assay type: RNA-seq of coding RNA
sample storage: frozen, -70 freezer
sample storage processing: cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen (dead tissue)
sampling to preparation interval: 49 months
experimental protocol: (show full text...)(hide...)
extraction protocol: (show full text...)(hide...)
library preparation location:
Centro de Genomica Funcional ESALQ-USP Piracicaba (show full text...)(hide...)Centro de Genomica Funcional ESALQ-USP Piracicaba Brazil
library preparation location longitude: -22.71 decimal degrees
library preparation location latitude: -47.63 decimal degrees
library preparation date: 2017-10-18 YYYY-MM-DD
sequencing location:
Functional Genomic applied to Agriculture ESALQ-US (show full text...)(hide...)Functional Genomic applied to Agriculture ESALQ-USP Piracicaba Brazil
sequencing location longitude: -22.71 decimal degrees
sequencing location latitude: -47.63 decimal degrees
sequencing date: 2017-10-25 YYYY-MM-DD
experiment target: polyA RNA
rna preparation 3' adapter ligation protocol: (show full text...)(hide...)
rna preparation 5' adapter ligation protocol: (show full text...)(hide...)
library generation pcr product isolation protocol: (show full text...)(hide...)
preparation reverse transcription protocol: (show full text...)(hide...)
library generation protocol: (show full text...)(hide...)
read strand: mate 1 sense
rna purity - 260:280 ratio: 2.14
rna purity - 260:230 ratio: not collected
rna integrity number: 9.2