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    env Envelope surface glycoprotein gp160, precursor [ Human immunodeficiency virus 1 ]

    Gene ID: 155971, updated on 15-Aug-2024

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Structure of HIV-1 RRE stem-loop II identifies two conformational states of the high-affinity Rev binding site.

    Structure of HIV-1 RRE stem-loop II identifies two conformational states of the high-affinity Rev binding site.
    Tipo J, Gottipati K, Slaton M, Gonzalez-Gutierrez G, Choi KH., Free PMC Article

    Alternative substitutions of N332 in HIV-1AD8 gp120 differentially affect envelope glycoprotein function and viral sensitivity to broadly neutralizing antibodies targeting the V3-glycan.

    Alternative substitutions of N332 in HIV-1(AD8) gp120 differentially affect envelope glycoprotein function and viral sensitivity to broadly neutralizing antibodies targeting the V3-glycan.
    Jeffy J, Parthasarathy D, Ahmed S, Cervera-Benet H, Xiong U, Harris M, Mazurov D, Pickthorn S, Herschhorn A., Free PMC Article

    Stoichiometry for entry and binding properties of the Env protein of R5 T cell-tropic HIV-1 and its evolutionary variant of macrophage-tropic HIV-1.

    Stoichiometry for entry and binding properties of the Env protein of R5 T cell-tropic HIV-1 and its evolutionary variant of macrophage-tropic HIV-1.
    Bonner X, Sondgeroth A, McCue A, Nicely N, Tripathy A, Spielvogel E, Moeser M, Ke R, Leiderman K, Joseph SB, Swanstrom R., Free PMC Article

    HIV and gp120-induced lipid droplets loss in hepatic stellate cells contribute to profibrotic profile.

    HIV and gp120-induced lipid droplets loss in hepatic stellate cells contribute to profibrotic profile.
    López CAM, Freiberger RN, Sviercz FA, Jarmoluk P, Cevallos C, Quarleri J, Delpino MV.

    HIV-1 gp120 amplifies astrocyte elevated gene-1 activity to compromise the integrity of the outer blood-retinal barrier.

    HIV-1 gp120 amplifies astrocyte elevated gene-1 activity to compromise the integrity of the outer blood-retinal barrier.
    Jiang J, Wang L, Li Q, Wang Y, Wang Z.

    Second site reversion of HIV-1 envelope protein baseplate mutations maps to the matrix protein.

    Second site reversion of HIV-1 envelope protein baseplate mutations maps to the matrix protein.
    Alfadhli A, Romanaggi C, Barklis RL, Barklis E., Free PMC Article

    Implications of the 375W mutation for HIV-1 tropism and vaccine development.

    Implications of the 375W mutation for HIV-1 tropism and vaccine development.
    Verdejo-Torres O, Vargas-Pavia T, Fatima S, Clapham PR, Duenas-Decamp MJ., Free PMC Article

    P2Y13 receptor involved in HIV-1 gp120 induced neuropathy in superior cervical ganglia through NLRP3 inflammasome activation.

    P2Y(13) receptor involved in HIV-1 gp120 induced neuropathy in superior cervical ganglia through NLRP3 inflammasome activation.
    Yin S, Yang X, Li H, Li C, Li C, Chen C, Ye S, Zou L, Liang S, Liu S.

    Tryptophan-based motifs in the LLP3 region of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein cytoplasmic tail direct trafficking to the endosomal recycling compartment and mediate particle incorporation.

    Tryptophan-based motifs in the LLP3 region of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein cytoplasmic tail direct trafficking to the endosomal recycling compartment and mediate particle incorporation.
    Lerner G, Ding L, Spearman P., Free PMC Article

    Intermediate conformations of CD4-bound HIV-1 Env heterotrimers.

    Intermediate conformations of CD4-bound HIV-1 Env heterotrimers.
    Dam KA, Fan C, Yang Z, Bjorkman PJ., Free PMC Article

    HIV-1 Env trimers asymmetrically engage CD4 receptors in membranes.

    HIV-1 Env trimers asymmetrically engage CD4 receptors in membranes.
    Li W, Qin Z, Nand E, Grunst MW, Grover JR, Bess JW Jr, Lifson JD, Zwick MB, Tagare HD, Uchil PD, Mothes W., Free PMC Article

    HIV-1 gp120 protein promotes HAND through the calcineurin pathway activation.

    HIV-1 gp120 protein promotes HAND through the calcineurin pathway activation.
    Shrestha J, Santerre M, Allen CN, Arjona SP, Hooper R, Mukerjee R, Kaul M, Shcherbik N, Soboloff J, Sawaya BE., Free PMC Article

    gp120 Envelope Glycoproteins of HIV-1 Group M Subtype A and Subtype B Differentially Affect Gene Expression in Human Vascular Endothelial Cells.

    gp120 Envelope Glycoproteins of HIV-1 Group M Subtype A and Subtype B Differentially Affect Gene Expression in Human Vascular Endothelial Cells.
    Suh AJ, Suzuki DI, Gychka SG, Brelidze TI, Suzuki YJ., Free PMC Article

    HIV-1 Vpr Induces Degradation of Gelsolin, a Myeloid Cell-Specific Host Factor That Reduces Viral Infectivity by Inhibiting the Expression and Packaging of the HIV-1 Env Glycoprotein.

