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    Cdh1 cadherin 1 [ Mus musculus (house mouse) ]

    Gene ID: 12550, updated on 28-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Ferroptosis contributes to airway epithelial E-cadherin disruption in a mixed granulocytic asthma mouse model.

    Ferroptosis contributes to airway epithelial E-cadherin disruption in a mixed granulocytic asthma mouse model.
    Gan S, Lin L, Chen Z, Zhang H, Tang H, Yang C, Li J, Li S, Yao L.

    Ferroptosis mediates airway epithelial E-cadherin dysfunction in LPS-induced acute lung injury.

    Ferroptosis mediates airway epithelial E-cadherin dysfunction in LPS-induced acute lung injury.
    Chen Z, Tang H, Gan S, Yang C, Li S, Li J, Yao L.

    E-cadherin loss drives diffuse-type gastric tumorigenesis via EZH2-mediated reprogramming.

    E-cadherin loss drives diffuse-type gastric tumorigenesis via EZH2-mediated reprogramming.
    Zou G, Huang Y, Zhang S, Ko KP, Kim B, Zhang J, Venkatesan V, Pizzi MP, Fan Y, Jun S, Niu N, Wang H, Song S, Ajani JA, Park JI., Free PMC Article

    Soluble E-cadherin participates in BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis by promoting EMT and lung fibroblast migration.

    Soluble E-cadherin participates in BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis by promoting EMT and lung fibroblast migration.
    Huang C, Liang C, Tong J, Zhong X, Luo L, Liang L, Wen Y, Zhong L, Deng J, Peng M, Wu W, Huang W, Xie A, Huang Y, Chen J.

    Prostaglandin E2 Exposure Disrupts E-Cadherin/Caveolin-1-Mediated Tumor Suppression to Favor Caveolin-1-Enhanced Migration, Invasion, and Metastasis in Melanoma Models.

    Prostaglandin E2 Exposure Disrupts E-Cadherin/Caveolin-1-Mediated Tumor Suppression to Favor Caveolin-1-Enhanced Migration, Invasion, and Metastasis in Melanoma Models.
    Lobos-González L, Oróstica L, Díaz-Valdivia N, Rojas-Celis V, Campos A, Duran-Jara E, Farfán N, Leyton L, Quest AFG., Free PMC Article

    Maternal Kdm2a-mediated PI3K/Akt signaling and E-cadherin stimulate the morula-to-blastocyst transition revealing crucial roles in early embryonic development.

    Maternal Kdm2a-mediated PI3K/Akt signaling and E-cadherin stimulate the morula-to-blastocyst transition revealing crucial roles in early embryonic development.
    Xiong X, Yang M, Hai Z, Fei X, Zhu Y, Pan B, Yang Q, Xie Y, Cheng Y, Xiong Y, Lan D, Fu W, Li J.

    Characterizing interactions in E-cadherin assemblages.

    Characterizing interactions in E-cadherin assemblages.
    Shome S, Jia K, Sivasankar S, Jernigan RL., Free PMC Article

    E-cadherin in developing murine T cells controls spindle alignment and progression through beta-selection.

    E-cadherin in developing murine T cells controls spindle alignment and progression through β-selection.
    Charnley M, Allam AH, Newton LM, Humbert PO, Russell SM.

    Loss of E-cadherin is causal to pathologic changes in chronic lung disease.

    Loss of E-cadherin is causal to pathologic changes in chronic lung disease.
    Ghosh B, Loube J, Thapa S, Ryan H, Capodanno E, Chen D, Swaby C, Chen S, Mahmud S, Girgis M, Nishida K, Ying L, Chengala PP, Tieng E, Burnim M, Wally A, Bhowmik D, Zaykaner M, Yeung-Luk B, Mitzner W, Biswal S, Sidhaye VK., Free PMC Article

    Conditional ablation of E-cadherin in the oral epithelium progeny results in tooth anomalies.

    Conditional ablation of E-cadherin in the oral epithelium progeny results in tooth anomalies.
    Kyrkanides S, Trochesset D, Cordero-Ricardo M, Brouxhon SM., Free PMC Article

    E-cadherin deficiency promotes prostate macrophage inflammation and bladder overactivity in aged male mice.

    E-cadherin deficiency promotes prostate macrophage inflammation and bladder overactivity in aged male mice.
    Pascal LE, Igarashi T, Mizoguchi S, Chen W, Rigatti LH, Madigan CG, Dhir R, Bushman W, DeFranco DB, Yoshimura N, Wang Z., Free PMC Article

    Epithelial and Neural Cadherin in Mammalian Fertilization: Studies in the Mouse Model.

    Epithelial and Neural Cadherin in Mammalian Fertilization: Studies in the Mouse Model.
    Verón GL, Veiga MF, Cameo M, Marín-Briggiler CI, Vazquez-Levin MH., Free PMC Article

    E-cadherin is regulated by GATA-2 and marks the early commitment of mouse hematopoietic progenitors to the basophil and mast cell fates.

