HELQ deficiency impairs the induction of primordial germ cell-like cells. | HELQ deficiency impairs the induction of primordial germ cell-like cells. Wan C, Huang Y, Xue X, Chang G, Wang M, Zhao XY, Luo F, Tang ZZ., Free PMC Article | 07/23/2024 |
A Human Homozygous HELQ Missense Variant Does Not Cause Premature Ovarian Insufficiency in a Mouse Model. | A Human Homozygous HELQ Missense Variant Does Not Cause Premature Ovarian Insufficiency in a Mouse Model. Bakhshalizadeh S, Bird AD, Sreenivasan R, Bell KM, Robevska G, van den Bergen J, Asghari-Jafarabadi M, Kueh AJ, Touraine P, Lokchine A, Jaillard S, Ayers KL, Wilhelm D, Sinclair AH, Tucker EJ., Free PMC Article | 04/1/2024 |
Mitotic DNA Synthesis in Untransformed Human Cells Preserves Common Fragile Site Stability via a FANCD2-Driven Mechanism That Requires HELQ. | Mitotic DNA Synthesis in Untransformed Human Cells Preserves Common Fragile Site Stability via a FANCD2-Driven Mechanism That Requires HELQ. Traband EL, Hammerlund SR, Shameem M, Narayan A, Ramana S, Tella A, Sobeck A, Shima N., Free PMC Article | 02/1/2024 |
Human HELQ regulates DNA end resection at DNA double-strand breaks and stalled replication forks. | Human HELQ regulates DNA end resection at DNA double-strand breaks and stalled replication forks. Zhao Y, Hou K, Li Y, Hao S, Liu Y, Na Y, Li C, Cui J, Xu X, Wu X, Wang H., Free PMC Article | 12/20/2023 |
Interaction of human HelQ with DNA polymerase delta halts DNA synthesis and stimulates DNA single-strand annealing. | Interaction of human HelQ with DNA polymerase delta halts DNA synthesis and stimulates DNA single-strand annealing. He L, Lever R, Cubbon A, Tehseen M, Jenkins T, Nottingham AO, Horton A, Betts H, Fisher M, Hamdan SM, Soultanas P, Bolt EL., Free PMC Article | 03/7/2023 |
Identification and Functional Investigation of Novel Heterozygous HELQ Mutations in Patients with Sertoli Cell-only Syndrome. | Identification and Functional Investigation of Novel Heterozygous HELQ Mutations in Patients with Sertoli Cell-only Syndrome. Murtaza G, Yang L, Khan I, Unar A, Khan M, Huan Z, Khan R, Shi Q. | 02/19/2022 |
HELQ and EGR3 expression correlate with IGHV mutation status and prognosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. | HELQ and EGR3 expression correlate with IGHV mutation status and prognosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Guo C, Gao YY, Ju QQ, Zhang CX, Gong M, Li ZL., Free PMC Article | 07/17/2021 |
HELQ plays an important role in regulating the expression of DNA repair proteins NER pathway which, in turn, contributes to cellular response to cisplatin and patients' response to platinum-based chemotherapy. | Helicase POLQ-like (HELQ) as a novel indicator of platinum-based chemoresistance for epithelial ovarian cancer. Long J, Zhu JY, Liu YB, Fu K, Tian Y, Li PY, Yang WQ, Yang SY, Yin JY, Yin G, Zhang Y. | 07/14/2018 |
WHD domain may contribute to ssDNA translocation, resulting in DNA helicase activity or in removal of other DNA bound proteins by "reeling" ssDNA. | DNA binding and unwinding by Hel308 helicase requires dual functions of a winged helix domain. Northall SJ, Buckley R, Jones N, Penedo JC, Soultanas P, Bolt EL. | 12/30/2017 |
HELQ regulates the CHK1-RAD51 signaling pathway in osteosarcoma cells. | HELQ reverses the malignant phenotype of osteosarcoma cells via CHK1-RAD51 signaling pathway. Liu DN, Zhou YF, Peng AF, Long XH, Chen XY, Liu ZL, Xia H. | 03/25/2017 |
Our results indicate that HELQ is not a major breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene in the Finnish population | Screening of HELQ in breast and ovarian cancer families. Pelttari LM, Kinnunen L, Kiiski JI, Khan S, Blomqvist C, Aittomäki K, Nevanlinna H. | 10/8/2016 |
No mutation was identified. Our study indicates for the first time that mutations in the coding sequence of the HELQ gene may not be responsible for premature ovarian failure in Chinese Han population. | The screening of HELQ gene in Chinese patients with premature ovarian failure. Wang W, Zhao S, Zhuang L, Li W, Qin Y, Chen ZJ. | 08/6/2016 |
Single nucleotide polymorphism in the HELQ gene is associated with upper aerodigestive tract cancers. | Genetic variants in DNA repair pathways and risk of upper aerodigestive tract cancers: combined analysis of data from two genome-wide association studies in European populations. Babron MC, Kazma R, Gaborieau V, McKay J, Brennan P, Sarasin A, Benhamou S. | 09/27/2014 |
HELQ is associated with the RAD51 paralogs RAD51B/C/D and XRCC2, and with the DNA damage-responsive kinase ATR. | Human DNA helicase HELQ participates in DNA interstrand crosslink tolerance with ATR and RAD51 paralogs. Takata K, Reh S, Tomida J, Person MD, Wood RD., Free PMC Article | 04/5/2014 |
one role for HEL308 at sites of blocked replication might be to open up the parental strands to facilitate the loading of subsequent factors required for replication restart. | Human HEL308 localizes to damaged replication forks and unwinds lagging strand structures. Tafel AA, Wu L, McHugh PJ., Free PMC Article | 07/2/2011 |
Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator) | Investigation of genetic susceptibility factors for human longevity - a targeted nonsynonymous SNP study. Flachsbart F, Franke A, Kleindorp R, Caliebe A, Blanché H, Schreiber S, Nebel A. | 12/5/2010 |
Clinical trial of gene-disease association and gene-environment interaction. (HuGE Navigator) | Personalized smoking cessation: interactions between nicotine dose, dependence and quit-success genotype score. Rose JE, Behm FM, Drgon T, Johnson C, Uhl GR., Free PMC Article | 06/30/2010 |
Observational study and meta-analysis of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator) | Comprehensive analysis of DNA repair gene variants and risk of meningioma. Bethke L, Murray A, Webb E, Schoemaker M, Muir K, McKinney P, Hepworth S, Dimitropoulou P, Lophatananon A, Feychting M, Lönn S, Ahlbom A, Malmer B, Henriksson R, Auvinen A, Kiuru A, Salminen T, Johansen C, Christensen HC, Kosteljanetz M, Swerdlow A, Houlston R. | 04/3/2008 |
A human DNA helicase homologous to the DNA cross-link sensitivity protein Mus308 | A human DNA helicase homologous to the DNA cross-link sensitivity protein Mus308. Marini F, Wood RD. | 01/21/2010 |
identification of homolog to POLN | POLN, a nuclear PolA family DNA polymerase homologous to the DNA cross-link sensitivity protein Mus308. Marini F, Kim N, Schuffert A, Wood RD. | 01/21/2010 |