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SRX1892884: GSM2224631: Nppa viewpoint in the E12.5 ventricles; Mus musculus; OTHER
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2000) run: 823,440 spots, 40.3M bases, 38.7Mb downloads

Submitted by: NCBI (GEO)
Study: Identification of a regulatory domain controlling the Nppa-Nppb gene cluster during heart development and stress
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The paralogous genes Nppa and Nppb are organized in an evolutionary conserved cluster and are a valuable model to study coregulation and regulatory landscape organization during heart development and disease. Here, we analyzed the chromatin conformation, epigenetic status and enhancer potential of sequences of the Nppa-Nppb cluster in vivo. Our data indicate that the regulatory landscape of the cluster is present within a 60 kbp domain centered around Nppb. Both promoters and several potential regulatory elements interact with each other in a similar manner in different tissues and developmental stages. The distribution of H3K27ac and the association of Pol2 across the locus changed during cardiac hypertrophy, revealing their potential involvement in stress-mediated gene regulation. In summary, the developmental regulation and stress-response of the Nppa-Nppb cluster involve the concerted action of multiple enhancers and epigenetic changes distributed across a structurally rigid regulatory domain. Overall design: We have used 4C-seq on several viewpoints around the Nppa-Nppb gene cluster in the heart and liver samples to investigate the role of chromatin conformation on regulation of Nppa and Nppb expression during heart development and disease.
Sample: Nppa viewpoint in the E12.5 ventricles
SAMN05346353 • SRS1539092 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Mus musculus
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2000
Strategy: OTHER
Selection: other
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: 4C templates was prepared as described previously (Simonis et al., 2009). Adult mouse hearts and liver were dissociated and homogenized in ice-cold PBS with 10%FCS to obtain single cell suspension. Chromatin was cross-linked with 2% formaldehyde in 40ml PBS with 10% FCS for 10 min at room temperature, nuclei were isolated in 25ml cold lysis buffer for 1h, and cross-linked DNA was digested with DpnII. Digestion was followed by proximity ligation, removal of cross-links, a secondary restriction digestion with Csp6I and a second proximity ligation. 200 ng of the resulting 4C template was used for the subsequent PCR reaction using Expand Long Template Polymerase (Roche). The PCR products were purified using the High Pure PCR Product Purification Kit (Roche) and the QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen).
Experiment attributes:
GEO Accession: GSM2224631
Runs: 1 run, 823,440 spots, 40.3M bases, 38.7Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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