Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2000
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Retinae were dissected from p11 knockout or wild-type littermate controls. Both retinae from each animal were pooled for each sample. RNA was extracted using trizol and Qiagen Rneasy purification with on-column DNase digestion. Illumina library construction and sequencing was carried out as follows: total RNA was depleted of ribosomal RNA using the Ribozero rRNA removal kit (Epicentre), heat-fragmented to 200-700 bp in length and cloned using Uricil-N-Glycosylase-based strand-specific cloning. cDNA fragments were sequenced using an Illumina HiSeq 2000 Strand-specific, rRNA depleted total RNA, Paired (WT vs. Mef2d KO) or single-end (WT vs. Crx KO) 49 bp sequencing