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    IL31RA interleukin 31 receptor A [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 133396, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Interleukin 31 receptor alpha promotes smooth muscle cell contraction and airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma.

    Interleukin 31 receptor α promotes smooth muscle cell contraction and airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma.
    Akkenepally SV, Yombo DJK, Yerubandi S, Reddy GB, Deshpande DA, McCormack FX, Madala SK., Free PMC Article

    IL-31 and IL-31 receptor alpha in pemphigus: Contributors to more than just itch?

    IL-31 and IL-31 receptor alpha in pemphigus: Contributors to more than just itch?
    Okuno S, Hashimoto T, Yamazaki Y, Okuzawa M, Satoh T.

    Interleukin-31 promotes fibrosis and T helper 2 polarization in systemic sclerosis.

    Interleukin-31 promotes fibrosis and T helper 2 polarization in systemic sclerosis.
    Kuzumi A, Yoshizaki A, Matsuda KM, Kotani H, Norimatsu Y, Fukayama M, Ebata S, Fukasawa T, Yoshizaki-Ogawa A, Asano Y, Morikawa K, Kazoe Y, Mawatari K, Kitamori T, Sato S., Free PMC Article

    Feline Interleukin-31 Shares Overlapping Epitopes with the Oncostatin M Receptor and IL-31RA.

    Feline Interleukin-31 Shares Overlapping Epitopes with the Oncostatin M Receptor and IL-31RA.
    Medina-Cucurella AV, Bammert GF, Dunkle W, Javens C, Zhu Y, Mutchler VT, Teel JT, Stein CA, Dunham SA, Whitehead TA., Free PMC Article

    The first demonstration of the involvement of the IL-31/IL-31R axis in cancer came from studies in patients with mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome, the most frequent, cutaneous T cell lymphoma. Tumor cells were shown to produce IL-31, whose serum levels correlated with pruritus intensity.

    The IL-31/IL-31 receptor axis: general features and role in tumor microenvironment.
    Ferretti E, Corcione A, Pistoia V.

    The interleukin IL-31/IL-31receptor axis contributes to tumor growth in human follicular lymphoma.

    The interleukin (IL)-31/IL-31R axis contributes to tumor growth in human follicular lymphoma.
    Ferretti E, Tripodo C, Pagnan G, Guarnotta C, Marimpietri D, Corrias MV, Ribatti D, Zupo S, Fraternali-Orcioni G, Ravetti JL, Pistoia V, Corcione A.

    detected in keratinocytes and nerve fibers in the dermis of atopic dermatitis and in the neurons of normal dorsal root ganglia

    Distribution of IL-31 and its receptor expressing cells in skin of atopic dermatitis.
    Kato A, Fujii E, Watanabe T, Takashima Y, Matsushita H, Furuhashi T, Morita A.

    IL31RA is a functional receptor expressed by a small subpopulation of IL-31RA(+)/TRPV1(+)/TRPA1(+) neurons and is a critical neuroimmune link between TH2 cells and sensory nerves for the generation of T cell-mediated itch.

    A sensory neuron-expressed IL-31 receptor mediates T helper cell-dependent itch: Involvement of TRPV1 and TRPA1.
    Cevikbas F, Wang X, Akiyama T, Kempkes C, Savinko T, Antal A, Kukova G, Buhl T, Ikoma A, Buddenkotte J, Soumelis V, Feld M, Alenius H, Dillon SR, Carstens E, Homey B, Basbaum A, Steinhoff M., Free PMC Article

    IL-31 and IL-31RA are upregulated in patients with allergic rhinitis, and induce MUC5AC gene expression in human airway epithelial cells.

    Effects of interleukin-31 on MUC5AC gene expression in nasal allergic inflammation.
    Shah SA, Ishinaga H, Hou B, Okano M, Takeuchi K.

    IFN-gamma-induced IL-31RA upregulation in dermal microvascular endothelium is processed via JNK and PI3 kinase activation

    Interferon-γ induces upregulation and activation of the interleukin-31 receptor in human dermal microvascular endothelial cells.
    Feld M, Shpacovitch VM, Fastrich M, Cevikbas F, Steinhoff M.

    Clinical trial of gene-disease association and gene-environment interaction. (HuGE Navigator)

    Personalized smoking cessation: interactions between nicotine dose, dependence and quit-success genotype score.
    Rose JE, Behm FM, Drgon T, Johnson C, Uhl GR., Free PMC Article

    The identification of OSMR and IL31RA gene pathology provides an explanation of the high prevalence of primary cutaneous amyloidosis in Taiwan as well as new insight into disease pathophysiology.

    Novel IL31RA gene mutation and ancestral OSMR mutant allele in familial primary cutaneous amyloidosis.
    Lin MW, Lee DD, Liu TT, Lin YF, Chen SY, Huang CC, Weng HY, Liu YF, Tanaka A, Arita K, Lai-Cheong J, Palisson F, Chang YT, Wong CK, Matsuura I, McGrath JA, Tsai SF., Free PMC Article

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)See all PubMed (2) articles

    New genetic associations detected in a host response study to hepatitis B vaccine.
    Davila S, Froeling FE, Tan A, Bonnard C, Boland GJ, Snippe H, Hibberd ML, Seielstad M.

    The variant rs1867277 in FOXE1 gene confers thyroid cancer susceptibility through the recruitment of USF1/USF2 transcription factors.
    Landa I, Ruiz-Llorente S, Montero-Conde C, Inglada-Pérez L, Schiavi F, Leskelä S, Pita G, Milne R, Maravall J, Ramos I, Andía V, Rodríguez-Poyo P, Jara-Albarrán A, Meoro A, del Peso C, Arribas L, Iglesias P, Caballero J, Serrano J, Picó A, Pomares F, Giménez G, López-Mondéjar P, Castello R, Merante-Boschin I, Pelizzo MR, Mauricio D, Opocher G, Rodríguez-Antona C, González-Neira A, Matías-Guiu X, Santisteban P, Robledo M.

    ). Binding of IL-31 to its receptor activates Jak/STAT, PI3K/AKT and MAPK pathways.[review]

    Structures and biological functions of IL-31 and IL-31 receptors.
    Zhang Q, Putheti P, Zhou Q, Liu Q, Gao W., Free PMC Article

    IL-31 receptor alpha expression in epidermal keratinocytes is modulated by cell differentiation and interferon gamma

    IL-31 receptor alpha expression in epidermal keratinocytes is modulated by cell differentiation and interferon gamma.
    Heise R, Neis MM, Marquardt Y, Joussen S, Heinrich PC, Merk HF, Hermanns HM, Baron JM.

    A novel type I cytokine receptor is expressed on monocytes, signals proliferation, and activates STAT-3 and STAT-5.

    A novel type I cytokine receptor is expressed on monocytes, signals proliferation, and activates STAT-3 and STAT-5.
    Ghilardi N, Li J, Hongo JA, Yi S, Gurney A, de Sauvage FJ.

    GPL is a novel cytokine receptor related to GP130 and leukemia inhibitory factor receptor

    GPL, a novel cytokine receptor related to GP130 and leukemia inhibitory factor receptor.
    Diveu C, Lelièvre E, Perret D, Lak-Hal AH, Froger J, Guillet C, Chevalier S, Rousseau F, Wesa A, Preisser L, Chabbert M, Gauchat JF, Galy A, Gascan H, Morel A.

    the molecular mechanisms underlying GPL-mediated signal transduction

    Characterization of the signaling capacities of the novel gp130-like cytokine receptor.
    Dreuw A, Radtke S, Pflanz S, Lippok BE, Heinrich PC, Hermanns HM.

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