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SRX22530769: GSM7900891: Med15-degron yeast, plus auxin treatment; Saccharomyces cerevisiae; RNA-Seq
2 ILLUMINA (NextSeq 2000) runs: 314.4M spots, 48.1G bases, 14.7Gb downloads

External Id: GSM7900891_r1
Submitted by: Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Study: Transcriptional noise, gene activation, and roles of SAGA and Mediator Tail measured using nucleotide recoding single cell RNA-seq
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The populational variance of eukaryotic transcription differs by gene, and can be range from constitutive to bursty in nature. Exemplary bursty yeast genes tend to rely on SAGA and Mediator Tail (coactivator-redundant, CR) for transcription, and often contain TATA boxes in their promoters. To dissect gene-specific transcriptional bursting and the roles of coactivator complexes in regulating bursting in yeast, we performed genome-wide nascent single-cell RNA-seq. Examining the transcriptional variance-mean relationship (Fano factor) for thousands of yeast genes across cell populations, we found that CR-class genes generally display burstier transcription than TFIID-class genes, regardless of expression level. We also found that the cell cycle-dependent activation of yeast histone genes correlates with an increase in Fano. Finally, we assessed the consequences of rapid depletion of SAGA or Mediator Tail coactivator complex subunits. On a per-gene basis, we observed a strong relationship between bulk transcriptional fold change and the change in fraction of yeast cells actively transcribing (Fon), and a weak relationship between bulk transcriptional fold change and the change in mean expression per cell (MPC). We also observe gene-specific variation in Fon, MPC, and Fano following coactivator depletion. These results provide insight into gene-specific transcriptional kinetics and the roles of coactivator complexes in gene activation and transcriptional bursting. Overall design: Time courses of transcriptional metabolic labeling with 4-thiouracil were performed in S. cerevisiae, followed by in-cell nucleotide recoding (NR) chemistry treatment to induce U-to-C mutations in nascent RNAs. NR-recoded yeast were then subjected to scRNA-seq, and nascent RNAs were identified by their T-to-C mutation content in cDNAs. The functions of SAGA and Mediator Tail were also assessed by performing rapid coactivator depletion (Spt3/7 or Med15) using the auxin-inducible degron approach immediately prior to metabolic labeling, NR chemistry treament and scRNA-seq.
Sample: Med15-degron yeast, plus auxin treatment
SAMN38262009 • SRS19541558 • All experiments • All runs
Name: GSM7900891
Instrument: NextSeq 2000
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Fixed cells were incubated on ice for 15min, then pelleted and washed twice with ice cold PBS + 0.01% BSA. Cells were resuspended in 400ul PBS + 0.01% BSA, and the cell suspension was added to 1mL of alkylation buffer, followed by a 45min incubation at 45°C with occasional inversion. Cells were pelleted and washed twice with PBS + 0.01% BSA + 10mM DTT, then washed once with 1M sorbitol + 0.01% BSA. Cells were then resuspended in 900ul spheroplasting buffer, and 100ul of 100mg/ml Zymolyase 100T was added. Cells were spheroplasted for ~30min at 30°C with occasional inversion. The spheroplasting mixture was filtered through a MACS SmartStrainer, and spheroplasts were pelleted then washed twice in 1M sorbitol + 0.01% BSA. Spheroplasts were counted immediately prior to GEM generation using a hemocytometer. The Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 3ʹ Kit (10x Genomics, V3.1) protocol was performed according to manufacturer's instructions. Briefly, GEMs containing Gel Beads decorated with poly(dT) capture sequences (including Illumina TruSeq Read 1 sequence, 10x Cell barcode, and UMI) were prepared. GEMs were combined with prepared yeast spheroplasts, resulting in lysis of the spheroplasts in droplets and capture of PolyA-containing RNA on Gel Beads. Captured RNAs were reverse transcribed, GEMs were broken and pooled, and cDNA was amplified resulting in the installation of i5 and i7 sample indexes. Prepared paired-end libraries were sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq 2000 instrument using P3 reagents, with read configuration of 28nt for R1 to identify cell barcode and UMIs, and 125nt for R2 to sequence the captured mRNA.
Runs: 2 runs, 314.4M spots, 48.1G bases, 14.7Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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