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Selected video demonstrations of uses of the Sequence Viewer and NCBI Genome Browsers

Genome Data Viewer: Navigate Exons and Find CDS Positions
(3:49 mins)

Genome Data Viewer: Tips for Zooming to Chromosomal Regions
(2:34 mins)

analyzing remote bam alignment files
Genome Data Viewer: Analyzing Remote BAM Alignment Files and Other Tips
(6:18 mins)

tips for customizing gene track displays
Tips for Customizing Gene Track Displays in NCBI Graphical Sequence Viewers
(3:41 mins)

adjust graph display settings in genome data viewer
How to adjust graph display settings in NCBI's Genome Data Viewer
(3:19 mins)

introducing track hubs
Introducing Track Hubs
(1:55 mins)
Track hubs functionality is shown in the video in the context of the Genome Data Viewer. The same functionality is available in the standalone Sequence Viewer via the "Tracks" menu (as mentioned in the end of the video).

Embed the NCBI Sequence Viewer into Your Pages
Embed the NCBI Sequence Viewer into Your Pages
(7:08 mins)

 Display Translation discrepancies
Sequence Viewer: Display Translation Discrepancies
(2:59 mins)

 Display dbVar Supporting Calls
Sequence Viewer: Display dbVar Supporting Calls
(1:52 mins)

NCBI Recommended Track Set Introduction
NCBI Recommended Track Set Introduction
(2:55 mins)

My NCBI Track Collections Introduction
My NCBI Track Collections Introduction
(3:32 mins)

Download transcripts, exons, and proteins
Download Transcripts, Exons, and Proteins
(3:00 mins)

PDF Rendering Feature
PDF Rendering Feature
(1:59 mins)

Reset orgins and flip strands
How to reset origins and flip strands
(3:13 mins)

HGVS terms to search
Use HGVS terms to search
(2:14 mins)

Configurator Video
How to Configure Sequence Viewer
(2:40 mins)

How to use BLAST in Sequence Viewer
(1:59 mins)

Primer BLAST Video
Using Primer BLAST in Sequence Viewer
(2:05 mins)

Six Frame Translations
Six Frame Translations
(2:01 mins)

Can't find a demo/tutorial suitable to your analyses? Don't forget to check out additional tutorials on the NCBI YouTube channel

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Last updated: 2021-10-28T15:54:40Z