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SRX7573011: GSM4275002: 0-0.5h M-,Z+ mettl3 and mettl14 double mutant embryos RNA-seq replicate 1; Drosophila melanogaster; RNA-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina NovaSeq 6000) run: 28.8M spots, 8.6G bases, 2.5Gb downloads

Submitted by: NCBI (GEO)
Study: Dynamic FMR1 granule phase switch instructed by m6A modification contributes to maternal RNA decay
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Maternal RNA degradation is critical for embryogenesis and is tightly controlled by maternal RNA-binding proteins. Fragile X mental-retardation protein (FMR1) binds target mRNAs to form ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes/granules that control various biological processes, including early embryogenesis. However, how FMR1 recognizes target mRNAs and how FMR1-RNP granule assembly/disassembly regulates FMR1-associated mRNAs remain elusive. Here we show that Drosophila FMR1 preferentially binds mRNAs containing m6A-marked “AGACU” motif with high affinity to contributes to maternal RNA degradation. The high-affinity binding largely depends on a hydrophobic network within FMR1 KH2 domain. Importantly, this binding greatly induces FMR1 granule condensation to efficiently recruit unmodified mRNAs. The degradation of maternal mRNAs then causes granule de-condensation, allowing normal embryogenesis. Our findings reveal that sequence-specific mRNAs instruct FMR1-RNP granules to undergo a dynamic phase-switch, thus contributes to maternal mRNA decay. This mechanism may represent a general principle that regulated RNP-granules control RNA processing and normal development. Overall design: RNA-seq of embryos at the indicated stages were generated by deep sequencing, in duplicate, using NovaSeq platform. MeRIP-Seq of embryos at the indicated stages were generated by deep sequencing, in duplicate, using illumina Hiseq instrument.
Sample: 0-0.5h M-,Z+ mettl3 and mettl14 double mutant embryos RNA-seq replicate 1
SAMN13874113 • SRS6008514 • All experiments • All runs
Instrument: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Total RNAs were isolated from embryos at the indicated stages using TRIzol reagent (Thermo Fisher). The mRNAs were purified using a NEBNext Poly(A) mRNA Magnetic Isolation kit (NEB) according to the user manual. The MeRIP-Seq was performed by Cloudseq Biotech Inc. (Shanghai, China) . Briefly, 5 ug of fragmented mRNAs were incubated with 5 ug of anti m6A polyclonal antibody (millipore) in IP buffer (150 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris–HCl, 0.1% NP-40, pH 7.4) for 2 h at 4°C. The mixture was then immunoprecipitated by incubation with protein-A beads (Thermo Fisher) at 4◦C for an additional 2 h. Beads with captured RNA fragments were then immediately washed 3 times with 500 μl of ice-cold IP buffer. Bound mRNAs were eluted from the beads with N6-methyladenosine (BERRY & ASSOCIATES, PR3732) in IP buffer and then extracted with Trizol reagent (Thermo Fisher). To RNA-seq and RIP-seq, Illumina Truseq libraries were constructed according to the manufacturer's instructions and sequenced using NovaSeq platform. with paired end read length of 150 bp. RNA-seq library generation with NEBNext® Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit (New England Biolabs, Inc., USA). MeRIP-Seq Library sequencing was performed on an illumina Hiseq instrument with 150bp paired-end reads.
Experiment attributes:
GEO Accession: GSM4275002
Runs: 1 run, 28.8M spots, 8.6G bases, 2.5Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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