A murine model of hereditary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis caused by homozygous Csf2ra gene disruption. | A murine model of hereditary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis caused by homozygous Csf2ra gene disruption. Shima K, Arumugam P, Sallese A, Horio Y, Ma Y, Trapnell C, Wessendarp M, Chalk C, McCarthy C, Carey BC, Trapnell BC, Suzuki T., Free PMC Article | 05/7/2022 |
CD116+ fetal precursors migrate to the perinatal lung and give rise to human alveolar macrophages. | CD116+ fetal precursors migrate to the perinatal lung and give rise to human alveolar macrophages. Evren E, Ringqvist E, Doisne JM, Thaller A, Sleiers N, Flavell RA, Di Santo JP, Willinger T., Free PMC Article | 02/26/2022 |
miR-532-3p-CSF2RA Axis as a Key Regulator of Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation. | miR-532-3p-CSF2RA Axis as a Key Regulator of Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation. Huang R, Cao Y, Li H, Hu Z, Zhang H, Zhang L, Su W, Xu Y, Liang L, Melgiri ND, Jiang L, Li X. | 05/22/2021 |
Expression of granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor and its receptor in the synovium of osteoarthritis patients is negatively correlated with pain. | Expression of granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor and its receptor in the synovium of osteoarthritis patients is negatively correlated with pain. van Helvoort EM, Eijkelkamp N, Lafeber FPJG, Mastbergen SC. | 02/6/2021 |
These data show that loss of membrane GM-CSFRalpha following GM-CSF exposure does not preclude sustained GM-CSF/GM-CSFRalpha signaling and that this receptor plays a key role in ligand clearance. Hence neutrophilic activation via GM-CSFR may play an important role in neutrophilic lung inflammation even in the absence of high GM-CSF levels or GM-CSFRalpha expression. | Neutrophil GM-CSF receptor dynamics in acute lung injury. De Alessandris S, Ferguson GJ, Dodd AJ, Juss JK, Devaprasad A, Piper S, Wyatt O, Killick H, Corkill DJ, Cohen ES, Pandit A, Radstake TRDJ, Simmonds R, Condliffe AM, Sleeman MA, Cowburn AS, Finch DK, Chilvers ER., Free PMC Article | 05/9/2020 |
Missense mutations in CSF2RA gene is associated with Pediatric Crohn's Disease. | Genetic and Transcriptomic Variation Linked to Neutrophil Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Signaling in Pediatric Crohn's Disease. Denson LA, Jurickova I, Karns R, Shaw KA, Cutler DJ, Okou D, Valencia CA, Dodd A, Mondal K, Aronow BJ, Haberman Y, Linn A, Price A, Bezold R, Lake K, Jackson K, Walters TD, Griffiths A, Baldassano RN, Noe JD, Hyams JS, Crandall WV, Kirschner BS, Heyman MB, Snapper S, Guthery SL, Dubinsky MC, Leleiko NS, Otley AR, Xavier RJ, Stevens C, Daly MJ, Zwick ME, Kugathasan S., Free PMC Article | 02/1/2020 |
Family-based whole genome analysis of a family with hereditary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis revealed a homozygous deletion that disrupts CSF2RA, CRLF2, and IL3RA gene in the pseudoautosomal region of the X chromosome in the affected child and one of asymptomatic siblings. | Whole-Genome Sequencing of a Family with Hereditary Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Identifies a Rare Structural Variant Involving CSF2RA/CRLF2/IL3RA Gene Disruption. Chiu CY, Su SC, Fan WL, Lai SH, Tsai MH, Chen SH, Wong KS, Chung WH., Free PMC Article | 11/3/2018 |
lesions from human secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, but not primary progressive multiple sclerosis patients shows extensive recruitment of GM-CSF Ralpha+ myeloid cells | Targeting the GM-CSF receptor for the treatment of CNS autoimmunity. Ifergan I, Davidson TS, Kebir H, Xu D, Palacios-Macapagal D, Cann J, Rodgers JM, Hunter ZN, Pittet CL, Beddow S, Jones CA, Prat A, Sleeman MA, Miller SD., Free PMC Article | 06/2/2018 |
