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    DIDO1 death inducer-obliterator 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 11083, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Dido3 is an adaptor that controls SFPQ utilization in RNA splicing

    Dido3-dependent SFPQ recruitment maintains efficiency in mammalian alternative splicing.
    Mora Gallardo C, Sánchez de Diego A, Gutiérrez Hernández J, Talavera-Gutiérrez A, Fischer T, Martínez-A C, van Wely KHM., Free PMC Article

    CircDIDO1 inhibits gastric cancer progression by encoding a novel DIDO1-529aa protein and regulating PRDX2 protein stability.

    CircDIDO1 inhibits gastric cancer progression by encoding a novel DIDO1-529aa protein and regulating PRDX2 protein stability.
    Zhang Y, Jiang J, Zhang J, Shen H, Wang M, Guo Z, Zang X, Shi H, Gao J, Cai H, Fang X, Qian H, Xu W, Zhang X., Free PMC Article

    Role of DIDO1 in Progression of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

    Role of DIDO1 in Progression of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
    Forghanifard MM, Naeimi Khorasanizadeh P, Abbaszadegan MR, Javdani Mallak A, Moghbeli M.

    Results identified a novel pH-dependent mechanism by which epigenetic reader, the PHD fingers of DIDO, recognize the histone mark H3K4me3. The pH-sensing ability might be necessary for normal biological processes and those characterized by altered cellular pH.

    A Unique pH-Dependent Recognition of Methylated Histone H3K4 by PPS and DIDO.
    Tencer AH, Gatchalian J, Klein BJ, Khan A, Zhang Y, Strahl BD, van Wely KHM, Kutateladze TG., Free PMC Article

    evaluated the Death Inducer-Obliterator (DIDO) (variants DIDO 1, 2 and 3) levels in CML, PV, ET and PMF patients. Our data reported the DIDO 1, 2 and 3 differential expressions in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms.

    The expression of Death Inducer-Obliterator (DIDO) variants in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms.
    Berzoti-Coelho MG, Ferreira AF, de Souza Nunes N, Pinto MT, Júnior MC, Simões BP, Martínez-A C, Souto EX, Panepucci RA, Covas DT, Kashima S, Castro FA.

    Dido1 induces the expression of Integrin alphaV, thereby promoting the attachment, migration, invasion and apoptosis resistance of melanoma cells.

    Death inducer-obliterator 1 (Dido1) is a BMP target gene and promotes BMP-induced melanoma progression.
    Braig S, Bosserhoff AK.

    Data show that CSE1L, DIDO1 and RBM39 mRNA expression levels correlated with chromosome 20q DNA copy number status.

    CSE1L, DIDO1 and RBM39 in colorectal adenoma to carcinoma progression.
    Sillars-Hardebol AH, Carvalho B, Beliën JA, de Wit M, Delis-van Diemen PM, Tijssen M, van de Wiel MA, Pontén F, Meijer GA, Fijneman RJ.

    Gambogic acid induces the apoptosis of Raji cells through DIO-1 upregulation, nuclear translocation, Bcl-xL downregulation and caspase 3 activation.

    [Mechanism of gambogic acid-induced apoptosis in Raji cells].
    Wang Y, Chen Y, Chen Z, Ke WJ, Wu QL, He J.

    Clinical trial of gene-disease association and gene-environment interaction. (HuGE Navigator)

    Personalized smoking cessation: interactions between nicotine dose, dependence and quit-success genotype score.
    Rose JE, Behm FM, Drgon T, Johnson C, Uhl GR., Free PMC Article

    Gambogic acid induces DIDO1-mediated apoptosis in Jurkat T cells.

    Gambogic acid induces death inducer-obliterator 1-mediated apoptosis in Jurkat T cells.
    Wang Y, Chen Y, Chen Z, Wu Q, Ke WJ, Wu QL.

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)See all PubMed (5) articles

    Investigation of genetic susceptibility factors for human longevity - a targeted nonsynonymous SNP study.
    Flachsbart F, Franke A, Kleindorp R, Caliebe A, Blanché H, Schreiber S, Nebel A.

    A Large-scale genetic association study of esophageal adenocarcinoma risk.
    Liu CY, Wu MC, Chen F, Ter-Minassian M, Asomaning K, Zhai R, Wang Z, Su L, Heist RS, Kulke MH, Lin X, Liu G, Christiani DC.

    Association of genetic variants with hemorrhagic stroke in Japanese individuals.
    Yoshida T, Kato K, Yokoi K, Oguri M, Watanabe S, Metoki N, Yoshida H, Satoh K, Aoyagi Y, Nozawa Y, Yamada Y.

    Assessment of a polymorphism of SDK1 with hypertension in Japanese Individuals.
    Oguri M, Kato K, Yokoi K, Yoshida T, Watanabe S, Metoki N, Yoshida H, Satoh K, Aoyagi Y, Nozawa Y, Yamada Y.

    A genetic association study of migraine with dopamine receptor 4, dopamine transporter and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase genes.
    Mochi M, Cevoli S, Cortelli P, Pierangeli G, Soriani S, Scapoli C, Montagna P.

    Data suggest that Dido might be one of the tumor suppressor genes at chromosome 20q and that the Dido-targeted mouse may be a suitable model for studying myeloproliferative diseases and myelodysplastic syndromes.

    Dido gene expression alterations are implicated in the induction of hematological myeloid neoplasms.
    Fütterer A, Campanero MR, Leonardo E, Criado LM, Flores JM, Hernández JM, San Miguel JF, Martínez-A C., Free PMC Article

    Dido3, the largest splice variant of the Dido gene, is a centrosome-associated protein whose disruption leads to supernumerary centrosomes, failure to maintain cellular mitotic arrest, and early degradation of the mitotic checkpoint protein BubR1.

    Dido disruption leads to centrosome amplification and mitotic checkpoint defects compromising chromosome stability.
    Trachana V, van Wely KH, Guerrero AA, Fütterer A, Martínez-A C., Free PMC Article

    Novel transcription factors identified in human CD34 antigen-positive hematopoietic stem cells.

    Novel transcription factors in human CD34 antigen-positive hematopoietic cells.
    Gomes I, Sharma TT, Edassery S, Fulton N, Mar BG, Westbrook CA.

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