Name: GSM7842651
Instrument: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Strategy: OTHER
Selection: other
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: The presence of the Padi6 variant, the removal of Neo box and the presence of the flippase gene were demonstrated by PCR on tail DNA extracted with standard procedures. Amplicons of 430 bp and 290 bp were amplified from the mutant or wild type Padi6 alleles, respectively, by using the primers Padi6_RimF and Padi6_RimR. This difference was due to a fragment of the NEO box remaining after the flippase recombination. The presence of the mutation was also identified by digestion with the restriction enzyme StuI, which was generated by the mutation, after amplification of a 420 bp fragment with the primers For LA HindIII + SnaBI and Rev GEN Padi6. The presence of the NEO box was detected using the primers PGK1A For and Padi6_RimR. The presence of the flippase was detected using the primers FLP_F and FLP_R. The primer sequences are listed in the Supp. Table S17. Whole genome sequencing was performed on genomic DNA of homozygous female. The DNA samples were sequenced 150 bp pair-end at BIODIVERSA srl Service (Milan, Italy) using the Nextera DNA Prep illumina and the Illumina NovaSeq6000 platform.