Conformational changes in the GM-CSF receptor suggest a molecular mechanism for affinity conversion and receptor signaling. | Conformational Changes in the GM-CSF Receptor Suggest a Molecular Mechanism for Affinity Conversion and Receptor Signaling. Broughton SE, Hercus TR, Nero TL, Dottore M, McClure BJ, Dhagat U, Taing H, Gorman MA, King-Scott J, Lopez AF, Parker MW. | 10/7/2017 |
regulatory molecule causative of aortic dissection and intramural haematoma | Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor is required for aortic dissection/intramural haematoma. Son BK, Sawaki D, Tomida S, Fujita D, Aizawa K, Aoki H, Akishita M, Manabe I, Komuro I, Friedman SL, Nagai R, Suzuki T. | 03/19/2016 |
Our cohort broadens the spectrum of knowledge about the clinical variability and genotype-phenotype correlations of juvenile PAP, and illustrates the favorable outcome of WLL treatment in severely affected patients | Characterization of CSF2RA mutation related juvenile pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Hildebrandt J, Yalcin E, Bresser HG, Cinel G, Gappa M, Haghighi A, Kiper N, Khalilzadeh S, Reiter K, Sayer J, Schwerk N, Sibbersen A, Van Daele S, Nübling G, Lohse P, Griese M., Free PMC Article | 02/13/2016 |
A possible relationship between dysfunction of the granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor receptor, mapping to the pseudoautosomal X-Y region, may exist in myelodysplastic patients with initially lymphocytic Sweet syndrome. | Initially lymphocytic Sweet's syndrome in male patients with myelodysplasia: a distinguished clinicopathological entity? Case report and systematic review of the literature. Kakaletsis N, Kaiafa G, Savopoulos C, Iliadis F, Perifanis V, Tzalokostas V, Grekou A, Giannouli A, Hatzitolios AI. | 08/23/2014 |
Studies indicate the action of GM-CSF can be inhibited by at least two approaches: inhibition by GM-CSF neutralising antibodies, or blockade of GM-CSF binding to its receptor by antibodies against the GM-CSF receptor alpha chain CSF2Ralpha. | GM-CSF as a therapeutic target in inflammatory diseases. van Nieuwenhuijze A, Koenders M, Roeleveld D, Sleeman MA, van den Berg W, Wicks IP. | 12/21/2013 |
The GM-CSF Ralpha were ubiquitously but not uniformly expressed in neurons throughout the brain and downregulation in brain in patient with alzheimenr disease. | Distribution of granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor and its receptor α-subunit in the adult human brain with specific reference to Alzheimer's disease. Ridwan S, Bauer H, Frauenknecht K, von Pein H, Sommer CJ. | 04/20/2013 |
This study reveals a novel functional role of clathrin-coated structure in GMR signaling and the oncogenesis of JAK2V617F. | Identification of a novel function of the clathrin-coated structure at the plasma membrane in facilitating GM-CSF receptor-mediated activation of JAK2. Chen PH, Chien FC, Lee SP, Chan WE, Lin IH, Liu CS, Lee FJ, Lai JS, Chen P, Yang-Yen HF, Yen JJ., Free PMC Article | 03/2/2013 |
Identify defective expression and function of CD116 as a distinguishing feature of IBD and implicate an associated defect in innate immune responses toward granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. | Defective leukocyte GM-CSF receptor (CD116) expression and function in inflammatory bowel disease. Goldstein JI, Kominsky DJ, Jacobson N, Bowers B, Regalia K, Austin GL, Yousefi M, Falta MT, Fontenot AP, Gerich ME, Golden-Mason L, Colgan SP., Free PMC Article | 09/10/2011 |
The expression rate of GM-CSFR in myelodysplastic syndrome patients was significantly higher than in aplastic anemia patients and controls. | [Expression of G-CSF and GM-CSF receptors on CD34 positive cells in aplastic anemia and myelodysplastic syndrome patients and its significance]. Xu HZ, Li A, Yu Y, Li JF, Liu X, Wang XH, Wang X, Xu GL. | 07/9/2011 |