    E-cadherin is regulated by GATA-2 and marks the early commitment of mouse hematopoietic progenitors to the basophil and mast cell fates.
    Wanet A, Bassal MA, Patel SB, Marchi F, Mariani SA, Ahmed N, Zhang H, Borchiellini M, Chen S, Zhang J, Di Ruscio A, Miyake K, Tsai M, Paranjape A, Park SY, Karasuyama H, Schroeder T, Dzierzak E, Galli SJ, Tenen DG, Welner RS., Free PMC Article

    E-Cadherin restricts mast cell degranulation in mice.

    E-Cadherin restricts mast cell degranulation in mice.
    Klewer T, Bakic L, Müller-Reichert T, Kiewisz R, Jessberger G, Kiessling N, Roers A, Jessberger R.

    Extracellular domains of E-cadherin determine key mechanical phenotypes of an epithelium through cell- and non-cell-autonomous outside-in signaling.

    Extracellular domains of E-cadherin determine key mechanical phenotypes of an epithelium through cell- and non-cell-autonomous outside-in signaling.
    Aladin DMK, Chu YS, Shen S, Robinson RC, Dufour S, Viasnoff V, Borghi N, Thiery JP., Free PMC Article

    Runx2 deficiency in junctional epithelium of mouse molars decreases the expressions of E-cadherin and junctional adhesion molecule 1.

    Runx2 deficiency in junctional epithelium of mouse molars decreases the expressions of E-cadherin and junctional adhesion molecule 1.
    Tian Y, Mu H, Wang A, Gao Y, Dong Z, Zhao Y, Li C, Zhang L, Gao Y.

    Nuclear translocation of beta-catenin induced by E-cadherin endocytosis causes recurrent erosion of diabetic cornea.

    Nuclear translocation of β-catenin induced by E-cadherin endocytosis causes recurrent erosion of diabetic cornea.
    Ma W, Xie Z, Chen H, Zeng L, Chen X, Feng S, Lu X., Free PMC Article

    Modulation of the EMT/MET Process by E-Cadherin in Airway Epithelia Stress Injury.

    Modulation of the EMT/MET Process by E-Cadherin in Airway Epithelia Stress Injury.
    Han L, Luo H, Huang W, Zhang J, Wu D, Wang J, Pi J, Liu C, Qu X, Liu H, Qin X, Xiang Y., Free PMC Article

    Effect of irradiation on the expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin in early and late radiation sequelae of the urinary bladder and its modulation by NF-kappaB inhibitor thalidomide.

    Effect of irradiation on the expression of E-cadherin and β-catenin in early and late radiation sequelae of the urinary bladder and its modulation by NF-κB inhibitor thalidomide.
    Krischak A, Kowaliuk J, Sarsarshahi S, Dörr W, Kleiter M., Free PMC Article

    CENP-T regulates both the G2/M transition and anaphase entry by acting through CDH1 in meiotic oocytes.

    CENP-T regulates both the G2/M transition and anaphase entry by acting through CDH1 in meiotic oocytes.
    Wang Y, Li J, Dong F, Yue W, Ouyang YC, Wang ZB, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY.

    The endothelial function biomarker soluble E-selectin is associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

    The endothelial function biomarker soluble E-selectin is associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
    Simons N, Bijnen M, Wouters KAM, Rensen SS, Beulens JWJ, van Greevenbroek MMJ, 't Hart LM, Greve JWM, van der Kallen CJH, Schaper NC, Schalkwijk CG, Stehouwer CDA, Brouwers MCGJ., Free PMC Article

    Epithelial cadherin regulates transition between the naive and primed pluripotent states in mouse embryonic stem cells.

    Epithelial cadherin regulates transition between the naïve and primed pluripotent states in mouse embryonic stem cells.
    Sharaireh AM, Fitzpatrick LM, Ward CM, McKay TR, Unwin RD.

    Prostate-Specific Deletion of Cdh1 Induces Murine Prostatic Inflammation and Bladder Overactivity.

    Prostate-Specific Deletion of Cdh1 Induces Murine Prostatic Inflammation and Bladder Overactivity.
    Pascal LE, Mizoguchi S, Chen W, Rigatti LH, Igarashi T, Dhir R, Tyagi P, Wu Z, Yang Z, de Groat WC, DeFranco DB, Yoshimura N, Wang Z., Free PMC Article

    Circ-AKT3 inhibits the accumulation of extracellular matrix of mesangial cells in diabetic nephropathy via modulating miR-296-3p/E-cadherin signals.

    Circ-AKT3 inhibits the accumulation of extracellular matrix of mesangial cells in diabetic nephropathy via modulating miR-296-3p/E-cadherin signals.
    Tang B, Li W, Ji TT, Li XY, Qu X, Feng L, Bai S., Free PMC Article

    Loss of Pancreatic E-Cadherin Causes Pancreatitis-Like Changes and Contributes to Carcinogenesis.

    Loss of Pancreatic E-Cadherin Causes Pancreatitis-Like Changes and Contributes to Carcinogenesis.
    Kaneta Y, Sato T, Hikiba Y, Sugimori M, Sue S, Kaneko H, Irie K, Sasaki T, Kondo M, Chuma M, Shibata W, Maeda S., Free PMC Article

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