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SRX986624: GSM1655402: 16h_WT+_RiboZero; mixed sample; RNA-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (NextSeq 500) run: 5.3M spots, 396.9M bases, 213.7Mb downloads

Submitted by: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)
Study: Dual RNA-seq – rRNA depletion establishment
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Bacteria possess many small noncoding RNAs whose regulatory roles in pathogenesis are little understood due to a paucity of macroscopic phenotypes in standard virulence assays. Here, we use a novel Dual RNA-seq approach for a single-step simultaneous RNA profiling in both pathogen and host to reveal molecular phenotypes of sRNAs during infection with Salmonella Typhimurium. We identify a new PhoP/Q-activated small RNA which upon bacterial internalization acts to temporally control the expression of both, invasion-associated effectors and virulence genes required for intracellular survival. This riboregulatory activity is shown to adjust the human response to replicating Salmonella, and have a pervasive impact on host RNA expression both inside and outside protein-coding regions including infection-specific alterations of an array of long noncoding RNAs. Our study provides a paradigm for a comprehensive RNA-based analysis of intracellular bacterial pathogens without their physical purification from a host and a new discovery route for hidden functions of pathogen genes. Overall design: rRNA depletion establishment
Sample: 16h_WT+_RiboZero
SAMN03470570 • SRS901486 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Homo sapiens
Instrument: NextSeq 500
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: miRvana for total RNA (Ambion) miRvana kit for total RNA (Ambion) or TRIzol (Invitrogen) as indicated cDNA libraries for Illumina sequencing were generated by Vertis Biotechnology AG, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany (http://www.vertisbiotech.com/). For the total RNA sample ~500 ng were used for cDNA library preparation. DNase I-treated total RNA samples were first sheared via ultra-sound sonication (4 pulses of 30 s at 4°C each) to generate on average ~200-400 bp fragmentation products. Then, fragments <20 nt were removed using the Agencourt RNAClean XP kit (Beckman Coulter Genomics). The samples were then poly(A)-tailed using poly(A) polymerase and the 5’triphosphate (and eukaryotic cap) structures were removed using tobacco acid pyrophosphatase (TAP). Afterwards, an RNA adapter was ligated to the 5’monophosphate of the RNA. First-strand cDNA synthesis was performed using an oligo(dT)-adapter primer and the M-MLV reverse transcriptase (NEB). The cDNA library for the rRNA-depleted sample was constructed similarly, except for the following modifications in the protocol: Upon the fragmentation of the RNA, a dephosphorylation step with Antarctic Phosphatase (AP, NEB) and a re-phosphorylation with T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (PNK, NEB) were performed. Oligonucleotide adapters were ligated to both the 5' and 3' end of the RNA samples. First-strand cDNA synthesis was performed using M-MLV reverse transcriptase and the 3’ adapter as primer. In any case, the resulting cDNA was PCR-amplified to about 20-30 ng/µL using a high fidelity DNA polymerase (barcode sequences for multiplexing were part of the 3’primers). The cDNA library was purified using the Agencourt AMPure XP kit (Beckman Coulter Genomics) and analyzed by capillary electrophoresis (Agilent Technologies).
Experiment attributes:
GEO Accession: GSM1655402
External link:
Runs: 1 run, 5.3M spots, 396.9M bases, 213.7Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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