67-kDa laminin receptor expression influenced the characteristics of leukemia cells toward an aggressive phenotype and increased the number of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptors | High expression of 67-kDa laminin receptor relates to the proliferation of leukemia cells and increases expression of GM-CSF receptor. Ando K, Miyazaki Y, Sawayama Y, Tominaga S, Matsuo E, Yamasaki R, Inoue Y, Iwanaga M, Imanishi D, Tsushima H, Fukushima T, Imaizumi Y, Taguchi J, Yoshida S, Hata T, Tomonaga M. | 03/12/2011 |
Data show that Deletion of the Ig-like domain of GM-CSFRalpha abolished direct GM-CSF binding and decreased growth signalling in the presence of hbetac. | The Ig-like domain of human GM-CSF receptor alpha plays a critical role in cytokine binding and receptor activation. Mirza S, Walker A, Chen J, Murphy JM, Young IG. | 05/10/2010 |
These results establish that GM-CSF signaling is critical for surfactant homeostasis in humans and demonstrate that mutations in CSF2RA cause familial PAP. | Familial pulmonary alveolar proteinosis caused by mutations in CSF2RA. Suzuki T, Sakagami T, Rubin BK, Nogee LM, Wood RE, Zimmerman SL, Smolarek T, Dishop MK, Wert SE, Whitsett JA, Grabowski G, Carey BC, Stevens C, van der Loo JC, Trapnell BC., Free PMC Article | 01/21/2010 |
Results suggest that that pulmonary alveolar proteinosis can result from a genetic deficiency of the GM-CSF receptor alpha chain, encoded in the X-chromosome pseudoautosomal region 1. | Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis caused by deletion of the GM-CSFRalpha gene in the X chromosome pseudoautosomal region 1. Martinez-Moczygemba M, Doan ML, Elidemir O, Fan LL, Cheung SW, Lei JT, Moore JP, Tavana G, Lewis LR, Zhu Y, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Huston DP., Free PMC Article | 01/21/2010 |
Mutagenesis of the GM-CSF receptor at the dodecamer interface and functional studies reveal that dodecamer formation is required for receptor activation and signaling. | The structure of the GM-CSF receptor complex reveals a distinct mode of cytokine receptor activation. Hansen G, Hercus TR, McClure BJ, Stomski FC, Dottore M, Powell J, Ramshaw H, Woodcock JM, Xu Y, Guthridge M, McKinstry WJ, Lopez AF, Parker MW. | 01/21/2010 |
best diffracting crystals of ternary complex were obtained using the N346Q mutation of the betac subunit. Crystals grew using polyethylene glycol 3350 with a high concentration of proline, belonged to space group P6(3)22 and diffracted to 3.3 A resolution | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the ternary human GM-CSF receptor complex. Hansen G, Hercus TR, Xu Y, Lopez AF, Parker MW, McKinstry WJ., Free PMC Article | 01/21/2010 |
Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator) | See all PubMed (2) articlesA family-based study of the IL3RA gene on susceptibility to schizophrenia in a Chinese Han population. Sun S, Wei J, Li H, Jin S, Li P, Ju G, Liu Y, Zhang XY. Association between interleukin-3 receptor alpha polymorphism and schizophrenia in the Chinese population. Sun S, Wang F, Wei J, Cao LY, Wu GY, Lu L, Kosten TA, Kosten TR, Zhang XY. | 06/29/2008 |
Results highlight the importance of GM-CSFR expression in monocytes for cytokine-induced myeloid dendritic cells (DC) generation and point to GM-CSF as a direct player in the generation of functionally distinct DC. | Role of the cytokine environment and cytokine receptor expression on the generation of functionally distinct dendritic cells from human monocytes. Conti L, Cardone M, Varano B, Puddu P, Belardelli F, Gessani S. | 01/21/2010 |