    HIV-1 Vpr Induces Degradation of Gelsolin, a Myeloid Cell-Specific Host Factor That Reduces Viral Infectivity by Inhibiting the Expression and Packaging of the HIV-1 Env Glycoprotein.
    Fabryova H, Kao S, Sukegawa S, Miyagi E, Taylor L, Ferhadian D, Saito H, Schaal H, Hillebrand F, Strebel K., Free PMC Article

    Substitution of gp120 C4 region compensates for V3 loss-of-fitness mutations in HIV-1 CRF01_AE co-receptor switching.

    Substitution of gp120 C4 region compensates for V3 loss-of-fitness mutations in HIV-1 CRF01_AE co-receptor switching.
    Yu Y, Feng Y, Zhou Z, Li K, Hu X, Liao L, Xing H, Shao Y., Free PMC Article

    Characterization of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoprotein Variants Selected for Resistance to a CD4-Mimetic Compound.

    Characterization of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoprotein Variants Selected for Resistance to a CD4-Mimetic Compound.
    Anang S, Richard J, Bourassa C, Goyette G, Chiu TJ, Chen HC, Smith AB 3rd, Madani N, Finzi A, Sodroski J., Free PMC Article

    Enhancement of CD4 Binding, Host Cell Entry, and Sensitivity to CD4bs Antibody Inhibition Conferred by a Natural but Rare Polymorphism in the HIV-1 Envelope.

    Enhancement of CD4 Binding, Host Cell Entry, and Sensitivity to CD4bs Antibody Inhibition Conferred by a Natural but Rare Polymorphism in the HIV-1 Envelope.
    Ratcliff AN, Venner CM, Olabode AS, Knapp J, Pankrac J, Derecichei I, Gibson RM, Finzi A, Li Y, Mann JFS, Arts EJ., Free PMC Article

    Variations in Env at amino acids 328 and 330 affect HIV-1 replicative fitness and entry inhibitor sensitivity.

    Variations in Env at amino acids 328 and 330 affect HIV-1 replicative fitness and entry inhibitor sensitivity.
    Wang H, Li Y, Li Y, Li B, Zhu X, Yan D, Li M, Wu W, Sun M, Yang R.

    Reverted HIV-1 Mutants in CD4(+) T-Cells Reveal Critical Residues in the Polar Region of Viral Envelope Glycoprotein.

    Reverted HIV-1 Mutants in CD4(+) T-Cells Reveal Critical Residues in the Polar Region of Viral Envelope Glycoprotein.
    Lu W, Li TW, Phillips S, Wu L., Free PMC Article

    Cryo-ET of Env on intact HIV virions reveals structural variation and positioning on the Gag lattice.

    Cryo-ET of Env on intact HIV virions reveals structural variation and positioning on the Gag lattice.
    Mangala Prasad V, Leaman DP, Lovendahl KN, Croft JT, Benhaim MA, Hodge EA, Zwick MB, Lee KK., Free PMC Article

    Intramolecular quality control: HIV-1 envelope gp160 signal-peptide cleavage as a functional folding checkpoint.

    Intramolecular quality control: HIV-1 envelope gp160 signal-peptide cleavage as a functional folding checkpoint.
    McCaul N, Quandte M, Bontjer I, van Zadelhoff G, Land A, Crooks ET, Binley JM, Sanders RW, Braakman I.

    Enhancing glycan occupancy of soluble HIV-1 envelope trimers to mimic the native viral spike.

    Enhancing glycan occupancy of soluble HIV-1 envelope trimers to mimic the native viral spike.
    Derking R, Allen JD, Cottrell CA, Sliepen K, Seabright GE, Lee WH, Aldon Y, Rantalainen K, Antanasijevic A, Copps J, Yasmeen A, Cupo A, Cruz Portillo VM, Poniman M, Bol N, van der Woude P, de Taeye SW, van den Kerkhof TLGM, Klasse PJ, Ozorowski G, van Gils MJ, Moore JP, Ward AB, Crispin M, Sanders RW., Free PMC Article

    Distinct conformations of the HIV-1 V3 loop crown are targetable for broad neutralization.

    Distinct conformations of the HIV-1 V3 loop crown are targetable for broad neutralization.
    Friedrich N, Stiegeler E, Glögl M, Lemmin T, Hansen S, Kadelka C, Wu Y, Ernst P, Maliqi L, Foulkes C, Morin M, Eroglu M, Liechti T, Ivan B, Reinberg T, Schaefer JV, Karakus U, Ursprung S, Mann A, Rusert P, Kouyos RD, Robinson JA, Günthard HF, Plückthun A, Trkola A., Free PMC Article

    Modulation of the intrinsic chromatin binding property of HIV-1 integrase by LEDGF/p75.

    Modulation of the intrinsic chromatin binding property of HIV-1 integrase by LEDGF/p75.
    Lapaillerie D, Lelandais B, Mauro E, Lagadec F, Tumiotto C, Miskey C, Ferran G, Kuschner N, Calmels C, Métifiot M, Rooryck C, Ivics Z, Ruff M, Zimmer C, Lesbats P, Toutain J, Parissi V., Free PMC Article

    Amyloidogenic, neuroinflammatory and memory dysfunction effects of HIV-1 gp120.

    Amyloidogenic, neuroinflammatory and memory dysfunction effects of HIV-1 gp120.
    Lee YJ, Yeo IJ, Choi DY, Yun J, Son DJ, Han SB, Hong JT., Free PMC Article

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