Silva EML, Chen J, Piekarz KM, McDonald K, Sansam CG, Sansam CL, Rankin S., Free PMC Article

    ESCO2 knockdown inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in human gastric cancer cells.

    ESCO2 knockdown inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in human gastric cancer cells.
    Chen H, Zhang L, He W, Liu T, Zhao Y, Chen H, Li Y.

    The Esco2 is required for double-strand break (DSB) repair, which is consistent with previous studies in Roberts syndrome(RBS) cells.

    The non-redundant function of cohesin acetyltransferase Esco2: some answers and new questions.
    Whelan G, Kreidl E, Peters JM, Eichele G.

    the ESCO2 gene mutation responsible for developmental abnormalities maps to chromosome 8p21.

    A child with Roberts syndrome.
    Abbas R, Waqar S, Ahmad TM, Irfan Waheed KA, Sultan T, Qureshi AU.

    Clinical trial of gene-disease association and gene-environment interaction. (HuGE Navigator)

    Personalized smoking cessation: interactions between nicotine dose, dependence and quit-success genotype score.
    Rose JE, Behm FM, Drgon T, Johnson C, Uhl GR., Free PMC Article

    These results demonstrated that the Staf binding site functioned as the basal transcriptional activator of the S phase-specific gene ESCO2, but other mechanisms are required for cell cycle-dependent expression.

    Transcriptional regulation of the human establishment of cohesion 1 homolog 2 gene.
    Nishihara M, Yamada M, Nozaki M, Nakahira K, Yanagihara I.

    In situ hybridisation on human embryos showed ESCO2 expression in the brain, face, limb, kidney and gonads, which corresponds to the structures affected in Roberts syndrome.

    Phenotypic variability in 49 cases of ESCO2 mutations, including novel missense and codon deletion in the acetyltransferase domain, correlates with ESCO2 expression and establishes the clinical criteria for Roberts syndrome.
    Vega H, Trainer AH, Gordillo M, Crosier M, Kayserili H, Skovby F, Uzielli ML, Schnur RE, Manouvrier S, Blair E, Hurst JA, Forzano F, Meins M, Simola KO, Raas-Rothschild A, Hennekam RC, Jabs EW.

    ESCO2 has an S-phase specific role in the maintenance of genome stability

    The cellular phenotype of Roberts syndrome fibroblasts as revealed by ectopic expression of ESCO2.
    van der Lelij P, Godthelp BC, van Zon W, van Gosliga D, Oostra AB, Steltenpool J, de Groot J, Scheper RJ, Wolthuis RM, Waisfisz Q, Darroudi F, Joenje H, de Winter JP., Free PMC Article

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)

    Genetic variants in apoptosis and immunoregulation-related genes are associated with risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
    Enjuanes A, Benavente Y, Bosch F, Martín-Guerrero I, Colomer D, Pérez-Alvarez S, Reina O, Ardanaz MT, Jares P, García-Orad A, Pujana MA, Montserrat E, de Sanjosé S, Campo E.

    These results suggest a novel function of Esco2 in transcription repression through modulation of the chromatin structure.

    Esco2 is a novel corepressor that associates with various chromatin modifying enzymes.
    Kim BJ, Kang KM, Jung SY, Choi HK, Seo JH, Chae JH, Cho EJ, Youn HD, Qin J, Kim ST.

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